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Episode Six- Hope?...More or less
Posted By: Spartan117<Mercinary2727@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 October 2003, 5:50 AM
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-Celzar Colony, Celzar Colony time- 1403, UNSC time- 1603, Mission Clock- 00:00:04-
The rumbling pelican dropship fell from the sky. Sergeant Major Dick Mitchell Casen who recently came out of his mental coma, watch the batch of people within the pelican as they glided down from the cloudless sky.
Marines also watching the dropship grumble. "Only one dropship!?" "Jesus were fucked!"
The dropship expertly landed with a silent "clank", opened its rear hatch and almost a dozen Gray armored Spartans pored out Equipped with Assault Rifles, Shotguns, MD6 pistols, Rocket Launchers, Sniper Rifles, Grenades, and twelve box's full of ammunition.
"I'm assuming your in charge," Casen said looking at the Green Armored Naval Spartan. "on account of your different armored color"
The Spartans massive green helmet looked down at the Sergeant Major and replied "No, that would be him over there" eyeing the Gray armored Spartan-M with the silver Captain bars painted on his helmet.
The tall muscular man walked up to the Sergeant "I am Captain Michael Gillespie leader of the Spartan Marines"
The sergeant went to attention and saluted.
"At ease, are you in command here?"
"No sir" Casen replied.
"What's the situation?" The Captain asked
"Well the commander is a Colonel Jack. C Theodore, we have two Captains other than you. One in charge of electronics, the other in charge of the medical center. Four Lieutenants Monitoring everyone in the compound, and me Sergeant Major Dick Casen in charge of troop moral and compound Security."
"That's all fine and dandy Sergeant, but what about the Covenant attacks?" The Captain requested still trying to get used to the bitter cold of the frozen planet.
"Sorry sir, well over the past week Covenant have pushed compound 91, 27, 16, and 103 back to Central Command. Only compound 32 and 26 remain but we pulled those sorry bastards back a few hours ago giving us another 100 men."
"Sergeant Casen would you be so kind to give me a casualty report and the location of the colonel" Michael ordered.
"Over the past week we had about 78 casualties at Central Command. And probably 1,000 or more dead on the Convie side. Oh, and the colonel is in that building up there," he said pointing.
"Alright" Michael said deliberating with himself "Team secure Central Command, Quinn see if you can help in the medical center, Jason distribute this ammunition evenly. If anybody sees the Covenant contact me then announce the base"
"Yes sir" they shouted running off to complete their tasks. When they had disappeared the Captain walked off to the Command building.
"Strange" Casen remarked to himself
* * * *
Private Trevor Fall and Corporal Bruce Connerlan lounge around in their warthog exactly 2.7 kilometers away from Central Command.
"Do you believe in god?" Fall asked Connerlan, as if there were anyone else to ask
"Yeah, I'm a Christian, you know that dude" He replied
"How bout fate?" Fall asked, sighing
"naw, fates a bunch of bull." Connerlan said slightly annoyed. He got out of the hog and stretched out his lazy bones.
"Jesus Christ its freezing" Fall murmured wrapping a blanket around him as he lay at the feed of the LAAG he mans.
"Got that right" Connerlan said crunching his feet into the snow watching the icy cold breath falling from his lips. Bruce Connerlan watched the cloudless sky when he noticed a speak... then three... eight... fifteen...thirty...one hundred... one hundred fifty!
"Holy shit!" Connerlan said jumping back in the driver seat Fall wake up buddy, Hit that LAAG!"
Fall jumped up and locked himself to the LAAG, "Why what's happening!" he asked as if he was oblivious
"Convie dropships or Banshees or something" Fall looked all around when he spotted it
"Step on it buddy!" Fall screamed
The warthog screeched and spat snow and dirt from the back of the vehicle as it speeds at 120 mph.
Bruce picked the radio on the Warthog up. "This is team 8 to CC, we have massive Convie units heading your way! Five minutes tops, repeat, massive Convie units heading your way!"
"They're closing in!" Trevor shouted. They were only about 100 meters away now.
"Fire!" the Corporal screamed.
The LAAG spat hundreds of rounds in the sky littering the grounds with large round shells, while shooting one or two Banshees down. 70 Dropships trailing behind. Several Banshees fired a green energy blast similar to Hunter weaponry.
One green missile exploded three feet behind the warthog throwing it twelve feet in the air spinning slowly forward.
They screamed horrified for what seemed like an eternity. The Warthog luckily landed on its Wheels and dodged the other missals.
The Private raised an angry fist in the air and laughed triumphantly and began littering the snowy ground with Banshee parts.
Bruce looked at his locating computer. 1.5 Kilometers to CC "Almost there buddy" he cried.
