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Episode 2: The Spartans
Posted By: Spartan 117<mercinary2727@yahoo.com>
Date: 14 August 2003, 7:08 AM
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Battle of South Africa UNSC Time- 22:31 O'clock Mission Clock- 00:00:04
"Enemies Spotted" Corporal James Toye said over his helmet mike.
"What do we have Gold team?" Captain Michael Gillespie asked over the five-pound team radio.
There were four teams consisting of five men each. There was Red team, Master Cheif, Staff Sargent Joey Dowel, Lance Corporal Tom Lancier, and privates Stanley Hoppets and Bill Tanway. All was carrying standard infantry weapons.
There was Blue team. The other infantry team. Captain Michael Gillespie was on it. Jason Williams was promoted to Lance Corporal, First Sargent Thomas Williams (no relation) and Privates Quinn McFreaten, the only girl, and Michael Jerrahe.
Green team was a heavy weapons team, Shotguns, Rocket Launchers, and un-mounted LAAG Machine Guns. Sergeant Jerry Tonwhee, Corporals Donny langwy and sunny Torahee and Privates Tom and Sherman Boyweed brothers
Gold team was the sniper team, three snipers, and two Assault Rifle. Snipers were Corporal James Toye and Matthew Joehanson. Private's Leon Kender and Zack Dubai were Covers.
"Five dropships sir, two Hunters, Seven Elite's, Eight Jackals, and twenty Grunts, all Black Armor." James Replied with a calm voice.
"Not much of an invasion force and its more like eight or nine drops-" Michael was interrupted as James chattered furiously
"We have a Second Covenant encampment repeat a second encampment, twice as many men!"
"Alright, red team move up to us, Gold team, kill as many of those hard Core Elite bastards as you can. Green team Hit'em with rockets on my signal, Blue and red will move up, Cover us from your position Gold team, on my mark..."
* * * *
Zag Tamamee was now feared by all. In just one month. Humans and covenant alike. He was the highest Special forces officer possible. He had eight plasma grenades; Black/ Cyan colored armor, a plasma rifle, and a plasma blade on the left arm.
You could see the light blue color in pitch-black dark. But he is not afraid to be seen. About one eighth of his forces went to patrol earlier. Where had they gone?
Radamamee walked in to his tent. "ahhh, so this is how "The Ripper" lives" He said. Tamamee only stood straighter.
"I forgot" he continued "why did the humans call you that?"
"Well, I enjoy firing a plasma bolt into their knee cap, then slice them in two!"
They both laughed
They had been very good friends since they were small.
"Sir" Daco, a black-red armored Grunt walked in, bowing
Tamamee Growled "What!" he shouted
The grunt startled, let out a small bark "sorry to disturb your Excellency" he said quickly. "But the men you sent out on patrol well... they passed out drunk east of camp"
The Ripper let out a loud roaring scream "Deceived me!" he cried
Radamamee interrupted "do not kill them all"
Ripper let out a smile "not all!" and walked out
Sag Radamamee grinned and followed charging his big feed through Daco. Daco had to jump out of the Elite's way as to not to get smashed, stood up, and let loose a wheeze
As Tamamee was half way there, he heard three distinctive cracks of Sniper Rifle Fire. "we are discovered" The Ripper said though gritted teeth "mission failed. Radamamee, radio all Jackals and Elite's to get into the dropships"
Seconds later Radamamee had finished Tamamee's request and four dropships lifted off.
"Time for our retreat old friend" Tamamee said "Yes, live to fight another day" Radamamee replied Tamamee revealed a quick deep giggle and boarded the Covenant craft for lift off.
* * * *
Two huge explosions erupted from Green team. "Great shots Green team" Captain Gillespie said. "Red team lead, well follow, Gold team, how's it going up there?"
"Four Elite's and two Hunters down. Six Convi Dropships escaped. Whatever's down there, is staying down there." James replied
"Roger that Gold team, Blue team out" Michael looked around "Chief, you take point, your armor gives you the advantage" He nodded and proned his body and crawled though the thick midnight dew.
* * * *
Duru and Karu were the only Hunter survivors left on the Human world. Thirty lowly Grunts surrounded them in one large circle. They were left for dead. They all knew it. Duru searched around for Hostels.
Suddenly twelve cracks of Human Sniper Rifles rang in their ears. Four of the armor piercing round hit Karu, making him fall on his massive knees to support him from his injures. Four more sharp bullets hit him dead in the face, killing him before he hit the ground. It happened in five seconds.
Four rounds flew at Duru and bounced uselessly at his massive shield. Thirty more grunts that had been hiding came out to see Karus dead prone body. They fired wildly into the positions the bullets came from, to no avail. Duru motioned them to cease-fire, Carefully aimed his Fuel Rod Cannon, and Fired two shots out of rage.
* * * *
James Toye had missed all four of his shots, rammed a Sniper clip home, cocked the charging handle back again, and resumed aiming, there were now sixty grunts on the field. And two green pulsing Fuel Rod Bolts headed his way.
As Michael and the rest of Red and Blue team crawled through the elephant grass, they heard Gold teams deathly screams over the radio, he heard two loud booms, and three different screams. "thi s Gold one, we wer hi by fue rod can ons. I have Two dea and ne wounded, our radio has be n hi-" Then static. "Green team, get to Gold teams position and give them medical care, Quinn is a certified medic."
