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Fan Fiction

Gorjn Yujont Seris: Escape from Rudts 2; Part 3
Posted By: Scraps<bobofilms@htcomp.net>
Date: 4 June 2004, 10:00 PM

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Gorjn was backed up against the dropship with Orfanse. He had the grenade that he had picked up in his hand. His palms were white with fear and rage as he stared at the approaching group of covenant. They had tried and failed to get off the planet, and now the were going to be captured, tortured, and then killed unless they did something. Grenades littered the ground, and Gorjn planed to set one off creating a chain reaction. Orfanse had had no objections to the plan, and if they were going to die they were going to take these bastards with them. Just before Gorjn could set the plasma grenade off there was a noise from the docking bay. "What the hell was that!?" cried Orfanse.
"Attention all units," said a voice over a speaker, "prepare for emergency docking. Orbiting patrols have been attacked by a group of renegades in a T6 specter and have requested reinforcements. All maintenance crew report to the docking bay for immediate repair of damaged ships."
Gorjn and Orfanse saw their chance and sprang into the dropship behind them. They were to weak to lift the door, but Gorjn tossed the grenade under the door. The blast knocked the door up to cover them. Gorjn smiled with satisfaction as he heard the screams of elites and brutes as ever single grenade went off in the room. "That has to burn like hell," grimaced Orfanse.
"Yah, ten degree burn probably does a number on them," laughed in partial in insanity as his pushed the door back down and looked at the wreckage.
Charred bodies were strewn all over the room on demolished ghosts and banshees.
"Well at least we know the group isn't dead yet," sighed Orfanse in relief.
"lets get off this hell hole," grunted Gorjn in pain as he checked singe marks all over his body from the plasma guns. Before they could even get half way to the dropship when two hunters came out of the side. "Just when we thought the battle was over these assholes have to screw everything up," groaned Orfanse.
"Kill the traitors!!!" screamed the voice over the intercom.
The hunters charged right at the two renegades. Orfanse sprang out of the way as one of the hunters slammed its giant shield into the ground where he had been standing a moment before. Gorjn knew his plasma pistol would have no effect and looked around the room for some thing that could at least distract the hunters long enough to get on the ship. A few days earlier a group of humans had attacked the base and the covenant hadn't gotten around to cleaning it up. Gorjn knew that human weapons are more effective. After he spotted the dead body of a marine that had been quickly pulled over into the corner and picked up the gun. He had never handled one before because it is considered a crime by the prophets to handle a human weapons, but he had always found that law a stupid. It had the same small design as a plasma pistol and had some thing on top that seemed to help him see farther than usual. "Damnit Gorjn hurry up and do something! I feel like a f*#$%@! ballerina hopping around like this," cried Orfanse as he bounced back and forth between the two terrifying hunters.
Gorjn aimed his pistol at the back of the hunter closest to him and fired. The hunter crumpled like tissue paper. The other hunter turn around and roared with rage as he saw his dead bond-brother's body. The hunter came running at Gorjn with its arm ready to come down like a mallet. The hunter was almost on top of him when Gorjn unloaded his slugs into the stomach of the approaching monster. The hunter gave a wheeze of pain and fell forward right on top of Gorjn. Gorjn had enough time to let out an mournful eep before the dead hunter dropped on top of him with a thud. Orfanse pulled Gorjn out from under the dead body and they climbed into the dropship that had protected them from the blast earlier. As they took off into the sky they saw a large group of covenant ships coming at them. "I bet by now they been alerted of the two of us," mutters Orfanse.
"They're all damaged, I think we can break through the smaller numbers on the upper left corner if we put more plasma energy in the speed and armor!" Gorjn screamed over the roar of the now volley of plasma fire from the approaching squad.
Even as Orfanse redirected the energy, a blast from a full rod cannon ripped away at one of the sides of the ship. Gorjn let loose a onslaught of pink plasma fire on a close by banshee, and laughed with glee as it blew into shards of metal. The banshee was quickly replaced by three more. Gorjn screamed in rage as he dispatched one of the wretched flies of the sky. "Oh shit, I think you should take a look at this," moaned Orfanse as he pointed to the ship in front of them.
"Is that a mother ship!? We can't take that out, aim for the right corner instead and get us the hell out of here," instructed Gorjn as the mother ship took its first shots at there already extremely damaged ship.
"Activating lesser warp now," said Orfanse as they approached the right corner of the armada. Just before he could though a phantom shot right at the head of the dropship. The ship jolted violently as the beam hit. "navigation is down were going to make a blind jump to get out of here!" cries Orfanse as Gorjn sent off a few shots at the phantom that had hit them.
"Damnit all! Okay but get us away from here as fast as possible," squeals Gorjn as another large chunk of the dropship came flying off and hit a banshee behind them. Orfanse pulled the lever taking them into hyper drive, "okay lets get off this hell hole, Initiating hyperdrive!"

It might be awhile for me to make the next story, so enjoy this one.
