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Battle Of Zanibar
Posted By: Steven Paul Moran<spartan89@bungie.net>
Date: 26 September 2004, 1:08 AM
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Battle Of Zanzibar
The Battle-Narrator strongly Sais "Assault". This is a four Vs. four Assault map, with all weapons on. The players have been split up into Spartans and Elites. The Spartans will have to Infiltrate The Elites base via boarding room. The Base is heavily guarded, but it is possible to breach with teamwork, speed, stealth, and sheer power. We will se the Battle Between the eyes of Our Well Known Spartan, The Master Chief, and our less know counter-part Zuka Zamzee, of the Great Covenant. There is no Time limit and 1 score point, its not over until one of the lead units are killed. So, to get started, lets start with the Master Chief as he is spawned on the beach.
Jon doesn't quite know why he's here, but all he has is his instinct to grab the elite's flag, and return it to the beach. Around him he sees two other Spartans. Fred, and Joshua. He noticed the Battle rifle in his hand. Good choice he thought. He said, " Lets lock and load Spartans, Move out!" The 3 Spartans shifted across the beach, like sharks in the sea. So far no enemy's were sighted, yet he knew that it would be a tough fight ahead. He spoke in his internal speakers and told the others to split up, and neutralize all targets. As the master chief made his way into a dark room, Fred jumped in a ghost, and sped off into the inner corridor of the compound. As he veered around the corner, he accidentally clipped a Elite in the back killing it instantly. Fred maliciously grinned in his helmet...
Zuka Zamzee had found himself on a cement sniping platform. He scanned around and found a Beam Rifle lying on the hard cement plating. He picked it up and charged the Inner Plasma core. The rifle made a satisfying groaning sound. He met up with one of his brothers named Sena Xenarl. Sena held two plasma pistols in his vice grips. Zuka Grumbled a deep thrilling moan when he was suddenly hit by one of those blasted human snipers. His shield was at minimum. One more hit and he would have been Jackal food. He contemplated his action, and proceeded back to the sniping tower. This time around he picked up 2 fragmentation grenades. He told Sena to go around the left and flank out the humans position. As Sena went around he went back to the door entrance he had previously been to. This time he was ready. Sena Fired his plasma pistols rapidly at the Spartan. Its shield weakened to a minimal. Just then Zuka rolled out of the doorway and took position under the metal staircase. He charged his Beam, and let loose 3 crushing blast. The Spartan hadn't seen him, yet his shot had seen the target. 2 of the shots landed dead on the Spartans head, crisping it instantaneously. He Powerfully yelled a "Wart, Wart, Wart!"
The master chief now was entering the west part of the complex. He ad just heard an echo of Plasma fire, ripple through the ground. He sensed trouble ahead. While he was walking through the corridor, he spied a solo elite, quietly sneaking through an underground passage. He had to be extra cautious, this baby was wielding a shotgun, and at this range, one shot positioned correctly could take him out in 1 shot. He gripped his battle rifle and unloaded 3 shots above the elite to confuse it. The chief then darted back into the shadows. The enemy was unaware of his position, and started scouting the perimeter, gun in hand. The Chief inched closer toward the unsuspecting elite. He grabbed a plasma grenade from his utility belt, and gracefully hurled it towards his nemesis. The arc was true, and it had landed on the elites back. It was destiny now, as the grenade fused to the elites armor. The scrutiny of the realization of death was inevitable. The master chief heard one last roar, then a cluster of splats, and explosions. The elites own grenades must have detonated as his own had. He then relentlessly ran into the inward area of the complex.
Zuka Zamzee was now heading out of the complex. As he searched he found what looked like a drawbridge to the central windmill. He gracefully jumped 8 feet vertically to the platform of the bridge. It looked old and rusted. He examined it if there was a lowering mechanism. Nothing. So he improvised. One power-full drop kick landed the bridge with a metallic crash. He then picked himself up and made his way to the center of the mill. To his surprise, there was a great weapon laing in wait for his blessed hands. The plasma sword, one of the pride defenses for a worthy elite. He stashed away his Beam rifle on his back, and handed the sword in his right hand. As he activated it he could feel its crisp power vibrate through the grips of its demise.
