
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Lost Spartan (Chapters 1-4)
Posted By: Spartan415<superblahblah@bolt.com>
Date: 10 June 2002, 11:04 pm

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Chapter 1
The Beginning

ÝÝÝÝÝ"We can't leave Sam!" was going through my mind when they left. I'm Sam, I was lost during a suicide attempt on a covenant ship. I was left to die but I knew the others would have stayed. I held off the covenant for a while as I had said to my fellow spartans until I had 20 seconds left. I ran through the hallways firing at Grunts and Jackals who were returning fire. I found a covenant escape pod and entered and left into space. The covenant ship exploded and the blast was held in the shield but when they gave way it blew my pod into slipstream and I was unconscious for the time. I awoke near an artificially made world as it looked like, in the shape of a ring. I grab the controls of the pod and found that the pod really took a beating. I steered it towards the ring and fell in a desereted caveland.
ÝÝÝÝÝI found secluded shelter in a big, lit cave. An unexpected surprise led me to believing that this was a covenant-made cave and was deserted in a battle. Needlers, Ghosts, and plasma grenades were in a corner and extra needles were next to them. I found a roming Grunt and killed him. I ate the bastard and found a surprise of how healthy, delicious, and energizing they were. I stole the plasma rifle and added it to my newfound collection of weapons in this home.
ÝÝÝÝÝI studied the body of the grunt and found information beyond what was known to humans. I knew this would help reach and earth but the question going through my mind now was if reach and earth still existed and if the spartans had survived if not. I saved the information on a log. I started thinking about other things such as a plan to survive and how I would recieve information about these things I now thought of.
ÝÝÝÝÝEvery week a Covenant would come and each time I would study each new covenant. Elite, Hunter, Grunt, Elite, Hunter, Grunt. Each time I studied them I found a new surprise and saved it to my log. The Hunters were the bitterest tasting covenant and Grunts the sweetest. Elites gave me a relaxing feeling but I paid no attention to it. I found alloys in Hunters when I would study them after eating. Every once in a while a Jackal would come and they tasted bitter but sweet at the same time.
ÝÝÝÝÝI learned more and more each day. Hunters were the most complex and interesting. I found that the fuel rod cannon on the arm was built in and the bulky armor was harder than Titanium. I built a room for me to study the covenant inside the cave and made a small wall of "Syphil" as I now called the armor of the Hunters. I also made a bulkhead in the front of the cave with the Syphil.
ÝÝÝÝÝI never really thought about how I had gotten to find these covenant and be able to survive. They couldn't have seen the pod or maybe they came for ammo. I decided to see the other caves. I took the ghost, 4 pg's, and 2 needlers. I also took four peices of grunt meat and 20 extra needles. I took off on the ghost and found caves made by covenant. He camped out after looking around. I grabbed a peice of grunt meat and fired a needler which burned the meat medium-rare.
ÝÝÝÝÝI ate and drank water I had gathered during my trip to the caves. I decided to have a bit of target practice. With the Ghost I fired a few shots at lights around the room. The vehicle fired rapidly and hit every lamp I aimed at. I decided to put ghosts in the opening of my cave when I got back. i had an encounter for the first time with a Jackal one day. I killed him easily and stole his light armor. I stayed for 3 days and putting Jackals into a back trunk type thing. I turned off the armors I collected from the 5 Jackals I had killed. I kept one on my wrist and the rest in the trunk. I got to my cave and started studying the new covenant. Their muscles were very lowly developed. The skin was very thin and I found a weak-point in the chest. No wonder they need the sheilds, I thought to myself.
ÝÝÝÝÝThe weak-point was very small but easy to hit from both close and long range. I kept studying but then I heard two clunks. I got behind a bulkhead with my needler two hunters were here and they didn't look happy. I watched as they looked around the room. Then a loud roar came from the back hunter and two grunts came in, one saying, "Why did we get put on this mission I rather be out on the carriers destroying the stupid humans." I was shocked at having four covenant soldiers in the cave. I waited.

