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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Capte1: Pegasus Facility)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 12 June 2004, 11:26 AM

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0545 Hours, September 20, 2552
Orbit Around Earth/ UNSC Moon Base- A122,
Pegasus Special Weapons Facility

       A loud explosion jolted Corporal David Richards back into consciousness. Keeping his eyes closed, he took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the clean, cool air from his helmet's air scrubbers. They gave a slight metallic taste to the air, but it had saved Cpl. David many times when he was in the toxic environments of certain covenant vessels. The hum of the scrubbers was lulling David to sleep when he remember he was in the middle a waging battle.
       David opened his sore eyes and looked into darkness. The blast shield in his helmet was shut, and he could see a deep crack down the middle of it. What the hell happened to me?, wondered the Cpl. as he Lifted up his hurting arms and grabbed his helmet. David lifted up his head and felt for the release button in the back. With a loud hiss and click, the locks holding his helmet to his suit disengaged. He grasped his helmet firmly and pulled it off.
       He shook his head and reopened his eyes. David found himself behind a barrier, surrounded by his 8 dead squad mates. Their facial expressions and their positions on the ground showed that they had died fighting. Most had gun in hand, with the trigger half squeezed. Others had full clips in their hands, trying to reload. Almost all had their drop suits burned from the covenants plasma weapons. Strangely he couldn't remember any of their names. Must've hit my head, though David as he rubbed his head.
       Looking straight up, he saw the ceiling of the building he was in. The truss style roof was badly damaged, the beam melted and warped. Harsh light shone down from floodlights, bathing him in harsh bright light. A truss section a little past the barrier was hanging on by a thread. It was swaying side to side, just waiting to fall. Next to him a sign read storage room G-4. David slowly got to his feet, pausing to close the eyes of the soldier closest to him. When he was standing straight up, he looked around.
       Scattered on the ground, around his fallen comrades and even under his feet lay thousands of shells. They covered the floor in a thick, blinding carpet of spent brass. Puzzled at the sight of so many shells, Richards looked at the top of barrier. Two now slagged LAAG guns were welded to the top of the blackened barrier. Their triple barrels were bent at right angles to the rest of the guns. The dual shields were full of hole that went the whole way through. Two blue bolts of plasma hit each gun. The burnt metal blackened when they hit and left an eerie after glow. Happy growling from what appeared to be a pair of Elites, drifted over the barrier. He lowered his view to a point left of the barrier; there sat a narrow gap that looked like an opening to the area beyond the barrier.
       He took a few steps towards it and stopped abruptly. I'm gonna need some weapons fast, he thought. Turning on his heel David walked to the ODST closest to him. He stooped down next to them, briefly pausing to think about the face behind the mask. The raised patch on the soldier's shoulder that showed name and rank, was heavily scratched. All he could make out was, PFC J, as the rest was to badly scratched. The ODST emblem above the patch however, was completely unharmed and shone brightly in the light. The sight made him look at his own patch, which was split down the middle by a large crack. Another round of laughing broke the silence as one of the two LAAGs blew up. The heat of the explosion covered David in a blast of warm air.
       He shook his head and picked up the PFC's gun. It was a SMG with a full clip. He reached a hand into their satchel and pulled out two clips and a Flash/Bang grenade. He put the clips into his own satchel, which already contained six SMG clips, and four Magnum Pistol clip. He clipped the F/B to the grenade groves on his right thigh, next to two Frag grenades.
David stood back up, and started back to the opening.
       Right in front of it, he came to an olive drab duffel bag and a knapsack. Slinging the SMG, David opened it found 9 grenades, a loaded pistol in hoister, and a boom mike. David reached down and picked up the boom mike. He set the earpiece over his head. He adjusted the black mouthpiece to a point just in front of his chin. He took the plug and put it into the jack in the side of his suits neck guard. David clicked the transmitter on, and changed his attention back to the bag.