As Fred sped into the center area he found out that he wouldn't be able to make it to their flag without opening the vehicle hatch. He swore at his bad luck. He then cautiously boosted of to the beach again. As he made his way he once again encountered another elite. It seemed easy to him, so he cranked the ghost to full acceleration and whipped towards the unlucky foe. Right as he was about to knock the brains out of the elite, it rolled like a ninja, and kicked him out of his pod. That bastard! The elite barked what made up for a laugh. Now Fred was in serious crap. He pulled out his double SMG's and unloaded on the Ghost. Most of the seven millimeter bullets ricocheted of its obsidian-purple plating. The elite sped the ghost towards its target. Fred was pinned off on the far left side of the beach. He had no choice but to dash off to safety. The elite started to shoot plasma fire towards his direction. Fred's augmentations kicked in as he dodged a pair of bolts right above his head. He jumped up an old flight of stairs, and to his luck found one of the biggest, baddest mothers out there. He lifted the 50-pound Jackhammer and used its radar painting technology to lock onto the nearing ghost. 30 meters. 20 meters. 10 meters. Lock. He pulled the trigger and unlashed a world of pain on the unlucky elite. The debris of the ghost fell into the riptide of the Indian Ocean, making a rainbow in the spray above the crashing waves.
Zuka had spotted the leader of the Unholy Humans. He was what the humans' called "The Master Chief". To them he was their hero, but to him, he was the only thing standing in his way of eternity. Zuka Zamzee had encountered him before on a previous mission. It was a massacre. All of his ten blood brothers had been slaughtered by this blasted hellion. It was hard to understand how one enemy could shatter a whole empire of warriors. The time to act was now. He raced towards his terror, sword in hand.
The master chief was just making his way to the center of the energy plant. He saw his treasure lie in wait for his glorified hands to touch. Just as he was 5 meters away from the flag, he heard the rippling crackle of a plasma sword activate. He found his alter ego, Zuka Zamzee dashing towards him at incomprehensible speeds. He couldn't react before the lightning fast strike hit him straight on the breastplate. His in-helmet display wined as his shields dissipated. He fell to the ground in tremendous pain. His bio signs were at critical. One more hit and even his Mjolnir armor couldn't even take the super-concentrated strength of the plasma blade.
Zuka had landed a true blow right on the Master Chief's chest. He circled his enemy and got ready for the fatal blow. Just as he started to gather all his inner strength to destroy the Spartan, he heard the rumble of a hollow engine.
For the first time in his life, Jon actually felt that he was defeated. He accepted his fate with a cold thought. All his life he has been nothing but war strung. He hadn't even experienced life yet. As he started to feel cold inside, he remembered all the time with his fellow Spartans. Since the first time they were a team, to the time of the Unyielding Hierophant, It made him feel that his life was truly of value. He saw Zuka as he turned around at something he couldn't see. He heard a straight, lengthy cracking boom.
Just a Zuka had tuned around to spot what he had heard in his sensitive ear canal, he was pounded with a force of a million bullets piercing his torso simultaneously. The Shot of the Warthogs Rail Gun was so powerful that it was like punching through air; just as it did through Zuka Zamzee's blazing gold armor.
The Master chief was pattered with globs of internal organs and a gallon of thick, purple blood. The spike of the Rail had gone strait through Zuka and into the titanium wall two feet above him. He had to wipe off his faceplate because of the warm, viscous blood. Zuka's demolished body lay before him. The warthog drove into the complex, expelling two Spartans. Fred and Joshua jumped out of the vehicle. Fred flashed his acknowledgement light blue, same as Josh. Though the master chief could not see their faces, or hear their voices, he knew that he was with his friends. Jon winked his light back at them. Fred threw out his hand, and lifted up the half ton Spartan. The master chief's shield went back up to maximum as he grabbed the flag, and hopped into the passenger seat of the Warthog. The remaining Elites fled out of hiding and tried to destroy the warthog, along with its passenger.
They were sprayed with various fire. There was a mix of sniper rounds, plasma bolts, and some grenades. Fred gracefully dodged (most) of the shots, yet one fragmentation grenade made it under the warthog, and exploded. Just then the Master chief and his colleagues experienced the art of Warthoging, and gracefully made it over the cement arch exit to the beach.
The narrator ended with "Game."
This Story has been made by Steven Paul Moran, AKA Death Of Blue. I don't know how to copy write, but here anyways. Steven Moran, Saturday September18th 2004 ã