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Fan Fiction

Origin of the Mark V Part 4: Finale
Posted By: ShotgunGoBOOM<Lordofdragons@cox.net>
Date: 12 September 2004, 12:52 AM

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Authors Note: Sorry it took so long for this, but I found out that the Fan fic server was working again the hard way. So enjoy the Finale!

SGB gaped. All around him were the bodies of his fallen comrades. All that remained of what had been the door was a hole. But the team guarding the front had taken down a good 200 Covenant. All around them were their bodies. "Holy S***. To think the Covenant would do this! Something must have happened. We have to follow them before they get the...well, you know." A Spartan said as he looked around the room.
"Stow it Spartan. We have to get those Covenant. Okay, half of you come with me to the left. The other half, take the right. We're going to make sure the Mark V is still intact. Come on!" SGB yelled. Half the Spartans took the left, doubling back, and SGB and his half took right, Xjawed's previous path when he had been sent there.
Field Master Asdsa 'Holamee had just tuned into the battle net and knew that the Assault on the filth's base was going well, except for the setback when a human had detonated a sector and killed over 400 covenant soldiers. But that was war. Soon, 'Holamee thought, the armor the humans have been developing, would be theirs! Holamee, of course, was behind his troops, rallying them on, with threats and promises of glory or death. Just then something jumped out of the darkness and attacked all of them. 5 minutes later, 'Holamme and his force were dead.
SGB cursed silently as the lights went out. All around him were the body parts of Xjawed's team. They had been completely slaughtered by the covenant. To make things worse, a dull thumping sound was coming from the walls and ceiling. Everyone in awhile a small, liquid-like sound was heard and stopped after a few moments. Finally, they reached a terminal for a locked door. "S***. Feels like something is waiting for us to open this door." A Spartan murmured. "Stow it." his friend whispered to him. SGB hit the door open button and entered his 6-digit password. Suddenly the infamous and never ending Blue Screen hit the terminal. "You would've thought Windows would've fixed this!" SGB yelled. Just then the liquid-like sound was heard again. But louder and it seemed bigger. A side passage blew open and creatures SGB knew all to well about jumped toward them.
Jster stopped and sat down, still weak with grief over LagKiller. Jster had been listening over the battle net and knew that the armor was close to being captured. "SGB, come in SGB." He said over the COM. "Yes?" SGB's terse voice said over the COM. "I'm heading to the Mark V chamber. I have to do something about it. Call for an EVAC in the communication center. I'll rendezvous with you in a Pelican." He replied. "Roger that." SGB said and clicked off. He now had one option: send to armor to the ONI scientists and hope they could build the rest themselves. Slowly he stood up, feeling dull. He started head to restricted area Alpha. About halfway there, the monsters that had been dormant for over 1000 years finally struck. Jster opened fire, popping the pod-like ones and taking down a big one. He lobbed a grenade and sent the Flood monsters to Hell. The Flood had probably been here a long time. The Humans who built this place had found strange buildings. Most likely the Forerunners had lived here. That must have been a reason the Covenant attacked. But there was no time to think about those things. Jster started to sprint to the Mark V chamber.
About 2 Spartans had been wounded by the Flood's attack. SGB's team was still pushing through what was left of the base to their objective: The communications area. Still struggling on, they finally reached it. "Spartan training complex 77 to UNSC, come in UNSC." He asked into the radio. He repeated this a few times, but nothing worked. "Damn. Someone must've cut the wires in the tunnels. 5 of you go secure and fix it. We'll stay topside and keep trying." SGB said and pointed to 5 Spartans. They nodded and headed to the tunnels. Although the 5 Spartans didn't show it, they were very much afraid. Monsters were down there, monsters that could kill every one of them.
Jster had finally reached the Mark V chamber with little incident, just a few locked doors and security measures. Each separated piece was encased in a metal box, also surrounded by a shield roughly the same as the Spartan's armor's shield. The only was to open it was by voice command. "Open, Mark V." Jster said clearly and the force field deactivated. He took each piece and put them in a duffel bag he had found on a body awhile back. Now he just had to make it to the Pelicans.
SGB was still trying the radio when a dull banging noise started to sound at the door. "It's them. The Flood." SGB said grimly. He could see fear in the face of all of the Spartans. They all knew that would inevitably be killed. "We only have one choice. We can't let the Flood get a ship. Are only choice is to detonate the base." SGB said. Suddenly all the Spartans in the room froze. They had realized that as well. It was their duty. "It has been an honor to fight with you, Spartans." SGB said. Just before he gave the order to Crater, he thought about his friends and what they had done. Xjawed. Darkbullet. Jster. Lag. "Begin operation Fail-Safe, Crater. Give us 3 minutes." SGB said. At that split second the door burst open and the flood poured in, hungry. Every single Spartan opened fire and SGB sent one last transmission to Jster before he died.
Two minutes later, Jster had taken off in the pelican when the message came in. "Jster, we have been overrun. I have always been your friend, and will never forget you. Take the Mark V armor to Earth and tell them what happened. Goodbye." Then the transmission cut. Jster just stood there. Then he sat down quickly, input the coordinates, hit autopilot, and started to cry.

The base later blew and destroyed the last of the Flood on that planet. The Covenant forces inside the base were wiped out. SGB and his comrades died heroically. There is a tablet commemorating them in the lobby of the UNSC command building on Earth. Jster later went on to help develope the Mark V armor that would eventually help the MC save Earth from the Covenant invasion. As for the planet itself, well, that is a story for another day.

