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Episode Five- The Stanley Hoppetz Story
Posted By: Spartan117<Mercinary2727@yahoo.com>
Date: 23 September 2003, 1:53 AM
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(BIG WARNING LABLE THINGY- Do Not Read This Unless You Understand Episode Four. GOT IT! NOW READ (unless you havent read episode four then read episode four first THEN READ EPISODE FIVE!)
"Don't you die on me, don't you give up on me! Do you understand me Marine!?"
But all Private Stanly Hoppetz could do is spit up blood, mouth a word, and die. Quinn knew what the word was. "Freedom" Quinn stood up, washed her hands in a nearby river and frowned.
"Oh my god! Quinn, what have you done!" Lance Corporal Jason Williams said in a whispering horror.
Michael and his Squad of four rushed forward to meet Quinn "Why did you call?" the Captain asked in a stern voice.
Quinn took a deep breath and said....
* * * *
Eight Hours Earlier...
Air Force Master Sargent Mike Mancolla pulled down a large projector wall revealing a small forest surrounding a small number of buildings. "This" he said calmly "is your final month of Spartan-M training. You had no augmentations, or any Steroids, You are true blue Marines" he smiled "Now the MOJINER suits you will be getting at the end will have no special abilities beside protective armor, protective shielding, and some other secrets I had in there you will have to find out."
Everyone nodded silently
"This" he said hitting the area of buildings with his laser pointer "is a Terrorist installation they go by the name of the "HRCA" meaning Human Republic Covenant Army. They mean to fight and kill the humans... If you ask me they are all goddamned insane and deserve a good asswhoping! And you know what?" What sounded like Wut.
"Wut!" they all yelled
"I think they're chicken pussy whips that should all be fucked up for turning on their own human race! You got Five minutes to get yer gear and get on the Pelican, Make a plan, and Fuck them up. Good to go?" he asked
"Hurrah!" They yelled "I said good to go goddamnit!" he shouted angrily "Hurrah!" they all screamed!
* * * *
Private first class Stanley Hoppetz listed closely as Captain Michael Gillespie gave the plan.
"Quinn, Stanley, James, Michael J., Robert, and Zack, your team two, you will go around to flank the HRCA and flush them to our position, and we will finish them off ill give you details over the radio. Understood?"
"Hurrah" Team two finished
"Stanley Hoppetz, your team leader, we need some team experience from you."
Stanley nodded, sneezed, and wiped his nose.
* * * *
"Team Two, we are in position, repeat we are in left flank position, whats your status?, over" Michael asked over the helmet radio
"Sir, we are almost to our objective point, estimated time will be half an hour, over" Stanly said
"Roger that team two out." Michael shut the radio off and said. "Alright men, thirty minute break take out MRE's clean your weapons do whatever, but I want one man on patrol, any volunteers?"
Jason Williams raised his hand.
* * * *
General Daemon Jackson, leader of the HRCA paced back and forth preparing his so called "rebellious move" he had smuggled three HAVOK nuke's from the Battle Cruiser "Hades" and was planning a move to use them. Just as a plan was be created, like a flower blooming, three HRCA officers walked in and saluted respectfully by putting their left fist on the middle of their chest.
The first man was Colonel Scott Hickleson. The second man Captain Steven Ameria. And the last was First Lieutenant Stacey Thomson.
"Please sit" the General said pouring the Colonel a class of brandy, but leaving the Captain and the Lieutenant out of the fun.
The Colonel slowly sipped at his warm brandy, took a deep breath and managed to say "Captain, tell the General the news"
The Captain stood up, his corny hat resting on his belt, and said "Sir, we spotted a UNMC Pelican Dropship touchdown about forty-five minutes ago. We think they are here to eliminate the HRCA.
The gray haired leader inhaled and pondered at his options for a moment. "We have no proof of them moving to our position?"
The young strong Lieutenant spoke "sir, my troops have not seen any mass moving towards the base"
Daemon licked the inside of his mouth, pinpointed his limited options and said, "have half the base on patrol and every two hours have the other men switch places understood?"