* * * *
The Captain walked into Colonel Theodore's office. Everything was gray. The room was plane and smelt like copper and turtle wax mixed together. He was almost camouflaged.
"Ah, Captain Gillespie, you finally arrived" The Colonel said as if he had been waiting for him.
Michael saluted "yes sir. I assume you have a plan?"
"Ah straight to the point" The colonel was old, 78 at least. He sipped on a glass of warm water to help his old raspy voice, "Several hours earlier i called Battle Fleet 8 600,000 Kilometers away from our orbit they will be here in about four to five hour. In one hour i will move all the Marines in my command to the Rondevouz point here".
He pointed to a map in an area surrounded by mountain.
"if all goes well we'll have enough pelicans to get all 328 Marines out of here and back home" the Colonel Continued
"May I make a suggestion sir?" Michael asked
"You may"
"Well sir, I think a be-"
"Sir!" It was Jason
"What is it?" The Captain asked as if he didn't already know
"Covenant, a lot of em a Kilometer away!"
"gotcha" he put his attention on the Colonel "put the base on full alert."
* * * *
Fall eyed his ammo counter as he continued to blow Banshees out of the sky "I only have 1200 rounds left!" he whined
"Shut up and keep shooting" Connerlan yelled
"They ain't just ganna let us in!" Fall cried
"Look, there's a little ramp!" Bruce pointed at a small wooden ramp, even though he knew Fall was busy shooting down Banshees
"That thing cant lift us, and not over the wall" Fall counterd
"We have to try!"
"Were fucked!" The ammo counter reached 500
* * * *
"Look a Warthog" PFC Leon Diez Shouted mounting a fully loaded Mounted LAAG
"They ain't ganna open that door for em!" Staff Sergeant David Scott yelled back mounting an AAHR (Anti-Air Homing Rocket)
"They're heading for that little ramp!" Lance Corporal Steven Neives shouted mounting a GGAPR (Ground to Ground Anti-Personnel Rocket)
A semi-loud beep rang on David Scotts AAHR "they're in range" he informed his colleges when a heavy hand was placed on his shoulder
"Don't fire just yet" the Gray Lance Corporal Spartan told him
The Sergeant glanced at his nametag J. Williams "um... alright"
* * * *
The Warthog was seconds away from the small wooden ramp "here we go!" Bruce shouted
Falls ammo counter reached 0 "tell me what happened when were dead!" he screamed
They hit the ramp and flew only six feet in the air "were fucked!" Connerlan realized
"Incoming missals!" Fall pointed
3 pulsing green missals slammed under the Warthog, exploding, and throwing them sixty feet in the air spinning wildly.
"Bail!" Trevor shouted as he jumped out of the spinning deathtrap
Connerlan screamed horrified as he grabbed as many weapons as he could find, undid the seatbelt, and pushed himself out of the Warthog in mere seconds.
Fall hit a rooftop near the front gate of the camp. He looked around for Connerlan. He spotted him free falling with a bunch of weapons and some ammo.
The Corporal Hurled the weapons on the roof and, still falling reached for the edge of the rooftop.
He missed.
Fall threw his lanky arms over and managed to grab Bruce's Helmet.
Eight Banshees flew overhead and the whole base was in a frenzy. Missals flew and exploded. MLAAG and LAAGs spat empty shells that littered the ground,
Marines dove for cover as they raised their weapons to the sky, shooting helpless Banshees as they soared and streaked overhead leaving a trail of white exhaust as they went.
Fall pulled Connerlan over the one-foot wall onto the roof. "Thanks buddy" Bruce said panting.
"heh... No problem" Fall replied picking up a Rocket Launcher.
The warthog, still on fire, slammed the same rooftop splashing Warthog parts in every direction.
"Ha! You missed shit head! Try again! Whoo Hoo!" Fall shouted.
The Warthog obeyed as it exploded in a ball of flame, hurling a big fiery chunk of tire and metal right between the Marines heads.
"Ha, y-" Fall began
"Shut up you retard, God seems to be granting wish's" Bruce ordered picking up another Rocket Launcher and sniffing the burning rubber and metal.
"I wish we had won the war"
* * * *
Han Tamamee stood in his dropship. Watching his Banshees do minimal damage while the pesky Human weaponry shot them down. "Radamamee" Tamamee called his loyal friend.
San Radamamee limped in his Injurys still present. "Yes your Excellency" he said, bowing to his best ability.
"Inform the dropships to prepare the landing pods for departure. Were going to invade" He pulled up a pair of electric binoculars and looked at the compound.
Tamamee saw a big gray armored Human with another pair of electric Binoculars starring right back at him. The Human gave the fleet a wave.
