Rogue Enemies Chapter 6 Death and Regret
Posted By: Spartan415<superblahblah@bolt.com>
Date: 8 September 2002, 8:38 pm
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Alarms sounded through the captured base. Crimson lights blaring through the compound. Chuma woke up to these sounds and lights. He jumped down onto the floor. The red Elite looked around and then grabbed his plasma rifle and saw a marine run by but dropped dead infront of the open doorway from Chumas quick reflexes that had advanced. He was outside in the hallway in a second and saw the rest of the group that had not gone to the turrets come. One of the renegades came and reported,"Turrets are holding down a few of the forces that had come back from the Covenant base. Casualties are one of the Grunts that was in a turret. Enemy drowned down to 95 marines and counting but the turrets are overheating from too much continuous fire. When I left turrets were at 85% Sir." He took a breath after the long report yet it had only taken a minute to say it all.
A Jackal came this time around the corner from bullets slamming into the wall behind him. He yelled and looked back throwing a grenade. "The turrets overheated but theres still about 75 humans behind me." He screamed behind the sounds of the blue explosion occuring on the other side of the hall while the screams of men were heard. Chuma headed down the opposite hallway the marine and Jackal had come from. The group followed him while everyone loaded and readied their guns. Two grunts with them threw grenades in the perfect order making one blast the other blue orb fly forward. A man could be heard yelling,"It's on me! It's on me!" Chuma grinned and threw two more behind him blasting a few more marines chasing them. A grunt yelled from a barrage of bullets pelting into his small body. This day wouldn't be a good one. They moved into the cafeteria where two marines were turned into slush by plasma guns. Chuma flipped over the tables quickly and jumped behind one just as the group were behind it and the enemy passed by. They threw grenades onto marines passing but they were not noticing their hiding place. They finally came into the room and were about to get the same fate as the two marines thet were in here before. Grenades were thrown from side to side from the continuous forces. Linux had a pistol in his hand. He had never really had combat training and was happy when they sent him to the lab a few years back when he was still in the UNSC.
Chuma and him were left with fifteen enemy soldiers and dead bodies around them. Chumas brothers weren't among them but noone noticed from the continuous battle. Chuma and Linux occasionally hit a marine or two but they also took a shot or two. The marines came up to their tables and looked upon them but didn't shoot. A blue line swept through them and the bodies slid down from their bodies. The faces were imprinted marks on their faces. Makota came up to them and lifted them up not saying a word. They ran through more hallways towards where Flako was waiting in the hanger for them finishing off a marine staggering from his group.
"Reinforcements are coming to help the dead forces!" He yelled just as a Pelican dropship came into to the base. The pelican reacted by shoting at Flako andtearing him apart with the auto-cannons. Chuma and Makota yelled and fired into the cockpit hitting the pilot but not before the reinforcements of 12 marines jumped out. Tears streamed from the eyes of both Elite covenant. They fired unending, being hit by bullets. Their sheilds helped until they were decimated. Makota came up to a marine with his sword and slashed off the head while another marines came behind him with a knife and slashed into his back. Makota gasped and was stunned. He just stayed in the air dropping slowly in the eyes of his brother who had just finished sticking the butt of his gun into another marine. The one with the knife ran towards the red man. But Chuma had been advanced too much to be killed with such an inferior weapon. He grabbed the mans arm and bended it downward snapping the bone of the marine. He ripped the arm off and stuck the front of his gun into the man face and fired off two shots. The face was turned black instantly.
Linux was in the back watching, unmoving, just holding his pistol stunned. Chuma ruthlessly took the assault rifle from the man and turned to the last marine. He fired full force at him while running up and body slamming the smaller man. The adrenaline in Chuma had risin so much.
Chuma suddenly knelt on both knees, battle scarred, bleeding, and just started watering the blood stained floor. His tears were making a puddle and the screams that came from his mouth were loud enough to make you want to kill him but Linux just stood there. He took a step and began walking to Chuma. He didn't say anything but just stood there looking at the sun coming up from its sleep. It's warmth slowly set upon them as did the small breeze and dew of the morning. Hours Later The ships engines cut off as the Seraph started floating through space. In an hour the organization was destroyed. The URM was destroyed. Chuma was sleeping in the cabin while Linux thought about the happenings of last night. They didn't know what would happen but they would let God lead them on their lives. The engines restarted and they left into hyperspace.