
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Jump, Part II - The Sudden Stop
Posted By: Stefano Scalia<sscalia@mac.com>
Date: 25 November 2002, 6:59 am

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Thousands of men and women sat in suspended animation, with their faces
partially covered in their hibernation masks. They looked so much alike -
men and women - that one could argue they were the same. Perhaps this was
true, for they had only one purpose; to fulfill a mission.

Already three days into the slipstream, the ship was being run purely by its
perfect artificial intelligence. Nothing could stop it as it tore through
the very fabric of space and time itself, replacing light-years with just
days, hours, and minutes.

Then something went horribly wrong.

One hundred thousand small gas explosions rocked the titanium hull of the
ship. The hibernation masks were being propelled off the faces of their
occupants, while the IV attached to their armor shot powerful stimulants
into their bloodstreams.

"Warning, external ship detected less than 30 seconds from current position.
Recommend imitate maneuver." Droned the ships AI.

"Make it so," said Captain Miller, who had been abruptly awoken as well,
along with the rest of the crew. He ran to the forward bridge, as his
quarters were just a corridor away.

"Immediate contact with outer hull in twenty seconds. Engaging emergency
maneuvering thrusters, forward momentum decreasing at %120 rate."

"Sound Collision!" shouted Captain Miller. A member of the senior crew ran
to the back of the bridge, broke a safety glass covered wall niche, and
pounded a red button.

Hazard lights flashed all over the ship. A siren blared. The rows and rows
of marines quickly seated themselves as small bars popped up on their seats.
They were quickly harnessed in.

"Unknown vessel approaching on port side. Recommend immediate evasive
maneuver." Droned the AI, abet with some immediacy in its tone.

A counter flashed on the view screen. It was counting down the seconds to
collision. It neared 10 seconds, and as it did, it went red.

"Warning, collision imminent... collision in ten seconds."

It counted down.




"Right full thrusters! Reverse starboard engine!" screamed Captain Miller.
The crewmates relayed the message through the bridge as it echoed through
the hull.

"Reversing starboard engine! Firing thrusters!" said the two navigators in

The ship lurched to the side and tilted off kilter to the right. They were
turning at incredible speeds. They had just exited the slipstream seconds
ago and were expending fuel at an exponential rate.

"Warning, hull integrity compromised - failure of superstructure during
collision doubled. Fuel reserves open. Engaging solid fuel thrusters." spoke
the AI.

The captain had now grabbed onto a pair of aid bars that had fallen from the
ceiling of the bridge when the collision alarm had sounded. They were the
only restraints available to the crew on the bridge. Others were seated.
Many had taken off their HUD headsets, fearing the end.

Suddenly the view screen cleared. A huge, iridescent ship loomed outside the
5-foot thick plexititanium carbonate window. Its hull was lit up by
thousands of lights.

The ship was also maneuvering itself away from Captain Miller's vessel.

"Mother of god." Whispered Captain Miller, under his breath. He let go of
his aid bars as his vessel and the ship drifted closer and closer.

The ship was unmistakably Covenant.

(Continued in Part III: Collision is a possibility.)

To Ken: Friendship is forever. Fight for Freedom.