"Understood!" Sargent Jerry Tonwhee acknowledged.
* * * *
Duru was happy with himself. He had heard the screams of death. He did not enjoy that victory for very long however, because two explosive slugs slammed him in his face. Now nobody could recognize him.
Tayat, the highest-ranking Grunt Covenant Noncom here barked the order fire. Suddenly, Needles and plasma alike fired in the direction from where the slugs were fired. The Human fired another ten rounds, taking down Kayak, Jayaj, Dayad, Sayad, and Aayaa. Tayat ordered a retreat.
* * * *
Michael got up from his prone position and began firing his AR in quick succession. Taking down a few Grunts as they ran. Just as he began reloading his dry Assault Rifle Three Grunts flanked the officer. The Captain Hurled his Assault Rifle at the Red armored Grunt, knocking him and his weapon down. Michael charged the now retreating Grunts, He took out his M-Bar Combat Knife and jammed it deeply inside of the Grunts now brainless head, the Red Grunt got back up to try and run, but Michael ripped his Methane Mask off depleting him of suitable air to breath. The final Grunt turned around to toss a Plasma Grenade, but two Pistol rounds hit him in the face killing him instantly. Michael Turned to see the Master Chiefs now smoking pistol still trained on the dead Grunt, he lowered his aim a bit, and slaughtered the choking Grunt with ten rounds "Thanks for the Help Chief." the Officer said.
"Any time" he replied calmly
Over the radio, Green team was checking in. "Green team, to Blue team, Gold team has suffered two deaths, one minorly injured man, and two fine men."
"roger, report who's alive" The Officer asked
"Corporal James Toye, Zack Dubbah, and Robert Blant was injured" Sargent Tonwhee reported
"Alright Sargent, thanks, about fifty grunts retreated from the forest, get down here and mow them down" The Captain said.
Tonwhee laughed "you got it, the Rippers men will be ripped!" he laughed again at his own joke, slid down from the hill with four of his men, and began firing the heavy weapons.
* * * *
Tayat was confused. Were the bullets coming at him, or coming with him. He finally motioned his men around and ran the other direction. His men were down to thirty. Finally after a few minutes of running, they were back where they started, surrounded by Fourteen Humans. Tayat barked an order, and all twenty off the Grunts that were left, began firing a barrage of plasma.
* * * *
Cortana heard one of the Grunts bark the order "Fire" the next thing she knew, barrages of plasma bolts were coming her way. The Master Chief fired his M6D ammunition, then switched to his AR and mowed some Grunts down
The small aliens gunned for Green team, probably because they had the heavy weapons. They fell within seconds. This combat was much to close for the Master Chief to stand, the men couldn't stand this kind of firepower, and he motioned them to retreat. They lost Michael Jerrahe on the five-foot retreat. The ten grunts that were left rejoiced.
* * * *
"Great job Tayat" gayag complemented "You drove them back! You're the best!" zayaz told him wayaw raied his weapon in the air and before he could say anything, a bullet went thought the back of his head, he fell on the floor. Now just a useless dead heap of unimportance. Yet, Tayat still cared about his men. Two more shots rang out, killing Zayaz and gayag.
* * * *
Corpral James Toye and Zack Dubbah had begun firing on the Grunts. Killing them slowly. Suddenly the Chief ran out into their view and they watched as he rammed his weapon into their faces.
* * * *
Tayat stood very still, and dropped his weapon as the big green armored Human killed his squad mates. He finally put his gaze on Tayat. He picked up some of the Methane tank's, about thirty days worth of them. Then, the last thing he could remember was the Humans fist knocking him out.
-Covenant Central Command, Planet Celzar- the Snow Planet Covenant time 0023 Hours.
Tamamee had reached Covenant Central Command shamed that he had not stayed and fought with the rest of his men. Though his mission orders came straight from the High Prophet. -If we are discovered, you must retreat immediately.- He was so angry he could hardly see, she fired some bolts into the ground, took a deep breath and said. "Better..."
He looked at the folders on his desk he opened them they read:
Orders Straight from the High Prophet's:
Humans have infected this planet long before you and your men arrived. Destroy the Human force here before they grow any stronger. you will need reinforcements. I have the Battleship and Carrier ship "Armada Twins" waiting for you in space's orbit. Whenever you need reinforcements. They will be sent and will reach you within five minutes.
-High Prophet-
Tamamee Grunted happily. This was his time to shine
-Camp Pentaltin California Central Command. UNSC Time: 14:00 Hours.-
Captain Isaac O'Brain stood outside with the future Spartan III's "you will begin your intense training... now!"
A bad ass black Master Sergeant walked out of a building practically covered in Campaign Ribbons and Medals walked out grinning. I am "Master Sargent Mike Mancolla! We will do roll call tomorrow to see who live though that mission and who happened to die. Not that I care or anything" he laughed slowly and walked up to the Captain got up into his face and yelled "We haven't got a lot of time to do this, and I won't let up young man! If you even twitch at me the wrong way i will break you in two, you will not see the light of fucken day again understand?"
Michael felt acquired "Sir, yes Sir!" he yelled
"Good!" he said, it sounded more like Guuud "Then let the training begin"
Episode Three Coming Soon!