"Yes sir, ill have them prepared in half an hour" the Colonel said gulping the small amount of brandy left in his cleansed glass, and walked out with the other officers.
* * * *
"Sir, it looks like the whole goddamned base is on patrol" First Sargent Thomas Williams said, wielding a sniper rifle "this may be harder then planed"
"Shut the fuck up" Michael said "no negativity on my team"
"Yes sir he said"
"This is team two reporting in, my men are ready to fire. Just give me the... ahh... ahh... CHOO... uh. Sorry sir, just give me the order"
Michael took a deep breath, took a sip from his canteen and said "fire at will."
* * * *
"You heard him" Stanley said rubbing his nose "Fire!"
Six Marines opened up on the seemingly hundreds of rebellious men.
* * * *
Sargent Stomly Toneway was being fired upon. No, not him. Just his men. "Rally round men!" he said whirling his finger in a circle. "Run in that direction" he pointed in the direction opposite of the way they were coming "let's get the hell out of here!"
* * * *
The Captain looked at the forces with his electric binoculars. They were heading straight toward him. "Open up!" he yelled as his team's weaponry crackled in the morning air. The men fell like flies to a fly swatter. One by one. Second by second. Michael grinned as he tossed a fragmentation grenade into the crowded enemies and watched their blood spill on the ground as it exploded throwing them and their body parts in all directions.
Gillespie pressed his assault rifles butt to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. Two other men threw grenades. Michael didn't catch whom. One blew up to the side of the group causing little to no damage but the other landed right in the middle perfectly blowing half of the rest to hell.
After seconds of shooting the Captain's magazine ran dry. He instinctively rammed another magazine home, cocked the charging hand back and continued to accurately fire. Finally after hundreds of spent shells littered the ground around the new Spartan-M's, the enemies had fallen. "alright men, lets rally up, were going to infiltrate the compound and kill the basterd responsible for making us slaughter our own people!"
* * * *
James, Michael J., Robert, and Zack went off to enter the compound with the rest of the team, but Stanley and Quinn stayed behind for monitoring reasons. Stanley sat down five feet across of Quinn and took out a bag of white smooth powder he put some in his hand, and sucked it through his nose.
Quinn immediately knew it was cocaine. Stanley was a drug addict. He probably passed the urine samples by paying somebody to piss in a cup for him. He laughed to himself as he sucked more of the disgusting poison through his nose and offered some to Quinn.
She refused. "You know I'm going to have to report you for this"
"You know... know your not ganna do nutten l-like. Like that! Now gimmie a kiss" he said kneeling over trying to kiss her
"Ugh, get away from me you freak!" she screamed
"Freak!? Call me a freak will you!?" he shouted angrily. "Now yer ganna get it!"
Quinn pulled out her M6D "don't make me use this!"
"You can't do nothing! Y-your just a little girl! You do-don't wanna shoot me!"
"Quinn this is the Captain were done over here, how's it looking outside?"
"Sir I need your help!" she shouted into her com link just before Stanley ripped the headset off her.
"You stupid bitch! Do you know what you just did! Now you're going to die!"
* * * *
Jason heard her message and rushed over to her position seconds before he got there. He heard the loud screech of an M6D. He looked over to where Quinn as kneeling, giving Stanley CPR and telling him not to die on her. He looked around. Blood spilt on the ground around the dying body. Blood gushing from the wound in the chest. And the smoking pistol lay frozen. Fresh from being fired.
"Oh my god! Quinn, what have you done!" Lance Corporal Jason Williams said in a whispering horror.
* * * *
"And that's what happened" Quinn said sadly
"I understand..." Jason said sadly.
"I think we all do... we don't, and never will hold this against you. It'll be ok..." Michael assured her.
The Pelican dropship arrived and they all boarded the craft and returned home, Quinn carrying the dead body she had created.
They had lost a Spartan that day.
But they also lost a friend.
-Episode 6 coming soon! (Continuing the main story)