Tamamee cried out furiously "Uandua!" he yelled
"Uandua rushed in the room. "Yes your Excellency!" he said bowing.
"Bring me that Humans head!"
* * * *
"This is Colonel Thomas on your intercoms, we will now be moving to the Rondevouz point. Only bring essentials. Weapons, food, and water. We move in ten minutes"
"Spartans" Michael said tapping his intercom. "Get the Marines to the back door of Central Command.
"Roger that" they said in unity.
In ten minutes, all the Covenant force, 12,677 men sprinted towards Central Command. And all but two Marines heading for the hills.
* * * *
Fall and Connerlan watched as the Marines left the compound and left them for dead.
"Hey Conn." Fall whispered
"Yeah buddy" Connerlan replied
"Our lucks run out. God hates up" The young 19 year old told wit ha teardrop racing down his face.
"Well let's go out with a bang," Connerlan said with a Rocket Launcher cradled in his hands. Fall grabbed one as well.
* * * *
Tamamee turned his intercom on. "Battalion 1-3 search the town for any humans, take them alive at all costs, the rest of you follow the main force. Capture as many Humans as possible".
* * * *
Connerlan stood up and kicked the Broken Warthog off the roof, it dropped and crashed on the ground, smashing a few Hunters and a group of Grunts.
A Banshee flew overhead, fall fired a rocket at it and the purple metallic fighter fell to its death.
Bruce fired his first Rocket down on a team of officers killing them all.
Fall shot a second Rocket into a group of sixty Grunts, killing the better half of them. They cried out and split up in all directions.
* * * *
Casen climbed the stairwell, left behind hoping to find the source of the Rocket jockeys.
He busted down the door to the roof. Private Trevor Fall and Corporal Bruce Connerlan firing rockets like madmen.
The boys faced Casen. "Nice to have you with us Sergeant" Fall said tossing him his launcher.
"Good to be here" Casen said. "But I have a better idea then just wasting ammo down here." Casen informed.
"Do tell" Bruce wondered.
"Threes a longsword fighter docked in the docking bay about fifty meters from here. and there's another roof we could jump on to get there, see" he said pointing to a shorter roof about six feet out and twenty feet down. "So, you with me?"
"Damn right" Fall shouted
"On your mark" Connerland said, knowing he could pilot the Longsword
Casen put up his fingers "one...two...THREE!"
* * * *
The Colonel in a warthog was supposedly already at the RP; he hasn't called in, in awhile.
Two Banshees monitoring the Marines flew low to the ground almost right above their heads. "Big mistake" The Captain said, 30 Marines open fired shooting the inexperienced Banshees to the ground in a burning flame.
Jason, Quinn, Zack, and James hand reached the RP before they had to give some extra support to the Colonel.
"This is Zack speaking, it's a fucking massacre. There's a four Warthogs here, eight dead Marines, and the Colonel and a few others are missing."
"Jesus..." Michael sighed "alright secure the area, were one kilometer from your position, be there soon. Out"
* * * *
Uandua trailed only a Kilometer behind the humans. He had sent a strike team and had captured an important Human officer. He would be promoted for sure. Especially if he brought back the Gray armored "Captain" alive.
* * * *
"Hit it" Bruce, yelled. The three sprinted jumped on the little lift platform, and jumped for the second rooftop. During that time seven Elite's popped up from the broken door and fired stun plasma bolts at the Humans.
Luckily it went right over their heads. Fall pulled the Rocket Launcher to his shoulder, and fired a graceful shot at the Elite's when they were visible, killing the pursuers.
"Jump for the ground" Casen orders already in mid air.
The two NCO's Jumped with the SNCO landing on the snow with a loud crunch.
Fall picked up some snow and shoved it into his mouth for water. Several Grunts rounded the corner, Conerlan pushed the others through the hanger doors and upholstered duel MD6's Shot two in the head, splattering orange blue blood on the other five, and they scattered fearing the Human.
"Go, get inside the ship, hurry!" Bruce shouted.
Casen and Fall obeyed. Two meters before the two had entered the Longsword fighter, three Elite's, six Jackels, and nine Grunts walked out of the ship. One Elite looked injured.
That Elite laughed and shot Fall with his Stun Rifle.
Fall fell, paralyzed from the neck down.
"Casen shoot!" Fall shouted
Casen stared into the familiar Alien eyes of no other then Radamamee.
The Elite turned on his Translater. "Ha, ha, ha" the Elite laughed "This revenge will be sweet."
"Yeah well. Who's wearing the casts bitch?" Casen shot back.
The angry officer yelled and roared "ill show you!" Radamamee shouted slamming his cast in the side of Casens face.
The Sergeant Major fell, still smiling.
