
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Episode Four- Things Get Harder
Posted By: Spartan117<mercinary2727@yahoo.com>
Date: 18 August 2003, 3:26 AM

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*Authors Note: If you have not read the prologue, Episode One, Episode Two, and Episode three. DO NOT READ THIS EPISODE. Thank you*

Celzar Colony UNSC time- Unknown Celzar Colony time- Unknown. Area or Mission Statement- unknown

-Crunch, Crunch, Crunch,- Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Casen made indents in the snow as he walked ass naked to Central Command. His whole body was pale. But he didn't even think about complaining. He was a bad ass.

-Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.-

* * * *

Celzar Colony UNSC time- 1723 Celzar Colony time- 1623 Routine Patrol Around Central Command.

"Its pronounced -boLth-" Private Trevor Fall said protesting that he was right as he manned the LAAG machine gun on the back of the Warthog.

"Dude, there's no "L" in it, its pronounced both" Corporal Bruce Conerlan said, keeping his foot on the gas. The two young soldiers were on patrol to see if any Covenant forces were nearing Central Command. "Hey, what's that?" Conerlan asked the heavily armed Private. "We should BoLth go check it out" Fall said still trying to make his point.

"You sound like such an ass when you say it." Conerlan said stopping the Warthog

"BoLth, boLth, boLth" he said annoying the Corporal.

"Seriously man. Like an ass," Bruce said annoyed. "Lets go find out what that figure is, keep the LAAG trained around the area"

Fall put a fighting face on, and prepared to fire the weapon at a snowflake if it gave him a funny look. Conerlan neared the target, and good out training his Assault Rifle at the fallen body. He gave Fall a signal to cover him, and sprinted twenty feet to the body. "What is it?" Fall asked

"It's one of us! He's freezing! Take your jacket off!" Conerlan quickly stripping off his jacket and putting it on the prone body, picked the naked guy up, and sat him in the side seat of the Warthog. Fall handed Bruce his jacket, and he placed the second one on him. He checked the pulse, made sure his airway was clear. And finally made sure he wasn't bleeding. Everything was fine besides the guy probably had some serious frostbite.

"Lets get this guy to Central Command. I wonder what happened to this guy."

* * * *

Tamamee had monitored the motion tracker he had placed on the Human. If things went well they would know where the Humans were hiding. But for the Six and a half-hours he had stared at the screen. It hadn't moved.

Radamamee walked in, bandages had been warped around his neck and sterilizes were in place to make sure the primitive Human weapon did not infect his wound. The Human must has damaged a voice box because Radamamee had a hard time speaking. The medical doctor said it was temporal.

Tamamee growled angrily. The Human "Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Casen" emptied his patience. "Send a team of Banshee's to monitor the Movements. Why hasn't he moved!" he ordered Uandua. His third in command.

"Yes your Excellency" he said, and ran out of Tamamees beautiful tent.

* * * *

UNSC Celzar Central Command UNSC time- 1523 Area- Central Command Main Hospital.

Captain Donavan O'Riley walked out of the small doctor's office to the two Marines waiting in the lobby. "I uploaded his files" O'Riley said, "His name is Dick Mitchell Casen. He is a Sargent Major is the UNSC Marine Core. Your lucky you found him when you did. Any longer he would have gone into a coma, and within hours would have died. You did good today boys."

"Hey, maybe a promotions in order" The one tagged "Corporal Bruce" told the one named "Private Fall"

"Can we see him?" Fall asked, concerned with his fellow man.

"I'm afraid not son. You see, for the next few days he's going to go through a process of... Umm... Defrosting one might say. He'll have rashes, itchy skin, most likely a cold, and has a minor concussion. His cold is extremely contagious, and it comes with side effects."

Fall had a hint of sadness in his face, as if he knew how it felt. "When can we see him?"

"Come back in two days. His cold will be gone for sure by then. And his rashes should heal a bit." The Doc. said.

"Will do sir!" Fall saluted and walked out of the Hospital, Bruce following behind.

As Fall walked outside, he heard numerous screams of "Covenant Sighted!" and "The Covenant are here, Get some weapons!" Bruce ran five feet ahead of Fall

"Lets go Fall, time to kick some Covenant ass!"

* * * *

Uandua had found the Humans clothe drenched in wet snow. And knew the camp was not far off. Him and his squadron of Banshees flew for a few miles, and saw a huge encampment. Maybe the most heavily guarded Human encampments he had ever witnessed. It seemed almost... impenetrable...

He activated the Transceiver on his Banshee as he turned back to camp "Tamamee?" he asked

"Yes, continue Uandua" He said. He could tell he was pissed.

"I have spotted the Human encampment. It's about nine miles straight away from the mountains."

"Good. i already have my men in dropships ready to assault. Return to the camp. Radamamee will lead this attack. He wants revenge he says" Uandua heard Radamamee laugh in the background

"Feeling better Excellency?"
"Much" Radamamee replied.

