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Fan Fiction

The End Is Near:Part 1/2
Posted By: SpartanFortyFour<Scion-of-darkness@comcast.com>
Date: 9 March 2004, 9:40 PM

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Now the master chief was on a new mission, to locate and destroy the covenant armada's HQ....The Unyielding Hierophant, because they were massing an army no human fleet could destroy. Even with Spartans Grace, Linda, Will, Fred, and himself, he knew this would be a tough mission...They might not make it out alive....but if that risk was to save Earth...so be it. The master chief had landed at the LZ, and not three minutes later, they were in combat. After they crawled into the engineer ducts, the master chief inserted Cortana into the covenant battle network. There was a problem however, because this Cortana was only a copy, and she said they're could be risks of major importance that she could not even point out. Though she was a copy, she still had a piece of Cortana's mind, and with that she rooted out a covenant A.I. And deleted it from the network. Now she uploaded a route to the master chief's HUD. He sent the route to his fellow Spartans, who winked on their acknowledgement lights. He gave the signal to move ahead. After fighting hard, and long against the covenant, and losing Grace to a Brute they made it to the control room. They fought their way in, splattering the controls with blood. There were trembling covenant engineers there, who quickly made it. Now that the bomb was set they had to get out of there, but the master chief wasn't going anywhere without Linda, who has been sniping the covenant since they left her on one of the catwalks. So they devised a plan to get out using covenant banshees.
      They sent the plan to Linda through the comm. channel, and even though she was still out of sight, an acknowledgement light winked on. Soon they found out that brutes could detect there position just by using the comm. Channel, so they turned them off. The master chief's plan was for Linda to snipe two elites in covenant banshees, without blowing them up, and jump into the master chief's, while Fred and Will took another. The Master Chief was in a tight situation. There were three elites coming around the corner, and he only had sixty shots in his MA5B assault rifle and two grenades left. He hid himself in the shadows. Then as the elites rounded, he sprung from his position, taking one elite down. He reacted quickly and tossed a plasma grenade at another...there was no time left for the elites, the grenade exploded and took both of the hostiles with it. "Chief we have to get out, this place is set to blow" said Cortana. Linda did as planned and they broke the window that lead straight to the covenant dropship they had stolen. The master chief and his Spartans double timed it to the rendezvous point. The dropship was waiting for them right where the master chief left it. They jumped in the passenger seats and the master chief put the petal to the metal, and got out of there as fast as a bat out of hell. The master chief and the other battle-hardened Spartans watched from space as the warship detonated in a flash of brilliant red and yellow light. That explosion created a chain reaction, because Admiral Whitcomb had planted the covenant warship they had stolen, the Ascendant Justice into the side of the covenant armada's HQ, The Unyielding Hierophant. "That was a close one" remarked Cortana as they rode away from the once Gigantic Covenant fleet. He wasn't listening, he was just worried about his fellow Spartan Kelly.....why had Dr. Halsey taken her back to governor Jiles' asteroid?...did she have a plan that involved a Spartan, and because Kelly was wounded was she the perfect subject? He didn't have time to think about that right now, he had to focus on getting back to Earth in an attempt to fight off the approaching Covenant invasion.
      "ETA to Earth is 2 hours". The only thing going through the master chief's head was going home...to earth...where he belonged. "We've got covenant bogies dropping in". The Spartans jumped to their feet, grabbed MA5B assault rifles, a few clips, fully loaded pistols, and a small box of fragmentation grenades. By the time they'd gotten to the bridge, the place was swarming with elites, grunts, and jackals. After killing about three hundred of the hostiles, they saw 6 hunters emerge from the black and purple smoke. The Spartans jumped into action. Fred and Will took down three of the colossal beasts without a sweat, until Will was hit in the side with a fuel rod projectile. Linda tended to his wounds while the master chief and Fred took care of the other three hunters. Then the Gettysburg fired the last space mines it had to offer, and detonated the covenant war cruiser. They had fought them off...for now at least. After their pain-staking war they were on the outskirts of Earth. A world leader appeared on the forward screen. "Identify yourselves", he demanded. "We are humans from the planet Reach, trained in the Spartan II program, we've come to warn you about a covenant invasion on the approach, they're right on Earth's doorstep" Replied the master chief. "Identification approved, welcome to Earth" He remarked. The master chief drove the Gettysburg into a military base.
