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Fan Fiction

Blind Eyes
Posted By: Socrates<fuel4freedom@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 April 2003, 9:11 AM

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Strange Mistress

You are the shadow of a shadow,
I the midnight sun.
You see with frozen eyes,
Mine you find alluring,
Like the trigger of a gun.

In you I find a mistress
Of shadow, former bone.
Your fate I share with mine.
Your love I find disturbing,
Bringing help with crushing hand.

Your eyes are sightless;
Mine see all too well.
You see not the carnage,
The flesh rent from bone
And life from friend.

To a carpenter, I am a hammer,
To a soldier, I am a savior,
To a general, a mighty sword,
To an engineer a tool,
And to you, I am a fool.

I am a puppeteer's puppet,
To dance on quick demand;
And you, the puppetmaster
Find me hope in hostile land.
Divinity to legend to myth.

We see too fast and far.
The dead are gone, a blur,
A memory engrained and
forgotten, left to tears
And guilt and grief.

Alone with you I find
The light, warm and embracing.
You've found it before,
And shown me the core;
I see now the unmade blood.

Soft and Steel

I found you in the middle of the night,
Slinking through the darker black,
Without sound, drowned in the
Cacophony of battle and blood.

You came to me with hate, and cold death
In your hands. You found me unaware and
With boiling blood, ready to snap spines,
Crush skulls, and sear unready flesh.

I did not see you creeping up upon me,
But creep you did, and alone you
made me better, with death a helping hand.
With your arm around me, I found it all.

I felt the sand around me, wrapped in
Warm air and coated on my arms and face.
I felt the dirt beneath me, barefoot but
Free and planted within the land.

Your strike I felt with curious agony,
Noticed my lungs, my intestines, my bone.
I felt your steel knife dig through flesh
and bone, coming to rest in fluid flesh.

I felt my heart unbearably beat again
And again, and again against the blade,
Cold with steel, sharp with care and
Lethal with that horrible intent.

In shock and surprise I fell,
In blood my own and the ungodly
Scream of death, torn from me
By the Prophet's holy hands.
