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Fan Fiction

The Battles For Centauri Primus : Chapter Two
Posted By: spartandude117<SpArTaNdUde117@twcny.rr.com>
Date: 5 October 2003, 7:22 PM

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0330 October 27 2553(Military Calander)
Cliff Command Center, planet Centauri Primus

The Master Chief was right, the Covenant did come again, and only hours after the first battle.Only this time the Covenant were attemting to glass the planet.The Master Chief wasnt about to let that happen.
A banshee screamed toward the base and opened fire. Four marines were scorched before LAAG gunfire brought the banshee down in a ball of smoke and fire.A loud explosion was heard and a Covenant fighter fell from the sky, most likely taken out by whatever MAC orbital guns remained.
A salvo of HAVOCs and INCINERATORs went off and set the battlefield on fire. Centauri Primus was dieing. The nukes and napalm along with the Covenant plasma bombs were slowly ripping the planet apart. Suddenly a horrified voice cam over the com link."I..is anyb...body t..there?P..p..please send r..reinforcments."
That was all the Spartan needed.John sprinted to a worthog , picked up two other spartans and was off.They drove for about 7 kilometers. The area the were headed for was burnt and blasted from heavy plasma fire. The Chief strained to see anything. In a mountain side he saw an installation or atleast the entrance to one. " The marines must be in that instalation. Bring the ammo and leave the worthog. We'll call for a dropship whan we find them."

....Two Hours Later....

"We've been going down for hours. Are we lost or somthing?"
The Master Chief wasnt really sure, the damned place looked the same. Then he remembered something. This place looked just the same as the installation on HALO where he first found the FLOOD. The chief slung his MA5B and drew his M90 shotgun. "We have to go."
He heard a scream. He turned and watched as one of his spartans was beeing ripped apart by a strange looking combat form of the FLOOD. He fired the gun and the Combat form flew apart, but it was to late, the spartan was already dead."We've got to get to the surface and call for evac...lets move damnit!!!"


They were gone. The whole army desroyed by a Covenant nuclear salvo. The Covenant had landed and now where beginning to search for something...but what?
Thats exactly what SPARTAN III Robert 133 wanted to know. He had watched as the plasma nukes fell slaughtering human and covenant alike. Nearly all the SPARTAN IIIs were gone. Only about 65 survived. Most of the SPARTAN army survived only because the human armys pulled back mere moments before the plasma nukes fell.
Suddenly Robert felt a very sharp pain in his back. He tried to look but he fell over, his eyes were bluring and he could feel a warm feeling come over him. He closed his eyes just after some horribly misshapen figure ripped off his helmet. Before he died he felt thousands of sharp pains all over him, then he couldnt breath. He felt his heart and lungs being ripped out, and something cold replaced them. He stopped thinking, and before he knew it he was dead.


The two Spartans had been running for minutes before they finally reached an opening. John turned and blasted a combat form. John looked around and saw a lift in the middle of the room, they climbed on, and the lift started to ascent toward the surface. " Pelican Echo 977 this is SPARTAN Master Chief 117 calling for immediate evac. in sector Alpha Beta quadrant 4. Repeat requesting immediate evac in sector Alpha Beta quadrant 4."
No one answered. They came to the surface fast and with an ubrupt halt. They sprinted toward the exit. The surface was chared blackish ,and Covenant were everywhere."What happened?"
The Chief checked for survivors...there were none, just him and Tom 227. " Master Chief is that you?"
"Yes. May I ask who this is?'
"This is Admiral Charleston, Cole Charleston of the Apocolpse class warship ARMAGEDDON. We are responding to a didstress signal from Adimiral Blake onboard the WASHINGTON. Is he there?
"No im afraid he has been destroyed. Another SPARTAN and I are the only known human survivors of the armies and fleets."
"Sounds like you boys could use some helo. Me 'n' my fleet 'll be there in 4 hours."

.....4 Hours Later.....

The covenant now completly owned the planet and were preparing to glass it when the ARMAGEDDON blasted a frigate clear out of the sky. A fleet of over 500 hundred sheeps followed that action by sending salvo after salvo of ARCHER missles and Apcolypse warheads into the hulls of thousands of covenant ships. Half of the Covenant fleet was destroyed within the first half an hour of the naz]val battle.
When the Master Chief heard this he smiled and slightly laughed. He new that there would be plenty more battles with his discovery of the FLOOD, but he discarded that thought for now.
