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Fan Fiction

Helljumper Reach Campaign, Part II: The Elite
Posted By: Spartan-507
Date: 12 January 2005, 12:58 AM

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The Scarab kept coming closer, even though they were moving from it at top speed. The street where the Scorpion had once been was still smoldering. "Hey Sarge!" yelled Corporal Gutierrez, "Why don't you call in an air strike?" Before Smith could respond, Shaw jumped in. "Because Marine, the blast from the reactors on the Scarab would take us with it". But Smith disagreed. "Sir, it's worth a shot, regardless if it takes us with it. As long as there is a chance that it'll be destroyed, I'm willing to risk it." "Alright Smith. But I ain't gonna be the one who possibly condemns us to death. You're calling in the air strike" responded Shaw. "Fine with me Loot." He began his communication. " This is Sergeant Smith of the 105th Division, D Company. We are currently being attacked by a Scarab. Requesting an immediate air strike. Over". The response came almost immediately. "This is Colonel Nelson Roque. We are currently inbound. Over." "That's all I ask", said Smith.

Colonel Nelson Roque and his wingmen had just accomplished taking out an entire squadron of Seraph fighters when he got a request for an immediate air strike by a Helljumper Sergeant. He locked on to his signal and granted the request. "Let's go kill us a Scarab, men!" His three-man crew rolled aside and zoomed toward the surface of Apacanopo. As soon as they arrived, they instantly saw their target. It was kinda hard to miss a Scarab wrecking everything in sight. "Alright boys, lock your Archer missiles on and fire just before it discharges it's plasma." His wingmen gave a steady "Roger that."

Lt. Shaw looked up and saw the three Longsword fighters zoom into the city. Then something else attracted his attention. The Scarab was going to fire again. "Pedal to the metal boys! NOW!" The warthogs zoomed around the corner. Shaw expected to hear the plasma eating up the asphalt. Instead what he heard were nine simultaneous explosions. When they reached the end of the block, they looked at the Scarab and saw it just sitting there. Then Gonzalez realized they were too close to it. "Sarge, we're to fucking close. Move us out now!" Even though a subordinate just ordered him, he still obeyed. Smith told Ruiz to move it. They did so just in time. Plumes of blue were erupting all over the Scarab. Then it detonated into a massive fireball of metal, plasma and ash. "HOLY SHIT" screamed Caceres, but no one could hear him over the explosion. By the time the smoke cleared, the only thing that was left of the Scarab and the 3 city blocks around it were blue fires and massive craters. "Damn", Smith whispered, "Hey thanks Colonel." "No problem Sergeant" returned the Colonel.

"Hey Loot, when are we gonna get to the Hailing Glory crash site?" asked one of the privates. "Son, the landed 8 miles north of Apacanopo. It'd be a walk in the park if they hadn't already deployed their troops before we got there." This bickering continued on for about half an hour as they made their way through the city, clearing it of the Covenant scum. When they sent Smith, Gonzalez and Caceres out to see if any surprises awaited them around the corner, they discovered something sickening. There were at least 14 dead Marines on the ground. And something else was there too, staring at them with a cold menacing look. It was covered in blue armor and Human blood. It held some sort of new Covenant plasma weapon. But its most distinguishable feature was it's mouth. There were four mandibles, each also covered with blue armor. It was easily over 8 feet tall. "Sarge, what the fuck is that thing?" asked Caceres, half intrigued, half terrified. "I have absolutely no idea." But in reality, he did know what it was. Or so he thought. He knew this was that Elite alien he had heard so much commotion over(by the way, if you read Fall of Reach, you will see that the Humans first encountered Elites on Reach). Anthony slowly whispered as he took out his pistol, "Alright, I'm gonna go for the head." He aimed and pulled the trigger, and the bullet made its way to the creature's eye. But instead of being greeted by a shower of blood, Gonzalez was greeted with a faint shimmer all throughout the Eilte's body. It roared in defiance, and fired.

Lt. Shaw watched as the three scouts that he sent to look around the corner stopped dead in their tracks. "What the hell are they doing?" pondered Shaw as Gonzalez raised his pistol and fired. Then he heard a roar and saw a high rate of plasma fire streak toward the crew. Caceres reached for his pistol, but a plasma grenade beat him to it. He flung the gun and it exploded. Smith fired his assault weapon and cursed to himself. Then Shaw saw what was causing all the commotion. It was some sort of new Covenant foe. It was an Elite.
Sgt. Smith fired his assault rifle as the Elite charged toward him, guns blazing. The Elite's shield seemed to be an exact replica of the ones he had seen on the Spartan-II's in vids. The Elite's shield finally failed, and a barrage of shredder rounds tore the alien apart. After the fight, Smith noticed that his shoulder's armor plate was smoldering. He checked around to see if any more of those bastards were around. It was all clear. "Smith! You all right?" yelled Shaw. He replied with a curt nod and walked back toward the Warthog. He knew there were more of these "Elites" in Apacanopo. He just hoped they wouldn't run into them. He also wondered if his wife had made it safely somewhere else. He hoped she did. If she hadn't, the Covenant had hell to pay.
