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Fan Fiction

The Battles For Centauri Primus : Chapter Three
Posted By: spartandude117<SpArTaNdUde117@twcny.rr.com>
Date: 7 October 2003, 12:03 AM

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1130 Hours October 27 2553(Military Calander)
306th Military Barracks,Prima Gracious, planet Centauri Primus

Splinter rounds errupted from the nozzeles of the MA5B Assualt Rifles. Covenant were everywhere. Second Lieutenant Chris Armstrong yelled orders to what marines wernt dead or wounded. He could hear banshees overhead so he knew that they couldnt escape that way without suffering atleast a few casaulties. He didnt want that, he had already seen enough dead in this battle.
Moments before he recieved a call from the Master Chief that Admiral Charleston of the ARMAGEDDON had stormed the Covenant position over the planet with a fleet of hundreds of ships.Armstrong wanted to meet the Chief baddly.Armstrong didnt know what the hell was going on , hell he wasnt even sure if the generals where even alive! He had heard from the Master Chief that Admiral Blakes ship had crash landed.
Outside Armstrong heard an explosin."What the hell was that?"
"Covenant mortal shells sir."
Damn that was the last thing he needed, Covenant heavy artillery. Suddenly a Covenant storm party burst through the battered entrance and immediatly killed five marines. Armstrong stod up lobbed 3 frag grenades then fired his MA5B in burts until they were dead. That was dumb. Now the entrance was gone, just a massive hole was there."Pull back, we can no longer hold them!!!!!"

They ran down to the bottom floor. No Covenant followed, just explosins. Suddenly plasma fire errupted from behind them"OPEN FIRE!!!!"
SPLINTER armor piercing rounds ripped the Covenant ranks apart. Still they poared forth from the hole in the basement wall. Armstrong turned to see more Covenant flooding in from the upper levels. Damn they were trapped. A Hunter burst forth from the whole and fired....3 marines yelled in pain and 2 more were turned to a pile of dust. Another Hunter came from the top, the same thing happened...3 marines yelled in pain and 3 more were gone, one of them happened to be just beside Lieutenant Armstrong. Armstrong led his marines on a last ditch effoert against the Covenant on the stairs and top floor. The platoon was about 3/4 of the way there when the Covenant retreated and something more horrible replaced them...Srmstrong reconized them form the tapes brought back from HALO...they were the FLOOD."O shit....RUN!!!!!!!!"
The marines bolted the rest of the way up and out not even caring what they passed by.Outside they notted that the lush temperate forests that had stood mere hours before, where gone...the ground was charred from plasma fire."Lieutenat Armstrong....you there?"
It was the Master Chief."Yes sir where here.Would it be possible to come pick us up and strike this whole perimeter with a few INCINERATERs sir?"
"I wouldnt know you'll have to ask Admiral Charleston on that he is in charge know, why do you ask?"
"We came in contact with some FLOOD sir."
There was scilence."Evac and Longswords with INCINERATERs on the way Lieutenant."


The silent hum of the new stealth dropships allowed the marines to hear the screaming Covenant and FLOOD that were burning from the vicious napalm strikes. Lieutenant Armstrong was praying, thanking god for getting them the hell outta there. Private Jimmy Thompson applied his wounded leg with gaws and a few stimpacks and walked over to Lieutenant Armstrong."You gotta wife sir?"
"Yes, and 2 little girls back on the hidden PLUTO colonies, why, u got a family?"
"Yes sir a wife and a little boy, born just the Covenant invaded this planet, there on the PLOTO colonies as well.Listen, Lieutenant, do you think we'll make it outta this alive?"
Armstrong looked at Jimmy and laughed."That I canot answer right now my boy."


The 3 stealth pelicans touched down somewhere called Omega Zone. Everyone wwas there, the Master Chief, Admiral Charleston, and now Lieutenant Chris Armstrong. THey were all called there to discuss the current threat of the FLOOD and how they would deall with them, Armstrong kept his MA5B with him just in case of an ambush...he didnt want to be cought unarmed. If he was gonna die he would go down fighting.


It had been mere minutes into the meeting when an ear shatering explosion came from outside. Thousands of Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Brutes, and Hunters stormed the command center. Armstrong rushed out and immediatly shot into the crowd of covenant.


Being in orbit wasnt much better either. Covenant battle cruisers launched a surprise attak against the human fleet. Many ships were crippled from intense plasma torpedoes and fell to the planet. Moments later the human fleet surrendered but the Covenant still shot them down.


Armstrong watched in aw as hundreds of UNSC ships fell from the sky in thick balls of black smoke and flame. The ground shook almost constatly. There was a loud scream as cloacked Elites stormed the command center and began slaughtering marines. Armstrong fired his MA5B in short sustaind bursts but it didnt help much.
The Elites surprise attack allowed the Covenant army to seige the base."Take prisinors"
Thats what Chris Armstrong heard as plasma rifle smacked him in the back of the skull rendering him unconcious.All around him the Covenant were taking prisoners , the Master Chief, Admiral Charleston, and him included.
The Covenant loaded the some 200 prisoners onto transports and began to return to the covenant frigate called the POWERandPRIDE. Behind them the command center exploded leaving no trace of the marines behind.
