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Posted By: Somebody323445<joemonkey@aol.com>
Date: 14 September 2003, 4:23 AM
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UNSC Destroyer "Chimera" 10/2/2563 Human Space
Captain Kristoff looked at the desperate situation. Five Covenant ships were going to come through that wormhole, and he was all alone. Typical day. Although human ships are now more superior than the Covenant counterparts, the Covenant will always outnumber humans. A somewhat serious disadvantage. Yet the Chimera can put on a fight. With a Heavy Particle Cannon as it's primary weapon, capable of launching 10^16 gigawatts of charged particles at a target, they serve as the heavy weapon. For it's secondary weapon, it is armed with 36 neutron cannon batteries along its hull, with a rapid fire rate and packing a punch. Point defense systems are 45 rapid fire pulse batteries, similiar to the Covenant's except they have three times the firing rate and twice the power. The ship has Nova bombs as it's planetary bombardement weapon, three are capable of destroying a planet. Humanity had just began to push out the Covenant with these superior weapons, and even launch raids on their planets by their own, but still, Covenant skirmishes would pop up. The ship was also different in design to it's earlier counterparts. With wickedly jagged fins along it's grey nanodiamond hull, it looked more deadlier than the purple Covenant ships. The ship is 3/4 a power reactor, which is a Zero-Point based antimatter reactor, light years ahead of the Covenant. Also the sheilds are light years ahead of Covenant technology, capable of absorbing energy much more efficient than the Covies, the Chimera having two heavy sheilds. Weaponry is a bit ahead of the Covenant, particle cannons capable of striking Covenant ships from far away at near light speed, while Covenant plasma has time to reach it's targets. Computers have also leapted by bounds, outmatching the largest Covenant mainframes. The only things that humans lack behind Covenant are scanners and engines, as Human ships rely on shear power and brute force while Covenant ships rely on speed, and are capable of scanning any area before battle. Covenant slipstream engines same to Human drives. Basically, it is a draw, instead of the humans with a hopeless fight. LArge ion engines lurched as the destroyer, a fairly small but deadly ship, came out into the system. The destroyer, 3/4 the size of the Covenant destroyer but 7 times the weight, is small, and is often rammed, but a 20 meter thick nanodiamond hull, hundreds of times stronger than Covenant Plassteel, is capable of absorbing tremendous energy. "Sir, we are reading five capital ships, scanners indicate two large ships, a small one, a medium sized, and a very large one", said the Scanning Officer Tijac. The Space in front of the Chimera boiled, and a slipstream point formed. A tiny purpledestroyer, larger than the Chimera, a purple/light pink/blue cruiser, the medium sized vessel, two blue frigates, and a large, light blue bulbulous vessel with multiple pod bay doors over its large hull. An assault carrier. Assault carriers have ravaged Earth, and until Master Cheif, a legendary warrior who defeated a parasitic race named the Flood, an entire Covenant battle fleet, and an Ancient AI, had beaten back the Assault carriers, leaving a ravaged Earth. Energy glowed through it's hull. The tiny Chimera destroyer, more powerful than any of those ships, powered it's weapons, as did the other ships do. "Fire the heavy particle cannon at the leading frigate, and the neutron cannons at the second", said Kristoff. "Aye", said the gunnery officer. Kristoff could hear the low hum of the mega particle cannon, and the slow whirl of the neutron cannons' accelerators building up. "Sir, heavy is at 100%", said the gunnery officer James Sherwell. "Fire", said Kristoff. A thick red beam shot out from the pointed nose of the Chimera and struck the frigate, it's sheilds shimmering, then went, the red beam continued, and it struck the hull, boiling it away and explosions rocking the ship. The frigate somewhat split in half under the fire, blueish plasma fire coming from the hull. One target taken out. "Neutron cannons ready, sir", said Sherwell. "Fire", said Kristoff. Green lances from the hull of the Chimera struck the frigate, lasting for half a second, and going off, to be fired again. Green lances hit the frigate. 10 hits toomk it's sheilds out. The green beams continued hitting the thick plating over the frigate, explosions rolling over it. It went consumed under flames. "Sir, Covenant ships launching plasma topedoes, assault carrier launching seraphs", said the scanning officer. Purple motes swelled up along the hull of the Covenant destroyer, cruiser, and assault carrier, as large plasma bolts went over space. "300% overcharge to sheilds", said Kristoff. The white sheilds brimmed with energy. The plasma torpedoes strucl, glancing the shimmery sheilding. 5 torpedoes struck. "Sir, sheilds down to 73%", said the bridge officer. "Seraphs incoming", said the scanning officer. 327 purple tear drop shaped ships came rolling to the Chimera. "Activate point defense systems and fire heavy at destroyer, neutron cannons at the cruiser", said Kristoff. Red pulses shot out in rapid fire to the Seraphs, taking them down by the numbers as more red pulses shot past. The seraphs managed to fire their small green beams, but the sheilds picked up the energy, and there was another layer of sheilding underneath that, plus 20 meters of nanodiamond hull, with engineered cross braces and catacombs, makiong it near impenetrable. The Seraphs had dwindles in their numbers to the uncoming fire, as the point defense turrets did what they do best. A thick red beam struck the destroyer, it's sheilds shimmering down, while green lances hit the cruiser, it's sheilds failing. The destroyer finally was consumed under nuclear fire as the heavy cannon hit their fusion reactor, and was consumed by the explosion, the green lances pummeled the cruiser, until it was destroed by those neutron travelling near light speed. The seraphs exploded from the point defence turrets, and then diminished. The assault carrier was all that was left. It was about to flee away. A slipstream point was forming. "Fire all weapons at that assault carrier", said Kristoff, with glee, the ship was going to turn away, but a thick red beam hit it at midpoint takigng away sheilds. The neutron cannons struck the assault carrier, boiling and exploding the hull, and the red pulses struck the thick blue assault carrier hull. The assault carrier lied there rolling in flames, and then exploded into one brilliant fireball. Kristoff grinned at that sight.