Chapter 2
Life or Death

ÝÝÝÝÝI looked again and the Hunters had their backs turned to me. I acted quickly and fired two shots at the orange spots on the Hunters back. They fell instantly to the floor with a loud thud. Thinking quickly I shot 3 needles at each of the grunts. A small purple explosion engulfed and killed them. I ate glad and after started on a knew plasma weapon. I would try to make a plasma launcher out of the Hunters weapons. I took two and connected the cables together. After I created a insert to put needles into which made the plasma. The two guns looked powerful but I would have to test it.
ÝÝÝÝÝI was in luck two Hunters came walking over a small hill. I had taken off the sight of my pistol and installed it onto the launcher. I zoomed, aimed, and fired. The first Hunter was hit in the head and fell to the ground. The second came rampaging, sheild up, towards the bulkhead I was behind. I fired a second shot that ricocheted off the beasts sheild. I fired again and again until it was too close. I ran back, jumped onto a ghost, and zoomed towards him. I saw a light flash and barely dodged the plasma from his cannon. I kept and spun around him. I put full speed and killed the bastard by ramming into his back. My sheild flickered and went dead but recharged immediatly. After this I created numerous weapons and sheilds.
ÝÝÝÝÝI created, by using the jackals sheilds, a on/off switch for my sheild. I used the arm bands for that. I made a small generator that made a energy sheild in the cave opening. A favorite weapon of mine is the plasma/ap round head gun. It attaches to my headset and a small screen shows the energy of my plasma pack. The plasma pack holds needles that make plasma for my headgun. It is also used as my thruster pack I made that attaches to my human pack on my back. The thruster pack allows my to go into the air and fire from long distances with my headgun. I created the AG2, a modified human pistol that uses either needles, explosion tipped rounds, or AP rounds and a electronic 2x-10x sight. The thruster pack is only for emergencies.
ÝÝÝÝÝThe the shield switch was very usefull and the thruster pack let me find out about my surrounding. Other than the usual boulder here and there I found a type of cactus and flowers in a small area with a cave and a small stream flowing from a waterfall. Following the waterfall shocked me. A battle was raging with one man being ruffed up by Elites. The marine held his ground. I flew back to the cave and grabbed a Needler, my AG2, and hopped onto a Ghost. I drove towards the battle firing at will everywhere and drove to the Marine and smushed some Elites and Grunts along the way. When I got there I made quick work of the Elites ruffing up the Marine and told the Marine to get on as I got off. "Sir, more men are behind that cliff and won't last long." he said. "Don't worry I'll get them." I said and fly over to the other Marines. The Marine I just left was spinning and firing madly but the Grunts, Elites, and Jackals around him died. I found 5 Marines behind the cliff being rushed by the Covenant. I fired at every Grunt with my head gun while I finished off Jackals with my AG2. The Elites were starting to come. I fired full-auto with the Needler and mostly two would die of the explosion of the needles. The Marine I left behind headed for the cliff as I was setting down with the other marines. "I'm out of Ammo!" a marine screamed. "Shut up!" was what came out of my mouth as I threw a pistol clip to the marine and gave him an extra after.
ÝÝÝÝÝSoon we finished the stragglers and I gathered up the team after I found a Plasma Sword and stored it in a pounch for study. "How many were in your Life-pod?" was my first question one stepped forward, saluted, and said,"We have had two casualties and 6 of us are left, Sir." "Names please?" I asked. One by one they told me their name and rank, Cpl. Jake Stephens, Pvt. Katina Ploi, Sgt. M. Kristin Phelt, Major Brian Stalker, Pvt. Jorge Pinto, and Pvt. John Paso. The marine I saved was Pvt. Jorge Pinto. I led them towards the cave and Jorge brang the ghost. "We better move out of here since we are already on this hellhole!" "Sir, Yes, Sir!" answered the team. "My name is Samual, Sam for short, and I am a Spartan II warrior." The team wasn't very surprised and I think It was because of my MJOLNIR armor but they were surprised that I was Sam. "Sir, weren't you lost on a mission when you boarded a Covenant Ship?" asked the young Pvt. Johnathon Paso. "Yes, I almost was marine," I answered calmly," I almost died." I showed them the open wound in my armor."This is what happens from a plasma blast."
