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Posted By: Somejaijfiasjfoij<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 14 September 2003, 8:01 PM
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Human Colony IDE93463 10/2618 Covenant destroyer "Revenge of I'kna'Potoc'K"
Gold Elite Chommor'Orroh looked at the holo panel. Supposedly there was a human planet to glass, but there was only a gas giant. The gas giant swirled with helium, hydrogen, and methane in vast clouds. The Covenant fleet of 40 ships, 5 destroyers, 20 frigates, 5 assault carriers, and 10 cruisers, waited in the space for what to do. This was a typical glassing assault fleet, which reaked havoc against human colonies, and even Earth. But humanity pushed away the Covenant and developed technology at a faster rate ever seen, more powerful than Covenant and perhaps building a fleet. The gas giant planet was a colony. In the high atmosphere was a nano-manufacturing plant, making the new human Medusa-class assault carriers and Pheonix-class destroyers at a hectic rate. There were also many, amny power reactors over the atmosphere. Also, the Covenant fleet didn't catch sight of three human assault carriers, large black curvey ships with blisters along it's sides, and two massive pay doors along it's sides capable of releasing hordes of fighters. These fighters wheren't those miserable Longswords. They where Chimera-class assault heavy fighters, armed with a KKM launcher, Kinetic Kill Missile. The KKM was like a MAC cannon, except that it is very smaller, yet deadlier, the KKM firing a small sliver of iridium at .9 light speed. The assault fighters are also armed with sheilds more advanced than any Covenant design. The fleet waited while they sent their findings to the Covenant high council. The three assault carriers waited, as they prepared the robotic fighters. Finally, the three sent 20 Chimeras, liked angry hornets, at the Covenant fleet. The Covenant wheren't preapred. KKM's rained down at the fleet, nuclear fire swept over the ships. Chommor'Orroh looked with horror as an assault carrier, unable to launch fighters and completelly helpless, explode in blue flames. "Fire point defence turrets at those fighters", he shouted, as his fleet was getting massacred. The three human assault carriers, like black gems in the night sky, rose up, charging their neutron cannons. One of the green neutron cannons fired a green lance at the destroyer, the ship rocked as it struck midpoint, hitting the sheilds drastically. The point defence turrets finally charged and fiored, but they only hit the familiar shimmering around the ships. Their fighters even had sheilding. More green lances came from the assault carriers and hit the Covenant ships and destroyed them, along with the KKMs still reigning down. Chommor'Orroh looked in horror as a green neutron cannon broke the sheilds and hit his engines, the lights flickered for a moment as the engines recalabrated. Another green beam struck his weapons ports. A KKM flew down and struck his slipstream antenna. They were going to neutralize his ship, and they were destroying the others. Finally two frigates remained in the dead hulk of Covenant ships, and they cowardly slipstream jumped out. Now the destroyer was surrounded by the dead ruins. The fighters, after scanning to make sure the other ships were dead, swarmed back to their assault carriers, which kept looming to his ship. Chommor'Orroh remembered with horror at what the Prophets had told what the humans do to captured Covenant, that they butcher them and suck their blood, breaking limb to limb. He wasn't going down without a fight. The assault carriers scanned the destroyer. Chommor'Orroh noticed how large their assault carriers where, smaller than the Covenant Behemoth-class assault carriers, yet deadlier. Chommor'Orroh looked with fascination at the diamond-like black hull, shimmering with energy. The minor Prophet of this destroyer, Kimmorree'Onodo, angirly walked to the control center from his prayer room. All Covenant capital ships have a Prophet on board to communicate with the Covenant command, run by Prophets and Elites. "Why are we stuck here", he bitterly asked in a whispery voice. "They have disabled our ship, and are most likely going to capture our ship, they could have destroyed us minutes ago", he said. The destroyer couldn't put much of a ground fight. The destroyer was a tiny ship, with few troops, ment for space combat, which seemed unlikely right now. 10 Oval-like ships, slightly smaller than Chommo'Orroh's destroyer, with