Connerlan, with pinpoint accuracy fired 22 rounds into the Grunts, Jackals, and one Elite. They all fell dead.
Radamamee shot Casen with his Stun Rifle. "Not a good day" Fall said trying to keep his sense of humor.
"Got that right" Casen replied
Bruce reloaded hoping for hope, hoping for that hope for a chance. Saw none. And fired blindly with anger and missed almost every shot. He dropped his smoking pistols, out of ammunition. And fell to his knees.
Radamamee aimed his Stun Rifle, and fired.
* * * *
The Battalion arrived at the RP Michael used his Com unit to call the Battle fleet.
"This is Captain Michael Gillespie of the Spartan-M CO of CC on Celzar Colony. When will the Pelicans arrive?"
"This is General Mitch Zerh of Battle Fleet 8 they have already been sent, they should be there in twenty minutes but theirs a small problem".
"Stop playing games, we don't have much time" The Captain said impatiently, not wanting to take any shit.
"we had a small battle with a few Covenant Battleships and Dropships when we sent our pelicans down, and about five were destroyed as they moved down. This may cause a small problem"
"we've had worse" The Captain said signing off "alright" Michael shouted "some of us may have to stay behind"
The Marines grumbled and shouted angrily
"alri-" Michael had been interrupted
"Sir, Convies, six O'clock" A Marine shouted.
"Defensive positions!"
The Marines hit the dirt, Rifles and weaponry aimed down the hill. "I'm ganna show these fuckers what for!" a Marine cried.
"Spartans!" the Captain Barked
The ten soldiers lined up.
"Alright, MC, take the left side and give the troops support, the others I want preparing for the pelicans. I'll be watching the battle and giving orders from here. Hurrah?"
"Hurrah!" they ran to their tasks.
"Sir, Covenant 90 meters and closing fast" "Wait..." "70 meters" "Hold!" "50 meters sir!" the Marine cried desperately "Fire! The racket of 375 weapons going off was so loud the Captain had to close his helmet filter to dull the loudness a little.
Thousands of little gold rounds made their way to the ground making an unheard crunch.
"Let me hear your warcry!" The MC shouted.
A horrifyingly loud "Raaahhh!" Was even louder then the sound of racing weaponry.
"Pelicans have arrived" Jason shouted
"Spartans cover the marines!"
The pelicans reached the ground and the marines, in a last ditch effort to survive sprinted towards the dropships, jumped in and one by one, the pelicans lifted off.
Dozens of grunts probably being used to waste ammo rushed the lines. The Spartans made quick work of them.
Behind the grunts were Jackals making a long line of shielding like medieval shield man protecting the swordsmen whom were the Elite's.
Only one pelican remained eight Marines already inside. "Go!" Gillespie shouted. "I'll... I'll cover you"
"But Captain-" James tried to convince
"Go now!" the Captain barked pushing him toward the pelican.
They obeyed, leaving the Captain behind.
* * * *
Uandua ran up the hill with his Jackals. The gray armored human stood twelve meters away. Wielding their automatic weapon they named Assault Rifle. "Drop your weapon" Uandua barked using the communicator.
"Why don't you come and take it?" the ignorant Human shot back.
"Apprehend him" Uandua ordered the Jackals.
Eight of them walked up to the lone Human.
"Drop it" A Jackal named Dane instructed. The Human carefully aimed, and fired three lead slugs into the Jackals head, spraying orange blood out the back of his neck.
The other seven unnaturally jumped on him.
* * * *
He snapped ones neck, punched another and shot the others once he shook them off.
The Captain stood somewhat triumphant. The leader Elite aimed and fired two-stun plasma bolts into his armor. The Bolt splashed across his armor, and the Spartan emitted a green barrier.
"Ha" He shouted Then he blacked out.
* * * *
Captain Michael K. Gillespie woke up in a Covenant vessel. He lay next to the Sergeant named Casen. The one he met before. Two other marines he didn't recognize next to that. And the colonel along with his Warthog party.
An Elite walked in that any Human could recognize. Han Tamamee. He pressed a few buttons on a transparent computer screen. Michael's metal bed he was strapped to turn upward and a bolt of electricity surged through him.
His fists and toes clenched, and he screamed in agony.
"You Humans are made out of more water then anything else. So an electric torture chamber will be a lot of fun. Primitive, yet effective."
"Hand in there" Casen said, already tortured by the way his body was burnt.
Michael nodded and realized he had been stripped of his armor and was butt necked. His blond hair, still suffering from helmet hair, his muscular body, in a weakened state.
"Oh yes were going to have a lot of fun. Thanks to the Hunter that knocked you out"
"Well see who's having fun when i get out of here" Michael shot back"
Han Tamamee began the torture.