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Forgotten times (Halo 2: Chapter 11)
Posted By: Shadowrunner<mortenthenerd@hotmail.com>
Date: 13 September 2003, 8:20 PM
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The Master Chief ran with all his strength through the corridors of the doomed ship. Cortana had just activated the self-destruct sequenze and even his new suit wouldn't protect him... As he got to the hangar, a band of Elites had seized his ship, but with his heavy arsenal of swords and guns he gutted them with ease.
Aboard the Mammoth an explosion shaked the bridge, as survival pods tried to do slam through the hull and invade the ship. The decks around the bridge quickly fell to the unstoppable wave of covenant sole-warriors, as the invading forces were 2 sections from the bridge, the admiral said to his most trusted commander: "Long have I waited for the covenant to attack us. Too long." As his final word left his lips, a plasma sword breached the bulkhead doors, and a Gold Elite roared. This was the last heard record of what happened to Admiral Smets.
Cortana felt a power surge in one of her systems. But this one felt different, it was as if it was herself creating it. Her conciousness was sucked into it, and she passed out just as Chief started the screaming engines.
The sound was deafening, and the start blast ripped most of the purple plating of the bare hull in the hangar. The fighter raced out of the hangar to be reached with the sight of a covenant fleet on the verge of collapse. Just as the last ship began malfunctioning, another covenant fleet of at least four times the previous' size arrived. Most Gridi'n and Human crew stared at them with fear in their eyes. Just as they got in, however, they were pushed away by an enormeous explosion of something white. It started as a little dot and immidiately thereafter it erupted in a wave rolling through the universe like supernatural rings in water. All the covenant ships were hit and were slung out of sensor range within 2.6 milliseconds. At the epicenter of the large explosion stood a figurine... A statue made of something that looked like impossibly white smoke, but was as solid as anything any metal. It resembled a tall, alien looking woman, with long hair.
"Cortana, what is this?" Chief asked as he got it abord. It was roughly 10inches taller than him. Suddenly, the woman started talking with an eerie voice; "Me? I am myself as you are you. But not exactly like eachother, though."
Chief was stunned a short second as he saw the statue move and talk like a Human. "What do you mean, not exactly like eachother?"
"Have they treated your memory so badly you don't remember your other times? This is impossible!"
"Wow wow wow... Hold on there, you're losing me"
"But... You have to remember... About the First Time!"
"Oh no..." She looked upwards "Please Etháligar! We must have had better means of preserving the way things go!"
"Now, calm down and explain this to me"
"Are you sure you want to know this from my speech, and not through reality?"
"I am"
"... Then so shall it be, Korrhra... It began in the First Time, you were created as the perfect being of soul and form. You were created by the fabric of universe itself, as was I, but my destiny lies elsewhere. The race of the Forerunners were created to be the good guide, government if you please. They were also created as beings close to the divine world, though you were far superior. In the Second Time, the Forerunners were lured by promises of power, and began capturing specimen for an army that would be slaves to their will. The army was so great that they conquered this entire galaxy.
In the end of the Second Time, you were killed by the hand of Oukanes. A great warlord of the Forerunner. What the Forerunner did not expect, however, was that the Streams of Time were not ignorant of this. Your mind and the plans for you body were stored deep in the galaxy core.
In the Third Time, the covenant revolted and overthrew the Forerunner, this incident is called Aii'segeth, War of The Bringers. For in this this battle was brought to the galaxy, help from the outside: You were re-shaped. In the following rampage, those who whispered in the shadows and was without a proper mind created the flood as a means of taking over. They were far too volatile, and assmililated those who shaped them, but for a single one. Rúnora. He was in contact with the divine world and was able to escape before the Flood waved through the universe, engulfing life.
Your species created the Haloes to stop the flood, but as they were activated they did not only kill the Flood; their control systems went rampant and shot their food instead. This was over 14 million years ago. Humans survived as hairy beasts and their mind reduced to sticks and stones. An unknown side-effect of the weapons of the Haloes, combined with evolution's will to survive. As the Third Time ended, you were killed again. In the search of the sword of ghosts; Cortana. Me."
"But how can that be true? Cortana is an AI!"
"That AI is based on the mind of a certain woman, whom I had given part of my soul. But the concept of rebirth hinders knowledge and memory. She didn't remember why she was here, and I was too weak to establish a solid contact with her.
Korrhra. You are now here for the third and last time. This is the way the prophecy goes. This is the way the universe exist. Your destiny lies with the collapse of the universe. You must do this, or things cannot continue the way they are. You must venture to the center of the universe with all haste, or it will become too late."
The smoke the mysterious woman was made from, began to fade
"My powers in this world are not many, I have already begun to feel my strength slipping, and I am forced to go back from whence I came."
The smoke imploded and left one small, clear grain of sand.
The Master Chief picked up the grain, and placed it in a small pocket at his hip.
Cortana regained conciousness, and contacted Chief: "What the hell happened? I was gone for a moment and now this place is filled out with... Something... Can you feel it?"
"Hmm... No...?"
"But... It is just here, I can hardly maintain myself next to the strength of it!"
"Can you deal with it?"
"I don't know if I can end it, but for now I can withstand it..."
As Chief set down in one of the hangars of the "Mammoth" he saw several wounded marines litter the floor. He landed the Gridi'n armored recon fighter in a clear spot, and asked one of the marines what was going on
"They... They are not... Stoppable- they are... They... Uh, my head... Uh"
Chief stood up and headed towards the entrance into the main ship corridors. Behind him, in the hangar, Elceelar and Jaargu touched down. They came to him, and they moved in.
--To be continued
By Shadowrunner "My name may be Shadow... But I'm far deadlier than such a thing"