ÝÝÝÝÝ"Who is a sniper?" I asked. Sgt. M. Kristin Phelt stepped forward. "Good, I'll make you a weapon for sharpshooting." She stepped back. "High Explosives?" Cpl. Jake Stephens stepped foward. "What do you have?" I asked. " I'm carrying 2 packs of C-12 and four grenades, Sir!" he answered. "Keep them and you will go back with me to collect any dropped grenades from the covenant." "Yes, Sir!" He stepped back. "Electronics?" Major. Brian Stalker stepped forward this time. "Do you have any known knowledge of covenant vehicles and weapons?" "Yes, Sir, It was the second thing I was trained in." He replied. He stepped back. Weapons were next. Pvt. Pinto stepped out. "You will make a Sniper for Kristin and explosives for Jake later." I ordered him. He stepped back. "What about you Paso?" I asked as he stepped forward. "I do Reconnaisonce and driving, Sir." He stepped back. "And you Katina?" she stepped forward as I asked. "I am the pilot." She simply said. After that she stepped back.

Chapter 3
The Reunion

ÝÝÝÝÝMe and Jake went back to the base and brought back a sack of plasma grenades and six plasma swords. After that we moved all the things in the cave including bulkheads, weapons, vehicles, and food to the old covenant base. We cleaned up the place and everyone now carried a light sheild of the Jackals. We had encountered two battles with 20 grunts and 2 elites. We finished them off with our enhanced weapons and shields. The Jackal sheilds really help since the covenant use plasma weapons. No one has been hurt and a new explosive C-2000 or C-15 is more powerful because of the plasma mixture and Kristin's plasma sniper uses 100 plasma charges instead of 4 sniper rounds. We enhanced grenades and they only attaches to skin. Once a Covenant Wraith came and was destroyed with a well placed shot from my AG2. All of us have plasma headguns and are unstoppable. We are even smarter than the scientist of the UNSC or ONI.
ÝÝÝÝÝBut then we saw a lone soldier walking across the barren land. He had the uniform of a UNSC Marine. Johnathon conformed that and Katina picked him up on a Spirit. The Spirit is a two seated vehicle that has plasma guns and a soul catcher which is a plasma torpedo on each side. It is similar to the Warthog but with stronger armor and better weapons. The plasma torpedo can take out a Covenant dropship. The marine was Sgt. Carlos Mendez. A surviver from another lifepod and the "Hellion". He had a sack but we didn't check it. Soon after he become unconscious we saw another soldier. Cpl. Craig Narso. A good friend of mine I met in the messhall on another ship. He was happy to see me and he had been aboard the "Hellion" with Sgt. Carlos Mendez and that the rest had died in the crash. He had brought along 20 clips for a pistol and 10 clips for an Assualt Rifle in a sack and that Carlos had the same amount with 8 frag. grenades. We gave the soldiers water and grunt meat and Carlos said before eating it that he'd "rather eat his crap than that" but he ate it after encouragement and the Pvt. saying that it tasted better than the Vitamin Omega. After eating it he loved it and felt stronger that he did 5 laps around the 2 mile perimeter.
ÝÝÝÝÝJohn was doing recon and called back saying that Special Ops. Grunts, Jackals, Elites, and a Wraith with 1 banshee escort was coming our way and he was already returning. We set up some plasma mines in the direction they were coming after he came back. Kristin stationed on the roof in a sniper-spot with armoring all around and a whole for the sniper. Everyone got in their positions on the roof where we had placed bulkheads. I told Kristin to take out the Banshee first which she did without any problems. Then forty Gunts, fifteen Jackals, 10 Elites, and the one wraith came. We powered on our sheilds. Ten Special Ops. Grunts came and were killed by the first line of mines. Five Jackals came holding their sheilds up and were destroyed and incinerated by the next line. Five Elites came charging this time and they didn't have much time in the battle. The Wraith moved through the lines and thinking that there were no more continued. Did that tank have a surprise. The tank burst into flames and we opened fire. I told Kristin to take out Elites first. Everyone else fired two three burst rounds. Some chucked EPG's that attached to some covies or bounced on the ground. Seven Jackals had fallen dead and twenty Grunts had been killed. Elites were taken out easily by Kirstin. Everyone fired their headguns and the stragglers dropped dead.
