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Fan Fiction

The Devil's Brigade Prt. 1 (Revised)
Posted By: Spinks<haloworldchampion@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 April 2003, 4:49 AM

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Sorry, I was looking through my story and noticed that I missed a few things when I changed my perspective from third to first person. Hope you can enjoy this anyway.

Speed and strength were never my strong points, but I was smarter and fought with more dedication and heart than any other man in my squad. I graduated from the Marines science school with honors. I had a degree in nuclear physics and ballistics. I also grew up with guns, so I knew how to shoot them.
Being a sniper helped me avoid being killed, too. Using my SRS99C-S2 AM sniper rifle with an infrared/night vision scope with a silenced barrel and an extended trigger to compensate for my large hands and fingers. I had one of the best shots in the Corp. Before the Covenant threat went public, I would enter the Corp's shooting contests and blow everyone away.
I could have gone into intelligence, but I never had enough trust in people to utilize all of the information that I gave them correctly. So instead I decided that I would gather and utilize information.
The Covenant was chasing after me while I ran through the jungle on a strange planet. I was out of ammo in my SRS99C-S2 AM rifle, and running low on fragmentation grenades and ammo in my MA2B assault rifle. I needed all of the ammo and explosives I could use to hold off the Jackals on my tail.
I was sent with my squad to do a recon mission on an outer planet, just beyond where Harvest once was to see if it was suitable for colonization. What we found was not what we were hoping for.
20 years ago the Covenant launched an attack against the Earth. Millions of people died during the long and arduous battle, but when a SPARTAN showed up, it gave us the morale boost that we needed.
The SPARTAN had stopped the Covenant glassing for a while, and when he showed up on my ship with a captured Covenant Prophet, we knew that this war was almost over. But I had no idea that I would be stuck in the middle of it again.
It's amazing how you can daydream while running away from Jackals who are firing plasma at you. But when a plasma round takes out the tree that is right next to you, you tend to return to reality. The only advantage that you have is that the Jackals need to stop to shoot around the plasma shields that they were still waving around. Running and calling for help were your only options after you see your entire squad wiped out by an unflinching enemy.
"This is fire team Foxtrot requesting immediate assistance from any UNSC forces…does anyone copy over" I yelled into my radio
"This is UNSC cruiser Ticonderoga we read you, what is you position? Over." a voice came over the radio
"I am being tailed by approximately 50 covenant forces and I am running through the jungle." I boomed over the radio, "I am currently at 35°40'W 19°54'N and moving NNW at a speed of 8km/h and slowing. I am running low on ammo; need immediate dust off and medical attention. Over." I was getting scared that I would not survive.
"Affirmative. However, if you must change direction 38°W, you should come to a clearing in about 500 meters. A pelican will be there to pick you up in about 15 minutes. Over and out."
In 10 minutes I could be dead from covenant plasma, or worse. Pushing these thoughts out of my head, I kept running as fast as I could toward the clearing. I reached it in about 10 minutes, and the pelican hadn't reached the clearing yet, and the covenant had yet to break pursuit. I took my last two grenades and got ready to throw them. I saw a plasma pistol begin to charge through the darkness and dove to the side. The round took out a tree that was right behind where I had been standing. I pulled the pins out of the grenades and chucked them toward where I saw the blast of plasma come from. The grenades detonated and killed upwards 20 Covenant.
I pulled out my Night Vision Glasses, modified from the old goggles that were used so long ago. I looked toward the other end of the clearing. I saw the covenant Jackals disband as the Pelican landed. Before the drop ship even reached the normal boarding height I was on and ready to role. I wanted to get off of this God forsaken planet as soon as possible.
I was led into the Marine quarters where I got some rest. I had survived something that very few people had. I went face to face with Covenant Jackals and lived to tell about it. This was not an experience that I wanted to go through again, but I had a feeling that I had many more of these encounters to come.
