Banserki's Journal (Part 9): Three Way War
Posted By: Sarge<banserkigrunts@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 September 2002, 11:50 pm
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Day: fifteen Time: 17:50 Planet: Aboard Cruiser class ship Deackata
The cruiser class ship Deackata was the first large ship I had ever been on, and I was excited to be back with my brethren. I had great hopes of being reunited with my family however they were shattered when I was told we were not go back to the capital of Cavarn but instead going to Dictaka to refit, repair, and recruit. We were down to a little under 50% of our already small group of forces and many of my brethren went without ammo for their gods buriers or power for their gods pistols. Luckily enough there were still a few food nipples I had not eaten out of a good food nipple in weeks. At first when I began to go at my first food nipple I thought about some of my experiences like the cafeteria where they tore apart cafes then that horrible Star Spangled Banner. Luckily it was all over now and I'm sure I can request leave and go back to Cavarn at least for a few days. I was almost done with my first food nipple when the ship rocked throwing me from my seat. Alarms sounded and my brethren ran to their stations. The infidels were attacking us and we were undermanned this could be catastrophe. I looked out a nearby view port the infidels had three battleships to our one, another unfortunate turn of events since we had used the last of our boarding crafts in a previous fight. I immediately began to worry what if I would never see Cavarn again, the dishonor to die up in space knowing that you are helpless with nothing to do but watch and wait as you die. Then I heard a voice it sounded like that of Nike it told me to not be afraid but to go out and fight, but how could I fight I wasn't a pilot and I couldn't breath in space for long. Then it hit me I would fly a banshee over towards an infidel ship and land it in their pathetic exposed hangar. Then I would single handedly take down the ship, well with the help of the gods of course. I began to run towards the hangar....
Within seconds I was strapped into a banshee, the controls were difficult but Nike seemed to know what he was doing. I took off leaving the shielded cruiser I had called home for but a day, knowing that if the cruiser is destroyed I'd have no way home and if I was on it when it blew I would have no honor in my death. So I guess the only way out is to fight I guess the only flaw in my plan would be making it over to the cruiser. Than I remembered my invisibility pack maybe it would make my banshee invisible to. I pushed the button and closed my eyes with all I could I prayed to the gods to make the banshee invisible. I quickly called back into Deackata to check and see if I was on their radar, well I guess I got lucky because they had no trace of me. So now to part two of my plan I just had to get to the infidel ship, of course no worries for I was invisible haha the infidels won't know what hit them.
I sped towards the infidels ship and its hangar I was only about three hundred meters away and was speeding towards my target. I had it made until suddenly Deackata informed me that I had reentered their radar. I also noticed many infidel turrets swivel towards my direction. I was only one hundred fifty meters away now, forty, thirty, twenty...
Out of nowhere an infidel turret had hit my banshee's starboard stabilizer and I was now spiraling out of control down one starboard stabilizer and my engines and thrusters were down as well. I noticed out my cockpit that I was quite close to my intended target and with some look I would be carried into the hangar by my foreword momentum. I was spiraling helplessly towards the infidel hangar knowing that any lucky infidel shot would take my banshee out here and now. My banshee crashed into the ship I felt the impact of metal against metal and also my head against metal as I slammed against my banshee's starboard side. When I was able to recuperate from my meeting with my starboard side I began to notice other things, like this sharp pain in my left leg. I looked down and realized it was a piece of glass I must have made it to the infidel ship. I said the warriors prayer it was the prayer of one about to go to battle and a warrior has little time to pray so it was created for that purpose. Let me be quick not dead, Let me shoot my enemy in the head.
I stumbled out of my banshee and surveyed my surroundings; the first thing I noticed was the fact that I was in a corridor that looked as though a small war had been raged in it. I turned around and noticed I had gone through some glass window luckily I had my grav boots and methane tank or I would be dad in space. I heard the sound of firing and screaming so I proceeded down the hall in the direction of the noise. Even though I had my gods packs I still carried my gods grenades and gods pistol. I clutched my pistol tightly in one hand and peeked around the corner...
My heart stopped as I gazed at the hideous things. Well first their were the pathetic infidel marines but then there was the monster from Aquarius II his armor reflected light as to blind me. However, he was not my greatest fear for next to him there was a horrible abomination it had a pale yellow skin. With its slimy mandibles and torn body it was hideous and all around it were small circular balls with legs. When the big abominations would kill or injure a marine the small ones would attack him and turn him into one of those monsters. I stood around the corner my back against the wall I would first I'd have to go through the armored monster and then those abominations. I shook that off I had one thing neither of my enemies had and that was the strength and the support of the gods. I peeked around the corner once more, and saw I had a good chance to go around them. The infidels and the abominations were fighting across a four-way hallway each holdings its own side. I would have to run across their firing way so I needed to do was run across with my invisible pack on. I'd run hold my breath and hope my pack holds tell I get across. I pushed the button closed my eyes and ran half crouched across their line of fire. I sighed as I made it crossed the firing zone. Then I felt a sharp pain and my body was lifted into the air and thrown down the hall. A grenade had been thrown and while they hadn't seen me their grenades blast still managed to throw me down the hall. I shook it off and ran down the hall towards the infidels ship's bridge. I was almost their when a group of about five infidels ran towards me. I didn't have the time to deal with them so I merely pressed the pack on my right arm sending a blue disc their way. The disc hit the point infidel cutting him in half then it struck the wall sending an explosion so large that it blew me down from about twenty yards away. I ran towards the infidels they were all either dead or to injured to move, so I left them to go on towards the bridge. They were fortunate indeed if I had not been in such a hurry I would of killed the remaining survivors probably something torturous like burning them alive or locking them in a small room where they had a choice to starve or bleed to death. Finally I arrived in the bridge the infidels were so busy they had not even noticed my coming in. So I looked at the nearest infidel station backed up and fired my right pack disc directly into the control panel. The disc shred the infidel and then control panel was engulfed in a fiery explosion that sent sparks flying through the bridge. They all stopped and stared at me I saw one with a translator on so I began to speak to him. I told him to tell the people here to throw down their weapons and turn over the ship or would I kill them one by one. He relayed my message and the infidels began to laugh. They found it amusing for they like every other race in the galaxy believed that the species they called "grunts" are a weak inferior race. I lifted my left arm and began to take the infidels into my left pack one by one. I also used the pack on the right to destroy control panels and kill the occasional infidel who felt like rebelling.
I killed all the infidels except for the one with the translator, and then I commanded him to take me to the controls for the ship. I looked at them and realized they were quite similar to that of a banshee and I would have no problem piloting them. I put the ship to full forward throttle and turned it to face one of the other infidel cruisers. I then disposed of the last infidel crewman with my left pack and ran down the hall towards the hangar. Hopefully there would be a ship or two left, I made it to the hangar only meeting the occasional infidel. Luckily I did not see another one of those abominations or the armored monsters so I had little trouble getting to the hangar. Another turn of luck I found a ship and it was in working condition. I got in and settled down at the controls, and found that they were also similar to the banshee. Had the infidels secretly been receiving our tech readouts? That assumption would have to wait until later. I launched my ship and flew towards the exit of the hangar. I managed to clip my wing before exiting but all and all I made it out just in time. I watched as the cruiser I had just been on plummeted into one of the other cruisers. As the two impacted a giant blast flew through space knocking my small infidel ship off course. Upon seeing its two fellow ships destroyed the last infidel cruiser retreated, I had saved the Deackata and my brethren but let the honor all be to the gods. I changed my course to head back towards the Deackata I radioed into the bridge using my comlink and sped on my way. Perhaps I would see Cavarn after all.