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Fan Fiction

Goals Of a Elite: Part 2
Posted By: Shadow Spartan<Stryder5_57@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 February 2005, 8:33 PM

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The Only Choice he had was to run.
He dropped everything that was slowing him down.
he threw down the jackal sheilds.
And Dropped the plasma rifle.
He Ripped off a chunk of metal from it first.
Bushes started rumbling.
He turned around and did the one thing he was best at.
Running like a coward.
Wind Flying through his face.
Plasma bolts wizzed bye his head.
The Earlier Evolution of Sangheili could run on all fours.
Now it would just strain back muscles.
A Shock Hit him in the back of the leg.
He Crashed to the ground.
He Couldnt feel his leg or even movie it.
Another shock hit him in the ribs.
Everything went dark.
Lab Rat
A Blast of white light hit xvivars face.
He couldnt feel his armour.
he Looked to his side to see his armour laying on the floor.
Suddenly the light flashed off.
His chest was in pain.
Soon what he was strapped down on was floating.
It unstrapped.
He felt cold metal underhimself.
His vision slowly came back.
Other sangheili where sitting or standing around.
He Looked down to his chest to find a scar.
He Looked up to find others with it.
He got up and looked out of the holding cell plasma wall.
Jackals and Grunts had the same thing on there chest.
"Where am i?" He said to the others.
Some just stared into the ground and some just looked at him in puzzlement.
He looked back on his engineering training.
How to open to containment cells.
He looked up into the corner with a little cube.
He reached up and smashed it.
3 blinking lights remained.
he pressed the red the orange and then the blue.
He did the bottom and the last top one.
The plasma wall deactivated.
He walked out proud of himself for doing atleast one thing right.
He did the outside procedure on the jackal cell.
He was about to press the last button.
A Fore arm wrapped around his neck.
He Tumbled back on another elite witch was obviouse.
Pressure filled his throat.
He Swung backwards and shook free.
"I just released him and he attacks me?".
The elite walks over to xvivar ready to fight him.
Lifted his back and feet into the air and smashed his feet into his stomache.
He Elite fell backwards.
Xvivar leaped to his feet and brought his foot down on the elites face.
Purple blood sprayed the floor.
he looked down at the cell with the 5-6 jackals.
He limped over to it and pressed the last button.
The first jackal jumped onto him.
Nearly knocking him down, He grabbed the jackals neck and twisted it side ways, A crack filled his ears.
one of the other jackals stood in the corner of the cell afraid that would happen to it.
one jackal ran at one of the smaller elites in the group of others.
Jaws of needle like teeth sunk into his throat.
One of the elites kicked him off the nearly dead corpse.
He Looked down at the corpse of the jackal he killed.
He pulled off a hunk of the armour.
Sharp enough to peirce flesh.
He looked up at the jackal ready to attack him.
Xvivar let out a battle cry and started after the jackal.
He caught the viciouse jackal bye the neck and side slashed the sharp peice of metal into the jackals eye.
Then across the neck.
He threw it on the ground.
the other and last jackal was ontop of one of the elites trying to kill him.
He ended up with the metal all the way into his back crushing the spinal cord.
He looked down at the elite he killed.
All that time he was trying to save us.
He walked out the door and down the hallway.
A Door with weird writing was on it.
He punched the button and the door slid open.
He walked in to see a armoury.
he grabbed A pair of blue armour and slipped it on.
the Sheild read fully charged.
He grabbed a handfull of plasma grenades and a plasma rifle.
And put them into the supply belt.
2 Large handles where laying on the rack.
He Picked them up and examined them.
"This is what i like about being in the covenant".
He hooked the 2 plasma swords onto his belt.
He picked up his plasma rifle.
He was about to walk out the door untill he saw a cord with a handle that goes to thick to thin.
he picked that up to and put it on his belt like everything else.
He walked out the door.
Walking down the gloomy metal hall.
Not a sound, Only his breath and foot steps.
A Huge bulkhead was in a big room.
vehicles made bye the grunts where parked.
Grunts with turrets.
A gigantic Bulkhead.
And small controls on a balcony.
He slid down and ran for the lift.
He felt a lurch in his stomache and he came up to the balcony.
He aimed and pulled the trigger a couple light jerks in the rifle and the grunt at the controls fell.
Xvivar ran over and hit the button.
Sercurity drones at front reported nothing.
The door opened and the line of grunts that whre guarding spread apart thinking it was a group of patrol.
He reached into his belt and unlatched 2 grenades.
he hit the symbol and they burst into Fizzing blue balls.
he tossed one to each side.
all but one died.
He grabbed his plasma rifle and ran and shot at the grunt.
It fell and laid in the puddle of its own blue blood.

To be Continued.
