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Fan Fiction

A Small Fishing Village?
Posted By: Spartan 118
Date: 9 April 2005, 2:27 AM

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2400 hours and the commander of red team awoke me from my favorite dream, the same one I'd been having the whole time sincw we got to this adopted base. We captured a small city 200,000km east of the nearest civilization, on a frozen waste land.

"Wake ya?" he asked sarcasticly "We found a covenant drop team 200m from our current location, headded north." He steped on my head and pushed it into the snow under me. "So wake up darlin!"

I staggered into the command center an old shack we adopted a few weeks back (FYI we've been here for 3 months).

A senior officer was barking information to the team "We've discovered a covnant attack force headed north," he indicated the location of the force on a holo-display on the wall behind him. "This is what we belive their destination is." he indicated a group of buildings. "We're not certain what advantage they can get from the village but we need to cut them off."

I disrupted his speech "why exactly are we protecting a small fishing village? What's the population 50? 60 people?"

I reseved the 'evil eye' from the commander "we are protecting inocent lives THAT is why we're going." I disapeared as best as I could back into the other marines.

We set out for the village at 0300 with two warthogs and a simple six man crew. I sat in the passenger seat with my favorite gun: the sniper rifle. As the village came into view I observed the area with my scope at 10x magnification.

"sir, the town's empty aside from covnant patrols" I reported grimly "Jacal snipers on the roofs and elites in the roads. I think I see some hunters at the docks."

"That all?" he asked sarcasticaly as we aproched "take the bastards out!"

"Yessir." I took aim and fired. one shot, one kill, and one confused covenant attack force. I proceded to annialate the snipers until the roofs were clear. I reported the condition and took up a MA5B and Magnum.

Two ghosts came from the village "We have in coming!" the driver reported rather uselessly.

As the ghosts came close I jumped out and rendered the driver unconcess then took the controls the gunner disposed of the unconcess elite. Me and the passenger of the other warthog both hijacked a vehicle and rode into the village. I ditched my ghost and watched it slam into a suprised elite then carry him into the frozen ocean.

The commander's voice rang over the comm "clear it out while you wait no need to sit around bored."

I gladly accepted and ducked into the nearest building a small group of grunts and one elite quickly dove for cover. the elite yelled someting in the native tounge and a grunt ran out of hiding and threw a grenade at me I jumped to the side and felt the heat of the explosion. I rose and dropped three grunts. The elite jumped out and fired plasma bolts in my direction I responded by throwing a frag in his face. All clear I said walking out little did I know a grunt with bad aim was behind me his grenade went by and landed on an elite patrol he sceamed and ran into the building behind him and exploded as I shot the grunt behind me.

The warhog rolled up and shot down the small annoyances in the emediate vicinanty purple icicle shot from the grunts in the -59 degree air.

"Two hunters is all thats left." the warthog's occupants reported jumping from the vehicle. "Let's get 'em."

We moved in small groups headded for the hunters they responed by firing bolts at us we found cover but still lost a marine.

The commander ran out of hiding and fired while screaming "You killed one of my men you ugly-" what ever he was about to say was cut off by his painful screams when hit by the hunters shot.

I threw a frag that embedded in the hunters armor then exploded sending his frozen intestines into the ocean. His bond brother stared in horror as his closest of kin fell in two pieces to the snow. His shock however did not provide adiquite time to kill him. He screamed something that I couldn't understand and in a blind rage charged at our cover shattering the crates and the skulls of those who hid behind them. Only two of us left he dove for our hiding spot and ripped my assault rifle from my hands my fellow marine dodged unharmed.

He took position behind a large fish and opened fire upon the hunter working only as a distraction he fired all his ammo then ran in a panic as the hunter impaled him and thrust his corpse to the steel dock.

Even though his sacrifice was only a ditraction it provided me time to find a pole I could use as a melee weapon. I ran at the hunter whilst his back was turned and slamed the pole bluntly to his back there was a snap I wasn't sure at first whether it was my arm or his spine but learned soon enough that it was both.He doubled over and I plunged the pipe into him as I myself collapsed.

I stood using my good arm and walked over to a crate of covenant design and pulled the lid off, that was a slow and painful task. I peered into the open crate and didn't realize until the white flash that it was a covenant nuke.

Even in death I keep asking myself "Why did we sacrifice everything for a small fishing village?"
