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Fan Fiction

M.C.'s Secret Mission
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbc.global.net>
Date: 5 April 2005, 4:38 AM

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M.C's Secret Mission:Prolouge:Battle Plans

Convenant Carrier hovering over Africa

Zona 'Remamee knew he was in deep trouble when the Prophet of Regret called him and his team of elites to his private quarters. What he did not expect was a mission, even less did he expect what came next (or his mission for that matter.)

Zona, fearing the worst, immediately began to apologize. " I am deeply sorry my lord, it was beyond my control..."

"Silence, warrior, you are not being punished."

"I'm not?'

No, but now to the point. "We have recieved information from field master 'Azuree that there is a large convoy of humans traveling to the heart of the city. Furthermore, we have learned the leader of this group is a demon.

Zona's response was shocked, and terrified "there is another demon?"

"Indeed, and the task has come to you," he gestured to the SpecOps elites nearby, " to stop this demon. We want him alive, if possible."

"Right, if possible."

After exiting the room, amazed to be alive went to the rest of his team and briefed them on the mission.

"Wow," Leka remarked,"A SpecOps commander."

"Alright," Zona barked, enjoying his new power," Gear up, we are moving out."

M.C.'s Secret Mission: Part 1: Confrontation

The gravel flew everywhere, as the sounds of 20 warthogs silenced almost everything else. Over the noise, Linda managed to yell orders " Spread out, Warthog 7, you have a blindspot on the right, cover it."

The elites timing was perfect, as Zona, and the inhabitants of warthog #18 soon learned, the hard way. As it happened, Zona, the first one down, "landed" his drop-pod on the hood of the warthog. Th warthog flipped, crushing the gunner, sending the unlucky marine riding shotgun flying under another warthog, and killing the driver instantly.

Over the hiss of radio static, the marines heard the 15 elites get out of the drop-pods, and Zona yelling "Kill them,"

Two warthogs were destroyed in the first minute, and 7 more in the next three minuutes. Soon, Linda,4 badly injured marines, and 8 elites left.
Two elites came round on each side of the wrecked warthog that the humans were behind. All of the marines, and 6 elites were killed in the next battle.

Linda, throwing away her B-rifle, hit the weapons from the elites. The black one wasted precious seconds retrieving his weapons. Linda, thinking the white would too, uncharistically charged the elite. Suddenly, the white elite tackled her, knocking her out, and pinning her to a destroyed warthog.

M.C.'s Secret Mission:Part 2: Payback.

Master Chief was alreay gearing up when he got the news. Another Spartan, possibly, the only other Spartan left alivs, Linda!, was held captive by covenant.

Grabbing two pistols, a b-rifle, 15 frag grenades, two lotus anti tank mines, a med kit, a knife, a rocket launcher, and enough ammo to last for a week, M.C. set off to get some payback...

Covenant Carrier, over Africa

Master Chief was finally onboard. after 3 encounters with jackals reached the bridge. He opened the door, and threw a plasma grenade in. He heard a cry that sounded like a prophet, looked in, and saw a prophet with a plasma grenade stuck to his face. There was a flash, then the bridge went silent.

Once, inside, he checked the schematics and finding the holding cells, set off again.

Hearing a cry, and footsteps, M.C. turned, and seeing only a shimmer, did what any marine would call crazy, fired a full clip into "Mid air," Hearing the cry, and seeing a gold elite drop out of the air, he continued on his way.
The rest of the trip to the cells was rather uneventful, until he got there.

He charged in, pistols drawn, and was paralyzed at what he saw. Linda, bleeding,and burnt, and the two white sword elites, standing, facing him. Something went off, he fired two clips from the pistols, and one from the b-rifle at the first elite. The elite roared, charged, and was cut down by a rain of bullets. The second elite, seeing his partners death, roared, and charged.

Master Chief just had time to switch for his rocket launcher, and fire two shots. This totally depleted his shields, and splattered the room with purple goo.

He freed Linda, and grabbing her sniper from a guard, gave her back a weapon. he heard the doors open, felt a large piece of metal hit him, and felt his leg break. Suddenly there were two sniper shots, and a hunter fell backwards, dead.

"Odd," said Chief, "Where's the other one."

Chief, and Linda (armorless) ran for the hangar. There was one dropship left in the hangar. Chief had just jumped on, when he heard a roar, looked and saw a hunter, a lone hunter, smash into Linda, and heard every bone in her body shatter. He screamed, pulled out his knife, and charged the hunter. He felt a hand push him in, looked down, and saw Linda, helpless, he was pushed into the ship. The last things he saw were Linda pull out a bomb, and say " I may go out, but I'm going out with a bang."