       He pulled out the pistol and strapped it on, making sure he could draw it on a moments notice. He went back into the bag for the grenades. He pulled out two F/B's and hooked it under the one on his thigh. David reached in again and pulled out three White Phosphorus grenades along with another f/b and two plasma grenades. He clipped them in the slots on both sides and stood up. He put on the sack and straightened it.
       He shouldered his SMG and made his way to the gap and squeezed through. On the other side he saw five Elites around some kind of holo-panel. Apparently they were deeply involved in what ever they were doing, which looked suspiciously like a game, to notice CPL. David coming up behind them. There were two blue ones Elites, a gold one Elite, and two red Elites. He aimed his rifle at the nearest Elite, a red one, and got ready to fire. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the intercom cut on.
       All combat trained personnel immediately report to testing level alpha, the order echoed throughout the storage room. This caused the gold Elite to take notice of David. He let out a throaty roar and drew his plasma rifle. His subordinates followed suit. They all aimed straight at his chest. As the first bolt went flying, David ducked behind metal dumpster. The wall where David was just standing cracked and sputtered, bits of paint hitting the ground.
       He leaded past his cover and squeezed of a few rounds at the nearest elite. It was un harmed, but the bullets cut down some of its confidence. Damn man, I can't kill these elites like this, thought David. They'll crush me in seconds.The last thought gave David an idea as he sprayed rounds at the Elite attackers. He leaned past the dumpster and looked up at the ceiling. The broken truss was hanging perfectly over the spot where the Elites stood. Before pulling his head back under cover, he emptied his clip at the Elites.
       David stood up and clamed himself down. He pulled back the release lever and watched the spent clip hit the ground. Sticking and hand into his satchel, David pulled out a fresh SMG. He pulled of the plastic wrapper and tossed it to the ground. He slammed the clip home and pushed back the lever. He fired a single round in the air to hold back the Elites. Just as he started to think when to jump a large explosion shook the storage room, things falling off just and lights shaking. This is what he wanted.
       "Three, two, one!," shouted David. He took a breath and jumped from behind his cover. Mid-air, he aimed at the truss and fire. After three rounds it broke free. Landing on his back, David started to slide on his knapsack, gun still firing. As he came to a stop, the truss landed, killing all but two of the Elites instantly. Fortunately the truss bounced off the hard floor and trapped both under the truss. David walked towards them, taking his time. He stopped to pick up three plasma grenades, two of which he clipped on to his left thigh. Slinging his SMG, the Cpl. activated the grenade, the blue glow warming his gauntleted hand. The only sounds now were the metallic click of David's boots on the ground, the hum of the grenade and the battle going on below him. He tossed the grenade into the closest Elite's head. He let out a brief before the plasma grenade went off killing him and his ally.
       David looked at the wall past the truss. There was a lift! His spirits rose as he jogged to the lift. He stopped by a snack machine on the way. He shot through the glass and stuffed a few handfuls of candy bars into his sack. He readjusted it and shouldered his weapon. David walked up to the lift. On the left side was the lift call button. He hit the down button, and the doors slid open.
       Time for fun, he thought. A pair of Elites stood in from of him fumbling for their weapons. David however was ready. He jumped backwards, firing a he went. He concentrated his fire on the Elite to the left, and it died before the spent shells hit the ground. The second Elite fired, but David rolled out of the way in time. He pulled the trigger, the last of the clips rounds pouring into the Elite. Its shield went down and the bolt jammed open. Two rounds had penetrated the Elites helmet and penetrated its crown, blinding it with blood. David pulled a plasma grenade from his side and threw it into the lift. The Elite disappeared in a flash of fire and blood.
       The Cpl. got to his feet and walked into the lift. He ejected the clip and rammed a new one home. David stretched out his neck and flexed his arms. Re shouldering his SMG, he pressed the button for the Alpha level. He shifted his feet and looked a head. The doors slid shut silently in front of him.
