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Fan Fiction

MSOG: Chapter 6: Pilot and Escape
Posted By: Sprtn117John<vt_cow@email.com>
Date: 8 December 2003, 3:54 PM

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Chapter 6

Dominguez was with Jenkins at the armory tent; Jenkins needed ammo for his AR10. They had both just finished cleaning their weapons when a lieutenant walked in.
"I'm looking for Spartan-002.", he said.
Dominguez stood up and extended his hand, "That's me, call me Dominguez or Goth."
The LT shook his hand, "I'm 1rst Lieutenant Reginald Farfield. I'm your pilot. If it has wings, I can fly it." Farfield grabbed an AR10 of a weapons rack and started to break it down to check it. Satisfied that it was in working order, he put it back together and grabbed a handful of magazines off the counter. He slapped one in and put the rest in his web belt.
Dominguez looked at the LT, "I'm impressed, you can handle a rifle too. You'll need that. Let's get outside, I requested for ten marines to come with us to go get the first Renu." The three men walked outside with their weapons in hand and met up with the ten marines. They then headed back in the direction of the troopships.
They reached the Renus without a problem. Dominguez had Jenkins set a perimeter with the marines while he and Farfield went into the Renu. Farfield sat down in the pilot's seat. He flicked a few switches, seemingly running a few tests.
"Well", he said, "this bird is in perfect condition. All systems are functional, and all the weapons are in perfect working order. So we've got a 70mm chain gun on a chin mount with about 100,000 rounds and rocket pods on either wing." Farfield paused for a moment, "I think those are 50mm rockets. Each pod has 100. So we've got firepower. Get the marines in here and I'll fly this back to base." Farfield flicked a green switch and the Renu turned on. The marines piled into the troopship followed by Jenkins. Dominguez sat in the co-plot's seat managing the radar and radio systems. He pushed in on the transmit button after finding the right frequency.
"What was Lane's call sign?" he asked Farfield.
"Super 6-1", was the reply.
"Super 6-1, Zulu 7-2, come in over." Dominguez paused, waiting for an answer but getting nothing but static.
"Super 6-1, do you read me, over." Again, nothing but static greeted him.
"Super 6-1, please respond, over." Dominguez waited again, but still got no response.
"Shit", he said, "I'm not getting any response. We'll have to assume the base is compromised. But we still have to see if anyone is there. Can you handle that Farfield?" Dominguez asked.
"Does a bear shit in the woods", Farfield said grinning.
"Good, I'm going to go in the back and tell the marines." Dominguez got up from the co-pilots chair and walked back to where the marines were sitting. He told them that he had gotten no response on the radio from base, and that they were going in to see if there are any survivors. The marines nodded and started to mentally prepare themselves for the worst as Dominguez went back to the cockpit and into the co-pilot's chair.

Hill figured that he had been in the room for about three hours before the tall alien had come back. Hill was sitting at what he thought was a table by himself. His wrists were bound by some sort of energy cuff to the table so that he couldn't escape. Hill hadn't tried to yet, deciding to bide his time instead.
The tall alien spoke, "You will tell us what we want to know. Who are you and what are you doing on this planet?"
Hill just sat there looking the alien in the eye.
The alien seemed undisturbed by the lack of silence. It continued speaking.
"I know you are a soldier and that you are human. We killed a bunch of your kind from where we picked you up. And we just destroyed all the survivors from the ship of yours that we severely damaged." Still getting no answer, the alien leaned and punched Hill in the face. Hill looked back up at the alien, spitting blood and saliva into the alien's face. The alien hit Hill again, angry at the human's impudence.
Hill looked up at the alien defiantly, his lip and a cut above his eye bleeding.
"If you hit me again", Hill said slowly, "I'm going to kill you."
The alien laughed as it hit Hill again. Hill grinned and started laughing.
"Want me to tell you how I'm going to kill you?" Hill was still laughing.
The alien crossed it arms, confident that the human couldn't do anything. "If you think you must."
"You see this knife; I'm going to shove it in your eye."
"And just how do you plan on that." The alien asked.
Hill kicked violently under the table, disabling the power conduit for the energy cuffs. He stood up, unsheathing his knife. The alien stood still; stunned.
Hill grinned evilly, "I broke the energy cuffs." Hill leapt across the table, grabbing the alien by the back of the head. Hill looked the alien in the eye, "I told you I'd kill you.", he said before he shoved his knife into the alien's eye, killing it instantly. He checked over the alien's body grabbing its energy rifle and what looked like a key.
"Time to get the fuck out of here." Hill said to himself as he walked towards the door.
