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Discovery of an Enemy, Chapter Three: Part I
Posted By: russ687<russ687@hotmail.com>
Date: 28 May 2004, 4:48 AM
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Chapter Three: Unlocking the Door
1123, July 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) System Designation Classified, Planet Codename Milestone
The long rifle slowly swept the area from the tree line to the clearing. Sergeant Dieter took a careful look at every tent, every crate, and every vehicle with his S2B. His skilled eye carefully picked apart every obstacle for any sight of movement; the process of looking at every object was time consuming, but it was necessary. Lieutenant Kren scanned the area with the binoculars, occasionally turning on the IR sensors to pick out any targets hiding behind crates or tents. Much to his surprise, the base was covered with areas of high infrared feedback, most notably the tent structures and several crates. The vehicles reflected a dull IR feedback, giving the appearance that they were still functional and ready to go. It was as if whoever was manning this base suddenly disappeared.
The large structure at the center of the clearing emitted no heat, at least none detectable at this range. It was strangely shaped, with a square base and walls, up to about ten meters, where it then turned into a trapezoidal shape, coming to a point at the top. It appeared to be made out of some sort of metal and was a dull gray. No doors were visible on the side Kren looked at.
There was a soft rustle behind him. "Sir, Lieutenant Meyers from Second Squad would like a word over the comm." Came Corporal Ryder's voice, the comm. specialist.
Kren crawled back out of the bush and stowed his binoculars. Attached to the Corporal's back was the LRISC-A2 communications pack. The Long Range Inter-Squad Communications pack could relay communications without satellite aid up to 40 miles by penetrating the very peak end of the Ultra High Frequency scale. The pack, while somewhat bulky, weighed only ten pounds, making it a reliable and mobile asset on the field.
Ryder stood still while Kren attached his inner-squad microphone to the LRISC. Once connected, he dialed in the modulating distorted frequency that was encryption protected and entered the four-digit code. The comm. link was now open to both Second and Third Squads, who were both approximately one mile away to the east and west. "Foxtrot Sierra, this is Foxtrot Oscar," Kren transmitted.
A crisp clear voice responded; the reception at this close range was exceptionally good. "Foxtrot Sierra copies."
"Patch me through to el-tee Meyers."
"Roger, Foxtrot Oscar."
After a short silence, Lieutenant Meyers voice came on the line. "Sir, what's the ops plan? We have zero contacts, and Third Squad has not seen any movement either."
"We're going to send in scouts from each of our squads and recon the area. Post your sniper on covering watch, along with one of your fire teams. Send the remaining fire team out on a general recon route towards that structure. Report any contacts or special interest objects." Kren ordered, composing the plan as he spoke.
"Roger, Foxtrot Sierra out." Meyers responded.
Kren then contacted Sierra Tango, Third Squad, and repeated the orders.
"Roger that, sir." Responded Third Squad Leader Gunnery Sergeant Jonathon Jacobs. His Squad was a mile west, and were waiting on the edge of the clearing like Kren was.
"Make it happen, Sierra Oscar out." Kren detached the cord and set the LRISC to standby mode. He then turned to Sergeant Brooks. "Fire Team Bravo will be reconnoitering the clearing with me, so get your troops prepared."
"Yes, sir." Came a crisp response.
"Sergeant Spencer, Fire Team Alpha will be covering myself and Sergeant Brook's team as they recon. Get your troops in a line formation, covering the open area." Kren ordered next.
Spencer stood up slowly from his huddle with Fire Team Alpha. "Yes, sir."
Kren then turned toward where Dieter was. The sniper was barely visible, being extremely well camouflaged and not moving at all. The long rifle still swept the area back and forth. "Sergeant Dieter, remain at your covering position." The sniper's right hand slowly waved an acknowledgement.
