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Fan Fiction

Prodigal Son: Part 11 Scott (end)
Posted By: Scott D
Date: 2 June 2004, 2:40 AM

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       "Tactical command is still online, they've got all the transceivers of all personnel still in Citadel, hell it's probably how the Covenant knew where to go to start killing." The younger marine said. He was holding a hand sized link console, it displayed a holographic interface showing the active status of the military data stream.
      "Find me Vice Admiral Yu, now, I need to know...." Scott said heading out into the hazy daylight. There were no contacts, the marines and Hayes were sweeping for enemies as they began moving north, less than half a block from Physics lab B6 when the young marine caught up to Scott and said, "he's hard to find, ONI listings are restricted, but.... I found this... does this help?"
      Scott saw Kyoko's status indicator displayed, her pristine face highlighted by the blue holographic background. She was alive. Yu's words replayed in his mind as he thought of the man's persuasion to betray Halsey's vision. "Corporal, we have a mission to finish."
      "We're double timing it as it is sir, sorry not all of us have powered armor." Hayes caustically replied.
      "We're evacuating those civilians." Scott said readjusting his bearings to head to the smoking buildings of the Citadel's center. "We're getting you and your men off this rock before they glass the planet." Scott moved to take point, "look for transportation, we're going to need some armor to get through those lines up there."
      The marines were silent for a moment, and Hayes simply stared. They all seemed to be waiting for one of them to speak, their orders were a mess, their mission botched, the whole planet being invaded. Hayes finally looked to the younger marine who had first spoke up about the civilians, "well Tommy I think you got your wish, you're going to get to see that little blonde number again after all. Let's move out Marines, unless you think joining a Spartan in driving a warthog straight into the devil's own personal blender sounds like too much for you!"
Thirty minutes ago Scott remembered Hayes as he died in his arms, the man had a smile on his face. Happy to be relieved of the pain he had endured, he had died fighting towards that last entrance. Only Tommy was with Scott then, the other marines had given their life for him. As they saw the rush of covenant heading towards the bunker's entrance Scott had looked at Tommy, "I'm sorry."
      "Don't be," Tommy answered him, betraying wisdom beyond his youthful appearance, "its war. I knew what was going to happen eventually. So did he."
      "It was my mission." Scott said as he took aim with his scavenged assault rifle.
      "It's all of ours." Tommy wasn't afraid as their weapons announced their presence to the Covenant onslaught they had interrupted. Scott saw him fight on; he killed fourteen grunts before an Elite finally came upon him and killed him. Scott proceeded through the rubble of the entryway to the Citadel's central building, killing the Covenant he could find in his path. He didn't watch his body react or his instincts took over, he simply counted every time he chose to kill an enemy. He was better and faster than they were. He would outsmart the lumbering hulks of the Hunters, and overpower the smaller grunts and jackals. And when faced with the last of their leadership caste, he pulled the trigger on his rifle again and again.
      Scott found the entrance to the bunker in a burned out ruined cement hallway twenty meters by twenty meters in diameter. Marines were being wiped out by a force of four Elites flanked by hunters. Before the Covenant shock troops were a wave of hobbling grunts being cut down by machine gun fire. Scott took stock of what he had, grenades from covenant bodies, two fully loaded pistols and almost one hundred extra rounds. He breathed into his shattered lungs and began his diversion.
      The first to fall were the Elites, caught unaware as two plasma grenades sought them from behind the cover they had taken from the marine machine guns. Next were the remainders of the grunts, already pouring green plasma fire into the wedged open blast doors. A hunter fired into the bunker, a green explosion was coupled with human death screams. Scott drew his first pistol and targeted in on the rear most of the mammoth aliens.
      An inhuman scream distracted the Hunter from its grim task as it turned to see Scott's black covered pistol bark four rounds into the neck and shoulder of its battle brother. The rear hunter collapsed holding its neck as its purple blood spewed forth, leaving a frothy puddle around its hulking frame. The Hunter, shocked at its brother's untimely demise, flew down the hall in a rage. Scott watched it approach and unloaded the clip at the helmet of the alien.
      The hunter was undeterred and soon dropped its shoulder to charge Scott and flatten him into the wall. The beat was barely a meter away before Scott leapt to the side, throwing himself flat onto the ground. The hunter reeled quickly and slammed its foot to the ground, trying to crush the Spartan. Scott rolled as quickly as he could, but instead found his arm caught under the toe of the Alien's boot. Pain lashed through Scott's body as his shoulder and left arm tendons were crushed and separated.
      Scott felt anger surge in him as the adrenalin suddenly gorged his mind with the wound. Before he had met Yu this would never had happened, he fingered a plasma grenade as he desperately wrenched his arm from under the Hunter and back rolled into a crouch. The Hunter quickly was raising its shield and charging its fuel rod gun. Scott's arm whipped out faster than the beast would have foreseen, launching a blue glowing grenade at its charging weapon.
      "Suit auto repair engaged, resetting joint." The mechanical vice chimed in his helmet as Scott began to bolt away from the Hunter. In a second he felt the force of the explosion, green energy crackling in the hallway, he was almost lifted off the ground. He force pushed him towards the blast doors, and he caught himself on it hitting it with a dull thud. Suddenly the pain was gone; suddenly he could only see the distance indicator on his HUD. He had found Kyoko.
