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The Battle for Earth
Posted By: Sammanam<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 6 October 2003, 6:52 PM
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UNSC destroyer "Aries" 10/2/2656
"Sir, 7 Ssillruvvi cruisers coming out of hyperspace", said the slipstream officer Hemmingway. Four points of space in front of the Aries and three points behind boiled, and out came the large Ssillruvvi cruisers.
The Human-Covenant war has been going on for a very long time, humanity now driving offences into Covenant space with superior technology, but now the Ssillruvvi, a xenophobic race from the Maganellic clouds, have came in, destroying Covenant and Ssillruvvi. The Ssillruvvi have more ships and resources than the Covenant and Humans combines. Humanity was weakened from the invasion by the Covenant some years agao, but was building up from it's few dozen solar systems it had, while the Covenant were churning out ships from their millions of solar systems.
It would take a lot to drive out the Ssillruvvi. The Ssillruvvi cruisers charged their weapons and were preparing to fire. The Ssillruvvi were advanced, more advanced than the Covenant in terms of weapons technology, but humans still were the technological superiors. The cruisers were big. They were long, curvy ships with three inward spike like things coming in the front, sweeping back, and glowing with a dark green color. Their ships had a yellowish tint to them, and they were completelly organic. Their hulls were able to regrow and even adapt to a limited degree to weapons. Their ships fired powerful neutron cannons.
The cruisers closed in on the small Aries destroyer and fired their neutron cannons. Captain Kristoff of the Aries was rocked a bit by the neutron blasts. "Sheilds at 90%, Secondary sheilds still ready", said the sheilding officer. The Aries was a small ship, about the same size as the Covenant destroyer. It had the traditional UNSC look, with a metallic and jagged look, but it was swept back more, and had wickedly curved fins along it's hull. It was loaded down with weaponry. It was completelly bred for space combat. It had no ground troops, but massive space weapons. It was armed with 3 heavy hellbore cannons, which fired small supercooled slivers of hydrogen at near light speed at it's target, enclosed in a laser. When the sliver struck, the kinetic energy made the hydrogen fuse, making it a nuclear weapons. It was deadly. The Aries also was armed with 50 point defence turrets covering all angles of the Aries, since the Ssillruvvi also avidly used fighters.
"Fire hellbore cannons at forward ship", said Kristoff. Large red beams of energy flared at the Ssillruvvi cruiser, and it exploded from the nuclear fire. The Aries turned and fire another hellbore blast at the flanking Ssillruvvi cruiser. It vaporized. That left 5 more Ssillruvvi cruisers. The Aries swept around back at the still Ssillruvvi cruisers, which fired another neutron blast. The Aires's sheilds were going down. "Fire at lead Ssillruvvi cruiser", calmly said Kristoff. The cruiser was consumed by the large fusion weaponry. The destroyer's command center was in the center of the ship, near the large gravitametric fusion reactors that made a large percent of the ship. The command center was under layers of armored hull, like Covenant designs. Holographic displays were all over, floating in the air, displaying ship status and Ssillruvvi cruisers' status. The sheilds on the port side were losing power to 17%, it's secondary sheilds would have to kick in. "Ssillruvvi cruisers launching fighters", said the scanner officer. Hordes of small fighters, each swept back like their cruisers, came roaring out of large pod bay doors, and fired their neutron cannons, while the 4 remaining Ssillruvvi cruisers supported with larger wepaons. The ship's AI, Cortanna, came up. "Targetting single ships and firing",said Cortanna.
A holographic display showed the outside of the ship, the Ssillruvvi fighters swarming over the Aires. The point defence pulse turrets came on, and reaped the Ssillruvvi fighters down. The point defence turrets fired rapid-fire blue pulses that shot across space and could destroy a single fighter in a single shot. However, Ssillruvvi cruisers could overwhelm point defence turrets, since their cruisers carried an estimated 300 fighters. "Fire hellbore at Ssillruvvi cruiser leading the formation", said Kristoff. The gunnery officer nodded. The large hellbore cannons fired within the haze of blue point defence fire, and struck the large Ssillruvvi cruiser. It was consumed by the blinding power. It was destroyed.
"Sir, Covenant ships coming out of slipstream", said the slipstream officer. 10 Covenant cruisers came out, and fired their plasma weapons at the Ssillruvvi cruisers. The Ssillruvvi cruisers melted and finally exploded, as the Covenant cruisers fired their point defence turrets at the fighters. One Ssillruvvi cruiser fired at the leading Covenant cruiser, and it exploded from the green neutron fire. Finally the Ssillruvvi were killed.
The Aries still stood.
"Sir, we are picking up a message from the leading Covenant cruiser", said the scanner officer. "Put it on the holoveiw", said Kristoff. It showed a High Prophet, with his/her/its ornate decorations. It was hovering on it's gravcouch. "The Ssillruvvi are launching a large offensive against us", said the High Prophet. "We have confirmed that they are heading towards a human planet", it said. "Which planet?", said Kristoff. "Earth", it responded. The holoscreen went blank, as the Covenant cruisers turned back and slipstreamed out.
"Plot a trajectory for sector 0,0,0", said Kristoff. The slipstream officer nodded. Earth, the center of humanity, bombarded twice by the Covenant, was going to be attacke dby the even more deadlier Ssillruvvi. Yet it would stand strong.