ÝÝÝÝÝThen two dropships came and let loose one Hunter, two Jackals, five Grunts, and three Elites each. Kristin tried firing on the Hunters as first priority but the charges bounced off the armor. Everyone chucked an EPG each and killed a few. No plasma could get through thanks to the sheilds. The Elites held needlers but were to no avail against our weapons. I switched to Shredder rounds and hit a Hunter and an Elite. The hunter died immediatly but the Elite was still alive. An Elite went in and came out behind us but was barged by a storm of bullets and plasma. He fell instantly. The other Hunter was dead by the time we turned around and the Grunts were already dead from grenades. Craig killed a Jackal with a bullet in the chest and screamed, "Suck on this you peice of shit!" The leftover Jackals were devoured in plasma and bullets. The last Elite was killed but the the hatch opened. I screamed for everyone to turn on their plasma swords and as we did another did in mid-air. It went for me but was sliced in half by Carlos who hadn't done much. The sword of the Elite fell and cut a little into Craigs leg. "SHIT!!!" was the next word from Craig.
ÝÝÝÝÝWe took him in the base and into the infirmary. We poured a little water on and dried up the blood. No big operation had to be done but we checked the cut and was millimeters away from an artery. He lied in bed for a few days and we again took the weapons from the covenant and some cleaned up the mess of blood and carcasses. Craig couldn't walk too good on his right leg but he could still fire from his head gun and a pistol. I advanced his pistol into an AG2. I also added an length-adjustable back-arm for better control. He healed better and better but not fully in time. It seems that a message had been sent to other covenant. This time they only brought two Wraiths and ten Hunters. Again we planted plasma mines after John got back but this time we made it further in case they knew we had planted some so they would die easier. We took positions turned on sheilds and waited. We watched as a Hunter approached. He stopped right in from of the first line. He grabbed a rock and tossed it over the lines. Nothing happened but did they get a surprise when they walked forward. BOOOOM!!!!! The Hunter had stepped on it. They continued and three more times we heard a blast. BOOM! STOMP! BOOM! STOMP! BOOM! STOMP! We again looked up through our sheilds. They hadn't spotted us and continued in. The Hunters came in and back out. One was carrying something. I ordered Kristin to fired at the one carrying the thing in the back. As she another one picked it up and they kept falling.
ÝÝÝÝÝSoon the Wraiths fired. One shot hit the bulkhead where Jake was and he blindly through 2 Frag. Grenades blindly and saw one Wraith fly the roof on fire and all battered. Fuel Rod Cannons started powering up and blasted. I told Jake to use the big guns. He took out a Plasma Launcher. He charged it up, got up, and fired in the mist of a Hunter. He fired at another and killed both Hunters. "Take that you Son of a Bitch!" he called out to them. "Screw you!" replied one of the Hunters. "Big words from a tiny brain." Carlos said to the Hunter. Laughter roared from everyone. We heard the Hunter scream and blow Carlos's bulkhead apart with a blast. A crack appeared in the middle. I screamed at him to go behind the Tank. As the Hunter focused on the tank Craig fired a shot from his AG2 and hit the Hunter in his orange spot. But the charge still flew through the air. The Hunter fell raising his middle finger of his left arm after dropping it. Carlos was smart enough to get out of the way and ran to a bulk head and shared with Jorge. The other three Hunters were stormed in bullets. One had an EPG attached to him and was blown up. We all laughed at him trying to get it off. The head flew into Katina's lap and she screamed and fired into it splashing orange blood all over herself. Once again we roared with laughter but Katina didn't think it so funny. The last were sniped and killed instantly. The final Wraith was blown up from a undetonated mine as it tried to get away.
