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Fan Fiction

Area 51: Part Two: Revelation
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 13 May 2005, 2:32 AM

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-Authors Note PLEASE READ Hi, anyone, since I am under 13 (11 to be exact.) could you post who I send the "parent signature" thing to because I really want to respond in comments (email address will suffice.)

Area 51: Part Two: Revelation

Onboard Human Defense Platform "Freedom"

"WHAT!" yelled Spartan-200 "Why Didn't you tell me before!"Spartan-200 was shocked, but so would you if you heard a superior say what Admiral Vincent Martolli had said. This is what Spartan-200 had heard.
"Chief, we have recieved word that the Covenant have infiltrated Area 51, and we need you to get them out.
"What? Area 51, isn't that just a hangar?" the Spartan had responded.
"Well, actually, Area 51 is a government project to defeat the Covenant. In fear that Earth would be destroyed he evacuated most people on the planet, and a few other Inner Colonies to a large planet called "Planet X," by the government. Area 51 has the coordinates to "Planet X" and all the tech we plan to use to win this war. If those Covenant escape, humanity is doomed for sure."

The Spartan was amazed, he couldn't believe it, there was another human planet with almost all of Earth on it. It just seemed to incredible to believe. In fact, if he didn't know Admiral Martolli as well as he did, he wouldn't believe it.He had no choice but to accept. Still, it felt better to know he was going in with four full squads of ODSTs.

Onboard ODST drop pod.

"The Covenant have spotted us." yelled an ODST over the radio. Spartan-200 could hear music over the com, but when it died away Sgt. Peters died with it.
By the time they got to the ground, seven more of the pods had been incinirated by Covenant turret fire.

Spartan-200 kicked the door of his pod open. Immediatly he scanned the area, and finding it clear, he did a routine status check. "Good" he said to himself." sixty-seven of the eighty pods that launched have called back in."
Then over the com, he gave the orders. Everyone in the first squad of ODSTs was to neutralize the guards. Squads two and three were to sneak in the back, locate and capture the command center, and squad four, with
Spartan-200 would go in front, guns blazing, to distract the Covenant from the others.

Everything was going fine, until squads two and three hit a snag. The command center was locked down and guarded by a pair of Hunters at each door. Normally, the ODSTs would simply kill them, except these Hunters were much larger than others. Plus they had no weak spot, it too was covered by armor. That could be a problem.

Fortunately for them, they were well equipped. After all what better to take out a couple of walking tanks with than Lotus Anti-Tank mines. That is just what the did.
"Get clear, yelled an ODST as the first mine latched onto a very surprised Hunter's head. The other mine latched onto the other Hunter's chest. Both mines went off with a loud bang as the ODSTs were splattered with bits of hunter. The mines had done the trick. That and blew a ten foot hole in the wall.

The ODSTs poured in just in time to see the last tech engineers run out the back door, and the four hunters and squad of Elite Zealots attack. Two ODSTs were engulfed in a fuel rod shot. Another one got a plasma grenade on his face, and ran forward screaming, and taking out two Elites with him. The others return fired. One elite took two shotgun shells to the face, and fell over without a head. Two more were killed by a frag grenade.

A pair of Hunters were killed as three ODSTs fired their rockets, also killing the Elite Commander. Now only two Hunters and four Elites were left to face fourteen ODSTs. The Elites charged forward with their swords. Two connected and killed two ODSTs, one was killed by a shotgun, and an ODST sidestepped the last one, spun, and blew a hole in it's chest with a shotgun. The remaining Hunters never stood a chance. The ODSTs open fired and killed them.

Meanwhile squad one killed the guards, and only lost three units. Squad four was not so lucky. seven ODSTs were killed, and nine were wounded. Only Spartan-200 had escaped unharmed.

The squads met in the hangar just in time to see the last Phantom take off, with it went most of humanity's hope.