* * * *

Just as Fall and Bruce had taken up weapons, they heard more shouts "Hey, they ran! Come back cowards!" and "thank god.."

Bruce walked up to a higher position where all the LAAG's and Rockets were mounted and saw something that nobody did.
One hundred to one hundred fifty Covie dropships tops, land about seven miles away. "Hey! Hey!" he shouted! "Look! Over there!" he pointed to where they were.

An officer with a cigarette in his mouth walked up to his position and looked over to the position. The Cigarette butt fell out of his mouth. He stuttered for a moment. and screamed "EVERYONE LOCK AN' LOAD! WE GOT COVENANT!"

Two thousand Marines cocked their weapons and laughed and shouted in excitement. "Were going to slaughter them!" one Marine shouted "Yeee Haw!" another yelled.

Then, in what seemed like a minute, they were in range.

* * * *

Radamamee walked with over six thousand troops with another fifty thousand on the ready to attack. He knew many would die. "Hide behind those rocks!" he said as about twenty Human weapons open fired upon them. "Return Fire!"

* * * *

A barrage of fire hit the front of the base melting it and molding it into something horrible smelling. Bruce had fired his M6D pistol at the alien invaders who had decided to fuck with the wrong race. Bruce actually felt sorry for the bastards

Fall watched as several rockets flew in to kill or at least move some Covenant into the open. It worked. He saw eight Covenants grunts fly from their position landing in a heap of dead Caracas. Many other aliens retreated from their position as rocket's hit their former positions and LAAG's mowed them down like grass. A Marine Fall knew as Jacob Stevenson mounted a LAAG, raised his arm up, and screamed "Whoo hoo!" and fired again.

* * * *

Radamamee had assembled a team of twelve to reach the camp front door, and to blow it with an explosive. He strapped it around a Grunt who weeps for himself. Jackals who would protect the single Grunt surrounded the Grunt.

He sent the task team out there and as the Marines launched projectiles towards the Jackals, they just bounced off. One bounced of a Jackals shield, and pinned another Jackal in his neck. He fell spraying purplish blood on the snow. The Grunt finally reached the door, and the Jackals ran as fast as their little feet would take them, but the Marines were to smart for them and mowed them down with a few LAAG's. The Grunt however exploded sending little Grunt body parts and little Grunt organs all over the place. There was a thirteen feet wide and thirteen feet tall hole in the door. Radamamee screamed "Charge!" and the battle really began.

* * * *

Eighty Marines stood like statues in front of the huge door as Covenant tried to pry themselves into the door. They would keep getting mowed down. But they were endless and finally, as most of the LAAG's reloaded, hundreds of Covenant slipped through. The Eighty Marines held them off for a minute, but had to retreat eventually for more ammo.

Finally the LAAG's were reloaded, practically at the same time, and the familiar sound of Machine gun fire was heard again, mowing down the sorry fuckers, outside, and inside. Several hundred Marines guarded the LAAG mounted Marines. Assault Rifle fire rang out in all directions. And eventually. The Covenant had retreated with four thousand of their guys still in tack.

Things had gotten harder.

* * * *


Master Sargent Mike Mancolla had trained the ten men that had passed for three months, they had made a lot of improvements. Their muscles rapidly grew. Their abilities skyrocketed. And their discipline was unbelievable. For the first time in thirty years. Master Sargent Mike Mancolla was proud.

"There will be no special arrangements for your graduation. And i have only two things to present to you!" Sargent Mancolla walked up the Captain Michael Gillespie and handed him a pin. It was like the original Marine Core pin, Anchor, Earth, Eagle, but with a Moon and wings in the back of it. "Congratulations he said"

He walked down the row giving it to each Soldier who earned it. First Sargent Thomas Williams, Sargent Joey Dowely, Corporal James Toye, Corporal Jason Williams, Lance Corporal Robert Blant, Private Zack Dubbah, Private Quinn McFreaten, Private Michael Jerahee, and Private Bill Tawny. Stanley Hoppetz was killed during a training operation. (Classified).

"And for the second surprise" He showed them ten fully functional Gray MOJINAR armor suites. "Greens for the Navy, Grays for the Marines!" he said. It took them eight hours to figure out how to take it off and put it on efficiently. They all were embarrassed especially Quinn. "Now" he said in a strong firm voice Planet Celzar is in trouble. You all plus MC gets to go there and take it back. Sounds like fun. I wish i could go but ya'know I'm old, and i need to sit behind a desk. Now Get out Spartan-M's, and kick some ass!" Mancolla liked to call them Spartan-M's because they were Spartan Marines. Michael made sure his men boarded the dropship, walked up the Mancolla and asked, "will we ever see you again?"

"Possibly... Hopefully" Master Sargent, for the first time saluted him. Michael gave him the crispest salute he knew how to give and shock his massive hand and boarded the Pelican.

Time to make things easier.

Episode Five coming soon!