ÝÝÝÝÝWe cleaned up once again and I had shift this time with Carlos and John. Did you see that Hunter. We all laughed as we cleaned up. It had been two months since the guys landed and our first battle. Three months had passed for me. I remember when I was just starting out. The things I learned from being all alone in that cave. My thoughts were interrupted by the alarm. "Guys, incoming Covenant." This wouldn't be as easy. We replaced Carlos's bulkhead and got into position. We put the mines down once again in four lines. Four Wraiths came with two Hunters, ten Grunts, and ten Elites. We positioned ourselves behind the bulkheads, turned on our sheilds, and watched as hey came. We knew the Covenant weren't stupid. They sent one Grunt at a time. Both flew over the bulkheads and then two Elites went over the bulkheads. We fired. Kristin sent charges into two of the tanks. Both blew up on impact. Grunts fell quick. Elites headed in. Katina got up, opened the hatch, and sent a frag. grenade down. She ran back after closing the hatch we heard roars from under the hatch. Three Elites flew out of the opening of the base. I told Kristin to focus on the tanks. Katina, John, Carlos, and Craig focused on the hatch for the Elites. While Jorge, Jake, Brian, and I focused on the Hunters. Suddenly two more Hunters came out from behind the bushes. We all focused on one Hunter. We heard another brushing in the bushes but we didn't think of it as anything. Four Elites had gone down and the rest of us were have no luck with the Hunters except Jake who had attached a normal plasma grenade to the sheild but had done little damage except make a Hunter blown forward and start fighting with the other one. Jake and Jorge just sat there watching their targets as Brian and I tried to get the other two.
ÝÝÝÝÝI fired one shot to the head and blew it off by hitting the unarmored neck after with me headgun. I turned around and the hatch had just opened but with no one coming out. I turned on my plasma sword, as did the other four focusing on the hatch also. Carlos got jabbed in the stomach but was able to cut off the leg of the invisible Elite. He roared with pain as Carlos took out the other leg. He got up and away from the Elite. We knocked out the Elite and bandaged the legs. We also tied up the arms in case. Just then we all heard a blast hit Carlos's bulkhead again as it tore in two an flew to the back of the base. After that we saw banshee's coming our way. Five banshee's in a V formation headed our way. We heard the Hunter roar,"That was for my cousin!" " Ohhhh, now your trying to live up to his knowledge, I can see it now," Carlos replied,"Brain Wars, Who has the smallest peanut!" We all laughed at him again but were interrupted by plasma fire from the Banshees screeching overhead.
ÝÝÝÝÝWe all directed fired on the Banshees and three fell from the sky on fire. "Who wants barbecue?" Jorge asked. Brian was able to take out the remaining Hunter as it put it's guard down to look at the planes. The remaining two Banshee's came back around and fired their Fuel Rod Cannons. They dented the hatch and barely missed take and all his explosives. "Cutting it close Jake!" I called over to him. John got up and fired at the Banshees screaming,"That's gonna cost me another half an hour of fixing!" One Banshee fell and the other turned around and focused on John who ran in circles on the roof. The Aircraft lowered to run him over but John ducked and threw a normal Plasma Grenade and watched the fire works. We all watched but then fired in surprise at the Elite in the hatch. "Don't ever scare me like that again," Brian called," especially at a time like this!" We all went down the hatch and fired on a lone Elite. A big roar filled the hall. We looked into a corridor in the base and were filled with plasma fire. Some ran to the left wall the others to the right. We all sent grenades in and finished the job. We called for Kristin to come down as she did and we all rested with one exception for lookout.

