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Earth's Wrath: Chapter 2 - Halfblood
Posted By: Steven Carson (aka Ninja Steve)<neverwinterknight117@hotmail.com>
Date: 25 April 2004, 11:42 AM
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Earth's Wrath
Chapter 2: Halfblood
A military escort took Matt to the bridge of the Osiris, an Egyptian UNCE Destroyer. The sounds of battle echoed dully through the ship, the nearing sounds of the Covenant's attempt to gain control of the ship. Matt, however, did not fear these sounds. For a long while the Covenant had tried to gain control of the Earth and her orbiting forces, but had never really recovered from the first time they were driven back. The attacks were almost futile now. Soon all sounds of battle in the ship would fade. Matt was escorted by two heavily armed ODSTs, and they ran through the silver and gray corridors of the ship, headed towards the bridge. As they neared, the battle did also. From occasionally seeing a squeling grunt and a pursuing marine, Matt and his escort eventually became stuck in a hot battle for control of the lower levels. In a large square hallway, human and Covenant forces had taken positions behind overturned metal tables and crates. Matt found himself surprised at how quickly his old training cam back to him. Soon the veteran was weaving and jumping around and behind cover, as alien plasma energy, green, blue, and pink, flew around him. He fired his battle rifle, sending bullets into the heads and chests of a trio of Covenant Jackals, sheids raised, who guarded a staircase to the uper levels. He called to his allies for covering fire as he made his way up the stairs. He had reached the top when a needler round caught him in the thigh. Grunting, he pulled it out, and made his way further towards the bridge. Soon he was back in human-controlled territory, and was offered medical assistance for his injury. He declined, and half-limped to his destination. The bridge was the same tones as the rest of the ship, but full of monitoring equipment, computers, status screens, and busy personnel. He approached Captain Locks, and saluted. The captain saluted in return. He was guarded by what appeared to be a mix between a Spartan and an ODST. But Matt knew what this was. This was Ackerson's work. A closely protected secret, which few of the Brass even knew. Matt had not thought it was true - surely it was just a rumor? But no, now he saw it standing there, he recognized it. Even before it removed its helmet, and turned to face him.
Sergeant Stonejon ran through the heavy woods. He heard behind him the sounds of plasma fire, and the sound of automatic fire when one of his squad members fell behind, and decided to give hell to the Covies before he or she died. Stonejon thought he saw a second, blue sun in the Earth's sky for a moment, but soon saw it was a ball of mortar fire flying off into the distance in front. Immediatly behind the sergeant were three marines carrying a large black box. Inside was a mysterious artefact, one which he had been ordered to get before the alien scum did. But hell if he knew what it did. Soon he and the remaining twelve team came to a large grassy opening, in he middle o which sat a low grey base. As they entered the clearing, human turrets and rifles began firing. Bullets flew over human heads, to slam into the huge pursuing Covenant force. Screams of death in alien tongues could clearly be heard in the still morning air, with the sun beating down pleasantly. A door opened for the cargo and its escort, with marines firing Serpent turrets covering from the base's roof. As the covenant surrounded the base, a pelican dropship was called for, and the remaining humans waited atop the base. The rescue ship had to come before Covie artillery did, or they were all dead men. The thunder of gun shots fired down into the amassed aliens below, and a single warthog sat in the middle of the plateau, with a gunner firing a LAAG into circling Banshee craft. Soon Echo 245 called in, the survivors and artefact were loaded in, and they took off. Stonejon watched as the base and aliens shrunk beneath them, untill the whole German continent was visible. The back hatch closed, and the ship flew towards FleetCom HQ.
Matt looked in wonder at the man. Tall and strong he stood. He was human in appearance, but had blue/red skin, and an almost animal like bone-structure and posture. He still could not believe that he could be what they said he was. Covie Elites and humans couldn't have children could they? "Olleh, Doolbflah llac yeht eno eht ma I." "Hello, I am the one they call Halfblood" he said. Matt, Halfblood, and Catpain Locks stood in front of the central view screen. Alien ships were slowly being repelled, and Longswords and the new Covenant Corsair fighters danced swiftly around each over, fighting for control of space. Matt had been told Halfblood's age. It dated years before the war started. He didn't need to be told the creature's story; this was the origional that Ackerson was basing his new Super-Elites around. Near he beginning of the war, Alien Elites used to rape women they found on any colonies they didn't glass first. There was a 40,000 to 1 chance of the woman becoming pregnant, but one time it had. Rumor said he had been sent to Section 3 as soon as he was born, and had been raised a soldier. His mother had, apparently, also been a UNSC soldier. Matt had no doubt Halfblood here was an equal match against a Spartan. Captain Lock spoke. "Matt, my old friend. Meet Halfblood. He will be in your new team." Matt looked puzzled. "Who else is in it? What is our mission?" Locks smiled. "You will have time to meet the others. Your mission? To win the war."