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Fan Fiction

Ballad of The Chief
Posted By: Sargent Cannon Fodder<conning.ta@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk>
Date: 30 June 2004, 4:26 PM

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HIYA! This is my first ever posting on halo.bungie.org.(Though long time browser)Email me and tell me how it is.

As fire rains down upon a shattered earth,
As infection fills the race.
As hope all hope fades from a blue blast,
A light appears,

The light to send away the servants of the gods,
The light to save us from the Flood
The light to defend us from a dead race.
And for this he has no past,

Chosen from billions,
Champion of the race,
Carer for the Cortana,
And he was only meant to be a soldier,

For her, he fights,
For her, he bleeds,
For her, he will die,
For otherwise, how could he be a hero?

He could'nt be.

His name is Master Cheif Petty Officer SPARTAN II John 117.

With no past,
With no future,
With only death ahead,
Dommed to be a warrior for his life.

He is our last hope,
For this, he is a hero,
But he will never find happines,
Security, or Peace.

For he is a Spartan.
