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Fall back! (Halo 2: Chapter 13)
Posted By: Shadowrunner<mortenthenerd@hotmail.com>
Date: 25 November 2003, 3:31 PM
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Master Chief ducked below a sword cutting it's way through the air, at the same time he circle-kicked the attacking Kenduus, but it stopped his leg with it's kneepad. He swung one of his swords backwards and miraculously hit one of the black creatures in the thigh. He got to his feet again, blocked a sword coming from behind with his right sword, then turned around swinging with his left. He almost hit it's throat, but it was too fast and evaded by less than an inch. He blocked some attacks from both front and behind, then jumped forward while swinging his swords downwards, he carved a small scratch in the helm armor of the Kenduus leader. He landed in a crouch behind the leader, twisted around, and lunged forward again.
The Eldasarian dropships landed in the bay of the Mammoth... They sent groups of 6 warriors searching the entire ship, they could roughly decide the direction of the fight by the sounds. As one such group got there, they witnessed Master Chief in his silver armor and the 2 swords wich emitted a blinding white light.
Master Chief could feel them, and he shifted to defensive tactics. Somersaulting and blocking attacks left and right, he held against them.
The Eldasarian Swordsmasters had short 2-handed swords with a long grip. All 6 of them concentrated on the weakest of the Kenduus... The one with a wound in it's thigh. 2 of them blocked his sword into a lock, so the remaining 4 had easy acces to it's body. One of them got struck down from a vertical swing of a Kenduus in his back. He was immidiately dead. However, they also killed the wounded Kenduus as 3 swords did their work on his torso. 2 of the Eldasarian were knocked over by a swing from one end of a Kenduus sword, the other end hit one of them in his belly as the Kenduus turned the sword around.
Master Chief concentrated on occupying the Kenduus and thereby helping the Eldasarians doing their job. But he only managed to really divert their leader. A Kenduus sword hit Chief at his hip, where the small pocket with the grain of sand was kept. The pocket fell off, and he felt the sword making a good hole in his armor. As a response, he rapidly swung his swords in vertical circles with each hand and closed in on the attacking Kenduus. It was confused by this and was unable to block a volly of powerful blows from 'Purifying Flame' and 'Truth's Avenger' with it's broken arm. When Chief was done with it, he had almost carved out it's stomach.
The leader of the Kenduus saw the small pocket fall to the floor. He picked it up and took out the white grain of sand. It burned intensively in his fingers as he picked it up. He looked at it a short while and then screamed in a panicking tune... He was blind.
The Eldasarians and Master Chief easily took out the last normal Kenduus with their combined strength as they blocked it's attacks while Master Chief gutted it.
The Kenduus leader, Oukanes, tumbled about for a short second, but then he pulled himself together and activated his personal displacement module, wich created a subspace vortex that brought him back to his ship... As he did this, he yelled: "You will not survive next time Korrhra! I will return for your soul, just as I have before!"
Master Chief saw the little grain, and put inside one the suit's ammo storage rooms for better protection next time... He wasn't aware what it had just done to the Kenduus leader.
Time: Earth's last stand +5 Place: Belisaurious system, planet Hecktor, 7 lightyears from Earth Situation: Critical
Sargeant Jensen shouted some orders from far away. A couple of longsword fighters flew overheads, their engines almost deafening the ears of private Kauffman. Blue spheres zipped past just over an inch above his helmet. The trench was littered with dead and dying soldiers, and the medics were out of supplies already days before. A loud "BOOM" could be heard as the enormeous artillery batteries shot their deadly payload towards the covenant position. The covenant, being untrained in techniques of trench warfare were blown away by the powerful blasts, but it didn't matter. There were so many of them, and so few marines left to hold the line. An elite with a sword jumped down into the trench 12 feet from Kauffman. It roared at him, but just as it charged it was crippled by a rocket blast. Kauffman quickly raised his rifle and fired off the last 4 rounds in the clip at it's chest. It collapsed on the ground. Behind the corpse of the alien creature stood 1st Private Manderley, he nodded quickly at Kauffman and began loading his old EPL-56 with a new rocket. He only had 2 plus the one in the chamber left.
There were no other living marines in sight, so they started to run along the trench while war ravaged all around them. A warthog wreckage almost blocked the trench, but as they were still far away a covenant artillery piece hit it, and half of it flew out of the trench. They crawled around the flaming remains. Som grunts jumped down into the trench with no warning. One landed atop of Manderley, but Kauffman pushed it away. Manderley took out his M-17 service pistol and began firing at it, while Kauffman fired scattered shots at the other grunts, before they could regain their feet after the jump. Manderley took a serious hit in his left thigh, and fell to the ground. "Manderley!" Kauffman screamed as he barraged the grunt who made the shot with a volley from his rifle. Manderley didn't say much else then a little moaning from the pain, Kauffman dragged his arm around his neck and continued throught the trench towards the HQ.
Dozens of bodies littered the trench. From time to time, some of them were alive but wounded beyond help. From a little artillery shelter Kauffman heard a man screaming. He dropped Manderley and proceeded cautiously through the small door. A poor looking marine sat in a corner and shaked. As he heard Kauffman he immidiately shouted. "Stay back! Stay the fuck back! Don't come any closer... You... You... YOU BEAST!" Kauffman could clearly see the marine suffered from severe grenade shock, and started talking to him.
"Wow, put the gun down I'm your freind..."
"You lie! See these bodies?! If you are not in alliance with those freaks, how can you be alive?!!"
"All my buddies are DEAD! I would never be able to ally myself with them, you understand?"
The scared marine suddenly came to his senses, he couldn't aim the pistol properly. Slowly he started crying. "Oh god... I was... I thought I was the only man still alive on this pile of dirt" Kauffman embraced him, and said: "Calm down... Now you know there are others, come with us we are trying to reach HQ"
"You... You think we can make it? *sniff* Allright... I... I'm with you" He took a last stare at the dead marines in the shelter and then walked outside with Kauffman, and helped him carry Manderley. A bit further down the trench, they saw Sargeant Jensen. He was together with his last 2 marines. They were engaging the remnants of a covenant assault team, as Kauffman, Manderley and the scared marine joined him. Just barely able to crouch, Manderley fired his EPL-56 into the covenant's middle. They were all blown apart. Jensen turned around and thanked them: "Are you arriving here on schedule to ruin my kills?" He had a strange and dark sense of humor, but was always fair to his subordinates. After shaking hands with Kauffman, they moved on.
The light from the Belisaurious star slowly faded into a deep orange-red color. It was getting late, and within a few hours it would be completely dark, since there was no moon orbiting the planet. It was almost 5 hours since Kauffman and Manderley had started their run. The last 2 hours they hadn't encountered any covenant, but they could still hear the sound of battle a few miles away...
--To be continued
By: Shadowrunner "Why must I keep fighting you?!" -Smith