Chapter 4
The Departure

ÝÝÝÝÝWe all awoke fresh and reenergized. A bit of Grunt meat for breakfast helped and I decided that we couldn't stay here forever. I left the table we ate on and traveled deep within the structure. I took a left, then a right, then two lefts, and one right and I found a hanger with a Seraph fighter and Five Banshees. I ran back using my map I had used to track down the way I was going. I called a meeting and told everyone that we would have to leave and go to help the UNSC. I led them towards the ships. They were awed. Everyone packed up weapons in sacks and put on Syphil armor. The "Granite" as we called the newly found ship was already equipped with plasma missiles and pulse lasers. We loaded a two Banshee's in and all of us got ready for the ride. Katina our pilot had learned how to fly one and learned some of the symbols. She started it up as we all strapped in. She flew out the atmosphere and into darkness. Pitch blackness like never seen came onto the ship the lights turned on. I sat in the front with Katina. She wrote in a slipstream navigation point. We would get to Earth. As we entered slipstream we almost immediately came out. A battle was already raging in space above Earth. We instead flew to another colony planet. We flew to Saturn. As we landed a CIF (Covenant Invasion Force) was heading to a city of Saturn. Katina drove towards the city. We are bombarded by bullets but use our shields to deflect them.
ÝÝÝÝÝThe barrage of bullets stop when they see that we are from earth. We looked at he weapons and they were highly advanced but not as advanced as ours. They finally welcomed us and we warned them of the CIF coming but they already knew. A man piloted the "Granite" to a docking bay for hiding. They had already been ready for the CIF and we again warned them that the CIF was 2 hours away and advancing. They looked at our weapons also and complimented us in our fine weaponry. We were getting aquinted with the leader of the city they informed us that advancements had been made to the Covenant weaponry and also to theirs but the UNSC had only advanced a bit. We met a trained dog, "Goosan" who was very friendly but we were warned he can be deadly in combat. An explosion rocked the building we were in and we got to position. Katina ran towards the hanger with John and hopped into the Banshee's aboard the Seraph. Kristin set up on a large piller with her Plasma Sniper and an extra battery. The rest of us just set up in the barracade. Footsteps could be hard a mile away and John had called in that fifty Elites, seventy Grunts, forty Jackals, fifteen Wraiths, and twenty Hunters were coming. Twenty Elites were on Ghosts and another ten were on Banshee's.
ÝÝÝÝÝJorge came in driving the Spirit. "I thought we shouldn't have left it so I put it in a litte compartment I connected under the Granite." Jorge informed. He sat in the drivers seat as Jake got onto the back and manned the plasma gun. I took shotgun and manned the plasma guns on the front from my console in front of the seat. Jorge drove wildly and loved every second. He finally jumped over a barricade that he used as a ramp. Jake started firing as I did and Jorge ran over Grunts and Jackals in the craziness. Jorge used a Wraith as a ramp a threw a NPG onto it. We ran into a Hunter and he held ono the back but was dragged along. I hit a few Elites on Ghosts and a white flash zipped by my shoulder and hit a Banshee right behind us hovering over the dust and ground now in flames toppling over killing two Elites (one on the Banshee another on the ground), and three Grunts. Saturians started falling, some only wounded and others not as lucky. The same was happening also except the wounded kept on, some with no arms or with on leg crawling and firing at the same time. Then we heard Pelicans coming in and marines marching to the barricade. The numbers were uneven and we had the upper hand. One hundred twenty Saturians and ninety Marines made up the two hundred ten fighters left. The number of Covenant soldiers was one hundred ninety-five Covenant in the beginning. Now it is one hundred fifty. The casualties of the Covenant at the moment were rising.
ÝÝÝÝÝJorge U-turned and stopped in the front of the CIF. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked Jorge. "Nothing." he simply replied and pressed a button. A plasma torpedo rocketed off shish-ko-bobing three Elites and finally exploding on an incoming dropship. Shrapnel flew into Grunts running around and screaming for their lives. An overcharged plasma bolt flew by my head and hit the armoring on the sides of the chain-gun. I found a stupid Jackal with his pistol cooling down and I fired three bolts into him. Five Hunters came rampaging at the Spirit but fell down simultaniously. I looked at Kristin and saw her wave. Another bolt flashed by my ear as I turned back and saw a stupid pack of Grunts coming towards us while one fell back to cool his gun. I fired at the lone Grunt in the back cooling his gun while Jake mopped up the five others. Then suddenly a carrier came into the Atmosphere and let out twenty dropships.
