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Earth's Wrath: Chapter 3 - One Ringworld to Rule them All
Posted By: Steven Carson (aka Ninja Steve)<neverwinterknight117@hotmail.com>
Date: 26 April 2004, 6:51 PM
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Earth's Wrath
Chapter 3: One Ringworld to Rule them All
Standing atop Ben Anlachdon, Sergeant Auron felt as if he was watching a fireworks show. Except looking downwards. The fields of the Silicon Glen exploded in flashes of green, blue, pink and gold, as the Battle for the Cormallen continued. It hadn't taken long for the impotant defense of Northern Scotland to receive a name, not that that bothered Auron at the moment. Sick of the ten day battle on the fields, he had climbed the most suitable mountain he could find to check the Covenant command post. Mortar fire from afar had killed the rest of his team, but they had all taken out every shiny bastard they could. Soon the rest of the invading forces would crawl away, hopefully for good. The Sarge had to give the Covies this - they had did an excellent job of getting ground control of Earth. Here in the North-West it had been a particularly annoying struggle to get the buggers out. Even the Romans of ancient times had not managed to get further north than the fort-town of Milngavie. Away to the west, from across the 'pond', allied reinforcements were coming by sea from Canada. Landers would bring more troops, and by then most of the Western world would be clean of the Covenant filth. Untill they returned.
Matt watched the central viewscreen in the briefing room. It was busy that day, full of marines, ODSTs, technicians, medics, and all sorts of combat personnel, including pilots and drivers. The UNSC and UEG also had officials there, who watched the screen with particular interest. Slinking away, Matt left, not caring about the tedious chores being given out to high ranking personnel. Some secret mission, he had been told, was on the menu, but that would come later. When later did come, and Matt had returned, he gaped at the plan. Only then did he notice Halfblood had joined, and several others in MJOLNIR-esque armor. An image of a ringworld was now on a screen. UNCE was up on the screen, with the explanation: United Nations Combat Enders. A special, he supposed, designation for the mission and crew, then remembered seeing it on the side of he ship, now in a calm Earth orbit. Fleet Admiral Churchhill was speaking, and several captains, including Locks, stood near him. Matt listened in awe to the plan. "While Dr.Halsey and her Spartans are off chasing the One Ring or Starhammer or whatever they called it, we are going to do something to end this war. Some of you, i know, have questions, which will be answered later. Now here's the plan..." If Matt were to sum up the plan in one word? Suicide. They planned to use a specially equipped fleet to locate and gain control of another Halo. They would send it as far as the could into the heart of the Covenant Empire. Then they would activate the main weapon, as Spartan 117 had described, and get the hell out of there. Again, suicide. There were too many things that could go wrong. And what this about the Spartans going after a special ring? Matt was reminded of a very old book he had liked, but put the thought to the back of his mind. Shaking his head, he listened to the rest of the plan. Something struck him then; as mad as this was, with only Earth and Mars remaining to support mankind, this could be their only hope. Unless, he thought, Halsey hadn't gone as nuts as popular rumor believed.
"Sam! Watch out!" Sam swung the warthog, as Steven had asked, out of the way. A giant ball of mortar fire hit the gravel hill path where they had been headed. Now they were heading straigt down the side of the grassy hill, forest blurring by to either side. They reached the path again, but immediatly came under fire from Ghost hover vehicles. Steven shot a single bullet out of his sniper rifle on the side seat, hitting the grunt pilot of the closest pursuer in the face. The now driverless craft hit into a natural stone wall and went up in flames. Chris P. Lettuce, their newest friend, fired several shots from the chaingun on the back into the bulbous alien stalkers. Quick blue plasme shots from the ghosts hit his legs, and he fell tumbling to the ground. Neither Sam nor Steven had time to turn and see if he was dead yet. "Can you go straight for a second?" Steven asked Sam, and he slowed slightly and made for the straightest path the upcoming split of the road could offer them. Steven swung himelf into the heavy gun on back and strapped himself in, just as Sam took a sharp turn to the left to avoid flying mortar shots, coming from uphill alien tanks. Two more Ghosts behind exploded. Good, Steven thought. Only a hundred odd left. The hillsides had turned purple with them. "I sure hope HighComm is grateful for this. I'm tellin ya', this cargo better be worth it!" Sam exclaimed, having to shout over the loud roar of human and Covie engines. Steven looked to the locked box chained to the back platform, which contained another of the highly prized Forerunner artifacts. Sighing, unheard in the noise of battle, Steven returned to his work, and had to agree with Sam.
Emni Ninadee watched over Combat Forces Designation Wave 7. Hundreds of thousands of Elites, Jackals, Grunts, Hunters, Brutes and a new alien the humans had not yet seen. The sky was heavily dotted with transport ships, fighter ships, and in orbit, many cruisers and destroyers. And one extremely large Super-Destroyer. The humans thought they had done an admirable job defending their pitiful home planet, did they? The black spec-ops elite continued observing the vast army, possibly, for some of them, seeing the Covenant Capital Planet for the final time. Armies such as there were in their billions, and ready to invade Earth. Soon the Great Journey would begin, Ninadee thought, as he watched the Great Prophets advance towards him. Yes, the Great Journey would be very soon. And let nothing in this Universe impede our progress.