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Fan Fiction

MSOG: Chapter 1 & 2
Posted By: Sprtn117John<vt_cow@email.com>
Date: 20 November 2003, 1:51 AM

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Chapter 1
      An ancient war nearly destroyed this galaxy. The two races, whose names have since been forgotten, died from their hatred towards each other. In realizing that each other were doomed to extinction from this pointless war, together they sent of a ship, containing all of their knowledge and technology, along with an advanced AI in case other sentient races discovered the ship. They hoped that whatever new race found the ship would learn from their ancient mistakes.

100, 000 years later in the year 2492
      "So what do you think it is, Joker?", Brian "Goth" Dominguez asked.
      Brigham "Joker" Hill shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know Goth, but headquarters wants us to check it out." He leaned back against the wall in the cave they were staying in.
      "Why us instead of the 5th Marines?", Goth asked, "They have more manpower than MSOG (Military Special Operations Group)."
      "The transmissions are coming from enemy territory. Command wanted to keep this mission quiet. The marines would just barge in and kill everything creating all sorts of ruckus. We're the best of the best. You and me are definitely worth at least a battalion of Marines. Besides, isn't any Marine that can do what we do better." Joker sat back, satisfied with his answer. "Make sure you check your equipment, we head out in 30 minutes."
      Joker started to check his weapons and armor. Joker and Goth were equipped with the best of everything. They both wore the newest Kevlar, even though it wasn't made from cloth but super strong but super light titanium. Each man only wore a chest plate. Only the heaviest caliber of weapons could penetrate this armor. Joker and Goth were snipers, the only sniper team where both team members sniped. Joker and Goth used the S2A3 sniper rifle with a 50x day/night scope mounted on top. The S2A3 fires 12.7mm rounds. Joker liked HEAP (High-Explosive Armor-Piercing) rounds while Goth liked Sabot rounds instead. They each carried fifteen high capacity magazines (each magazine held 10 rounds). As a secondary weapon Goth and Joker carried the AR12. This assault rifle fires a 9mm round and it could also be fitted with a silencer. A 20x scope was mounted on each rifle. Hill and Dominguez each carried ten 60 round magazines with full metal jacketed ammunition. As a last defense, they each had an issue combat knife. Each soldier carried two fragmentation, two phosphorus, and four high explosive grenades.
      Joker stood and looked at Goth.
"It's a good thing we have cybernetic implants and increased muscle density or we wouldn't be able to carry half of what we have.", Dominguez said, "The reflexes we have after the upgrades, as the doctors put it, is absolutely amazing."
"That's why we're the best", Joker replied, "I'm up, how about you?"
"I'm good.", was the reply.

Chapter 2
      Joker and Goth slowly walked down the hill, looking for enemies as they made their way down. About half a kilometer away they could see some ancient ruins. Hill paused for a minute and looked at the mini computer strapped to his left arm.
"According to the coordinates Headquarters (HQ) gave us, it looks like those ruins are the source of the transmissions. Let's hurry up and get there and get this over with."
Hill and Dominguez arrived at the ruins about 4 minutes later. They lay behind some rocks surveying the ruins through the scopes on their rifles.
      "Doesn't look good Joker", Dominguez said, "I see two Marine troopships. Those can carry 40 troops each. But I don't see any guards posted by the troopships or by the entrance. And I thought the Marines weren't assigned this mission.", he paused, "Wait a minute. Hill, what does that look like to you under the nose of the right most troopship?"

Hill peered through his scope, looking intently at the spot Dominguez was referring too. He looked at Goth, alarmed. "That looks like a dead marine. Looks like HQ didn't give us all the details." Hill slung his sniper rifle over his back and grabbed his AR12, flicking off the safety. Dominguez followed suit.
"Looks like we're going in hot.", said Hill.
Goth and Joker carefully made their way down to the dead marine by the troopship. Joker covered Goth as Goth looked over and searched the Marines body for anything useful.
"We'll take cover just inside the installation, then tell me what you found.", whispered Hill. Both men sprinted towards the entrance. Once inside, they found a sight that appalled their senses. Dead marines lay everywhere. Spent brass and blood covered the floor. Dominguez knelt next to Hill.
"These men weren't killed by humans. The marine outside and these inside all have some sort of energy burns for wounds. No one has developed that kind of technology.", he said.
Hill spoke quietly, "How many Marines can those Renus carry?
"80 total", was the reply.
"Then counting the body outside, there are only 62 bodies. We have 18 marines to find", said Hill.
Halt, ye who enter.
"What the fuck?!", was the startled statement from Goth. Both he and Hill brought their AR12s to bear in different directions.
This is a vessel of knowledge, if you seek it, you best hurry. The remaining creatures like you will not be able to take the control room without help. Have you the courage to help? I will transport you their location if you wish it.
"Bring us there", Hill and Dominguez yelled out in unison.

Hey, i've never written fanfic before. This is like a pseudo halo story. Any feedback that any of you reading this could give me would be great.
