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Fan Fiction

MSOG: Chapter 5: Surprises and Plans
Posted By: Sprtn117John<vt_cow@email.com>
Date: 5 December 2003, 9:10 PM

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Chapter 5
Hill slowly blinked his eyes open. Very slowly he sat up, clutching his head. "What a headache.", he muttered to himself. He looked around, inspecting the room he was being held in; the wall was 5 meters by 5 meters and was made of some grey metal. Instead of a doorway, some sort of energy field created a transparent wall. Hill stood up and touched it with his hand; he couldn't get through it. He looked down at himself, seeing what equipment he had. He realized that whoever had captured him had only taken his rifles away; he still had all of his grenades and knife. The minicomputer (TAC-9) was still strapped to his arm. Hill tapped a few buttons to try to figure out where he was, but got nothing but static on the screen.
"Shit", he muttered to himself. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He quickly opened them when he heard the shield deactivate. Two alien creatures stood before him; each pointing a weapon that glowed red at the end. One of the creatures was about 2 meters in height and had a very slender build. It was very humanoid in appearance. The second alien was only about a meter in height and moved around like a dog. The tall one looked Hill in the eye and much to Hill's surprise said in English, "You are coming with us."
"This gets better by the minute", he muttered to himself.

"Wake up, Jenkins", Goth said as he gently shook the Corporal awake.
"What happened?", Jenkins asked as he stood up unsteadily. He picked up his weapon and made sure it was in working order.
"All I remember is a white flash. Then I think we all passed out. When I woke up", Dominguez paused, looking around, "I couldn't find Hill anywhere. So right now we just go rendezvous with the survivors of the Murphy." Goth pointed behind Jenkins, "It's about two klicks that way." Both men started walking in the direction Dominguez had pointed.

Ten minutes later, Goth and Jenkins had reached a ridge that overlooked the rendezvous point. It was a flurry of activity. Goth counted 7 life pods and about two hundred survivors. Jenkins pointed at a tent in the middle of everything.
"I bet that's the Command Post. Let head there.", Jenkins said as he started down the hill. Goth followed.

"Excuse me, sir". Major Lane looked up from the rudimentary map entailing his position. "What is it, Private?", he asked.
"Two men are here to see you sir, they say it's important.", was the Private's reply.
Major Lane sighed, "Send them in." The Major looked at the entrance to the CP as the two soldiers walked in. One soldier has no visible rank and had carried two weapons not common to most soldiers. He was almost 7 feet tall with a very muscular build. The other soldier was a marine corporal. Both men looked like they had seen some fighting.
"Sir, Zulu 7-2 reporting", the taller soldier said.
"Name and rank", said Major Lane tersely.
The soldier visibly paused, "I don't have a rank sir. I'm a Spartan-I. My designation is Spartan-002. My name is Dominguez, sir. I'm a part of MSOG sir."
"I see", was the Major's reply. He looked at the marine corporal.
"Sir, Corporal Jenkins, 5th Marines, Bravo Company, 2nd platoon.", said Jenkins quickly.
Major Lane looked back at Dominguez.
"Zulu 7-2? Where's the rest of the Zulu ground force?", he asked.
"Sir, I'm all that's left. The other Spartan that was with me disappeared before we came here. We don't know what happened to him.", Dominguez paused and pointed at Jenkins before continuing, "The Corporal is all that's left of Bravo company. We're the only reinforcements you're getting sir."
The Major sighed and looked back at the map before speaking.
"I have 87 marines and 60 crew men from the Murphy. We have enough weapons and ammo to last about a week of constant fighting.", said the Major
"What happened up there sir?", Dominguez asked.
"Three alien ships appeared from the far side of the planet and engaged the Murphy. The Captain managed to seriously damage one of the ships before giving the order to abandon the Murphy."
Dominguez pressed two buttons on the TAC-9.
"What are you doing?" Major Lane asked.
"Scanning to see if the ship that the Murphy damaged is planet side. If it is, we can take it over and maybe gather some intelligence on these aliens that attacked you.", Dominguez paused and then marked a spot on the Major's map.
"That's where the ship is.", he said.
"But that's over 50 kilometers away, it would take us hours to get there." Major Lane exclaimed.
"Not necessarily sir", Jenkins said, "Do you have any pilots? Because there are a couple of Renu Troopships back where we came from."
"I have 5 of the best pilots in the fleet. So what would you suggest as a plan of action then? I'm open to ideas.", Major Lane said.
"Well sir", Dominguez said, "If you give me 30 marines, drop us a kilometer away from where the alien ship is, I can take it. You keep the second Renu here, and if I need reinforcements, I'll call in for them using this.", Dominguez lifted the arm with the TAC-9 attached to it.
"Sounds simple enough.", was the Major's response.
"The best plans usually are sir.", said Jenkins.