similiar blisters along it's sides, and a diamond black hull, came from the atmosphere. Destroyers, meant for space combat too. The destroyers took behind the assault carriers, which stood in front of the Covenant destroyer. The assault carriers sent egg-like tiny ships over to the destroyer. "Boarding craft", said Chommor'Orroh. They couldn't shoot down the egg-shaped ships, for their weapons were destroyed, and those where probably sheilded too, as they had the back diamond hull. The egg shaped ships, 9 of them, landed on the unsheilded hull of the Covenant destroyer. Cutting lasers sounded through the hull of the destroyer, Chommor'Orroh could hear the slight hum. "Bring all ground troops in the command center to protect me!", shouted the panickly minor elite. Chommor'Orroh pushed a pink symbol on the holographic control panel. The doors opened up, and troops came in. 10 hunters, all the hunters on the ship, 5 gold elites, the remainder on the destroyer, 35 spec Ops elites, with plasma rifles and swords, and 15 red elites armed with needlers and rifles stood in the command center, with the hunters and the Prophets on the top platform, and the rest going down. 153 grunts, 78 jackals, 35 blue elites and 23 red elites filled outside the doors. Shades where dropped into the control center, manned by elites. 17 specops grunts waited near the outer cooridors where the humans would come in first. They waited in anticipation as the boarding lasers cut through the 17 meter thick hull of plasmametal, the purple/blue material that Covenant ships are made of. Finally the cutting stopped. Every Covenant was quiet, as the ship was soundless. The minor elite read the security panel, it showed 45 entities inside the ship, lifesigns showed human. Most of the human lifesigns went down to the other side of the ship, scanning the barren destroyer, while 10 headed to the control room. The destroyer was a small ship, so they didn't have trouble finding it. They reached the outer cooridor. It was still silent. Then the sound of plasma pistols firing and fuel rod cannons sounded through the ship. That was the line of SpecOps grunts. They also heard the sound of plasma grenades. There was then the rapid sound of something the minor elite couldn't recognize, definitelly not Covenant. Finally their was a tremendous exploion, and the red elites outside the doors exploded. The hunters shifted their balance and prepared their feul rod cannons at the doors. It was still silent. Then the doors opened up, to be greeted by plasma fire. The humans, in night black armor, fired human plasma rifles at the hordes of Covenant. They rapid shot green bolts, like a plamsa pistol, except they launched bolt after bolt. The air was filled with Covenant plasma and Human plasma. They were heavily sheilded, nad they cut through the hordes of Covies. One human pulled an orb looking device and aimed it at a horde of elites on the side. There was a deafening explosion, as a blue thick lightning bolt struck the group, the explosion killing them. More humans poured out, and fired at the Covenant. The human with the lightning cannon fired again at a group of gold elites, them being consumed in the flames. Covenant plasma bolts struck the humans, but to no avail. The hunters fired their feul rod cannons, slaming the humans back, but their sheilds absorbing the plasma. The room was filled with bodies as the hunters and the minor prophet, now cowering at the side of the control center. Finally another lightning bolt killed the remaining hunters, their orange blood splattering over the purple interior. The humans, some 15 of them, went on the control panel. Two dragged up the Prophet, who was petrified. The two humans dragged the prophet to a boarding craft and sedated him, while the others worked on the computer. They downloaded map information, loations of planets and fleets, and downloaded technology information, language, slipstream radio freqencies, even the locations of the other Halo ring structures. After uploading this information to the computer banks of the assault carriers, the humans walked back to the boarding craft and went out. One human soldier, a man named Jenkins, took off his night black helmet and remained in the control center, hooking up an infamous AI to the computers. "Take this destroyer to shipyard IDE924534646", said Jenkins, with presicion. Cortanna smirked. "All right, that'll show those Covie bastards", she said. The human assault carriers and destroyers returned to the gas giant, and the destroyer went to the shipyard as a prize of war.