      Upon landing they were greeted by John Stave, the world leader who permitted them entrance. The Spartans told him their story, and he had a facial expression of amazement after all of the years they had been out in space, and at war. After that there was a world meeting, and then the whole world prepared a counter-attack for the covenant fleet on its way. By the time the covenant were growing very close, Earth had five hundred warships and thirty orbital SUPERMAC guns ready for battle. By nightfall the covenant invasion would be here and we would be ready. The master chief and his Spartans were trying on their new MJOLNIR VII combat armor. Although the shields were still the same the metal plating on the armor was twice as hard as the last. The first covenant ship came into view...then three...then twenty more. The fleet of UNSC warships took flight, some of them knew they would not make it, but this was their planet they were defending...and if it meant to save the lives of billions, that's what had to be done. The master chief could see fear in the marines' eyes...and yet there was a spark of courage. "Is the battle as fierce in space as it is on the ground?" asked the master chief...there weren't any responses. The master chief was worried...had all of his Spartans been killed?...only time can tell. He was running through the cities killing grunts, and elites, fortunately there were no jackals. One elite gave him some trouble.
      It was hand to hand combat since both of their guns slid across the floor after the first blows. It was punch after punch, there was no stopping either of them. In the end the master chief had taken blows to his chest and head, but the elite was dead. He was still thinking about his Spartans however. He sent a six tone signal to them 'oly oly oxenfree' ...he waited, and four acknowledgment lights winked on. The master chief felt a great burden being lifted off of his shoulders...his Spartans were alive. Now he fought harder than ever to stop the covenant. He was running killing anything that looked like a giant piece of scum. By morning the war was over...the humans had prevailed. The master chief and his fellow Spartans got a drink and talked about where they had been for the past few years for hours. They were all just glad to see each other again. The master chief was in amazement with their story...how could they have survived?...more importantly where were the others?...why hadn't they come when he sent the signal?...are they still out there? As they were speaking the covenant were preparing another wave to attack. The humans had no chance if they were not ready, and even if they were they would not win unless the covenant had less than three hundred ships to send. It was hopeless. The covenant came...and after five hours of battle they started to retreat.
      With only fifty ships left, and us still having our orbital SUPERMAC guns, they were destroyed before reaching slipspace. The ships that were still intact were brought to the Earth's surface, and studied by scientists for their knowledge in slipspace, their weapons technology, and to get a better understanding of their language. After three years of no covenant invasions, the master chief was getting suspicious.
      At the covenant home-planet a prophet was speaking to a brute. "We must be ready for battle stated the prophet. "We are readying our troops for battle now your excellency" replied the brute. "Good train as many as possible...this shall be our last stage to overthrow the humans" remarked the prophet. "Everyone able to fight report to the military bases stationed every three miles, understood" demanded the brute. "War" everyone replied. And with that the training began. The elites were the first to be ready, followed by the grunts, then the jackals, next the hunters, and finally the Brutes. The covenant had three hundred ships with tens of thousands of troops on them. Half of which were elites, hunters, and brutes. Now the invasion was coming, the master chief knew it. If the covenant could take out Earth's orbital SUPERMAC guns...all would be lost. All of humanity is depending on the Five Spartans. "Dr. Halsey...where am I?" asked Kelly. "You are on governor Jiles' asteroid, we need to train more people in the Spartan program" Replied Dr. Halsey. "After these ten years we have acquired fifty able bodied humans to participate" Said Dr. Halsey. "They are as good as you are, trained in the same way, the same exact, rigorous training as you had to undergo as a child" stated Dr. Halsey. "Where is the master chief...my fellow Spartans, what happened to them?" asked Kelly. "I don't know where they are or what could have happened to them, but knowing them they are probably still alive" replied Dr. Halsey. "What are we waiting for we have to get to Earth" stated Kelly. "We are arranging a flight now" replied Dr. Halsey. Three days later the ship was just outside of Earth.
      When they landed they found the master chief and the other Spartans. The master chief was amazed to see all of the Spartans, even though he couldn't tell one from another, he could pick out Kelly. They were so happy to see her. The marines were all suddenly in a cheerful mood. "Seeing all of these Spartans is a great thing for them" stated the master chief. Now they were ready for anything, even the covenant. No matter what they were going to throw at Earth, they would stand together and fight, even if it meant death. "The covenant armada is on approach, they are going to hit us with everything they have...they will not stop, this is their final attempt to destroy us...let us meet them with the full force of humanity, some of us will die...but we will be dying for our planet, and more importantly, the lives of all of the citizens of Earth" Declared the master chief. Silence, that is all he heard from the crowd, but he knew they were ready, he knew they would stop at nothing to save their planet. The covenant came and were hitting us pretty hard. On the surface of Earth the covenant weren't faring as well, there were dead elites, grunts, and jackals everywhere...but no hunters or brutes. Then the marines saw a gigantic carrier come down and drop off roughly seven thousand hunters, and brutes. There was no chance of survival, unless the SUPERMAC guns turned to Earth. They only had one shot at it. So they aimed...fired...and bam, right on target. Only fifty of the beasts remained. They drove the covenant back on the surface of the planet and in space...the battle was over, the covenant had lost. The UNSC had so many troops left over, and fifty stolen vessels, they followed a covenant cruiser back to its home world in secret.