This was it. They were about to find out why they had traveled over a month in slipstream to this god-forsaken planet. They were going to find out why the Covenant was here. And they were going to find out where the Covenant went. ___________________________________________________________
1200 Hours, July 19, 2552 (Military Calendar) Aboard ONI Stealth Frigate Valiant Knight, en route to: System Designation Classified, Planet Codename Milestone
Two Days Earlier
Lieutenant Todd Kren sat down in front of an Open Access Computer, known as OAC, and logged on to the system network. These computers were the standard around the ship and military bases, and had access to all files that were not classified. Confidential files could be accessed from these, though, provided you had either the right codes or a strong AI partner. Kren unfortunately lacked the latter option, so he would have to dig as deep as possible by himself.
He went to the central search engine and sat there for a moment. This Gallant Strife special operation was a little too quiet for his liking, and the lack of information by the ONI major in the briefing didn't appease his curiosity. The last thing he wanted was to be part of an event where he didn't know the true purpose was behind it.
He slowly typed in G-A-L-L-A-N-T-S-T-R-I-F-E.
The search engine buzzed for moment, then brought back over thirteen thousand returns. Apparently, this was a popular subject. He noticed that the most viewed returns were noted under the "Historical Document" section of the UNSC database. This was the object of some history lesson at some school.
He opened the file.
Article found in the Standard Instructor Textbook: "History of Military Operation Cover-ups, circa 2045-2051." Third Edition. Copyright 2040
Return Result of "Gallant Strife" - Operation: Gallant Strife.
Text Excerpts follows:
During the Third World War (2045-2051), Joint Allied Forces conducted the secret operations that were designated as the "Gallant Strife" operations under the High Military Command Authority by Lieutenant Robert H. Tanner and his men under the authorization of the American Armed Forces (See "History of the United States of America"). The primary goals of these operations were kept strictly confidential, until a law order forced the military to release its contents July of 2062.
According to what files were recovered (most were reported burned or destroyed by the military), Lt. R.H. Tanner, commanding officer of the 347th Marine Force Recon Platoon (United States Military, Navy Branch), was ordered to conduct a surgical deep reconnaissance/intelligence operation into the heart of southeast Asia, where the country of China (See "History of People's Republic of China") was located. China was not only the focal point of the war, but was also the area of many technological inventions that drastically changed the balance of power between the Axis and Allied Powers of WWIII (See "Secret Technologies, WWIII"). From what documents were left, the apparent overall orders of Lt. R.H. Tanner was to located, identify, and gain information on the technologies and manufacturing sites within Chinese boarders and return this information back to Allied hands. The operations were reported to be very successful, and third-hand reports said the 347th MFR achieved all of their objectives with a casualty rate under 10% (the actual number of combat deaths were never released). The specific mission goals of the 347th MFR were supposedly destroyed before the court-order for the release of information was enforced.
After subsequent court rulings, Lt. R.H Tanner (Ret. as of 2062) was ordered to testify before the court and give the full details of Gallant Strife. But due to unknown reasons, Lt. R.H. Tanner was never found to give his testimony, and the case was closed after many more fruitless court rulings on 25 September 2062.
The historical context of this goes to show the many cover-ups the military has put forth over the decades, even though many of the information they wish to cover up has been years old. Gallant Strife was never fully released to the court, and it's eventual closure goes to show the extents the military is willing to go to keep certain information completely confidential.
End Article of "Gallant Strife"
Kren leaned back in the squeaky chair and rubbed his eyes. The parallels between this World War III operation and his operation were too close. And the name was not the only thing. The use of a special warfare platoon, the deep recon mission, the objectives of finding technology....
Kren remembered the briefing the ONI major gave. When he was asked why this mission was commencing, the major said it was for both intelligence and technology findings. But every man with ears in that room could tell the major was lying out of his teeth. While intelligence was no doubt a factor of the mission, those spooks wanted nothing more then to find out what technology is keeping the Covenant at that world.
This Gallant Strife operation was obviously based off this historical operation. But something was missing. This was bigger then it appeared. He scrolled down the list of returns and found a separate result, this one with the ONI symbol next to it.
Article excerpt from the Central Intelligence Agency (See "History of the CIA").
Gallant Strife, Operation, circa 2045-2051. Official Court Release (In conjunction with the USN). Based off remaining available information.
Gallant Strife, Operation(s).
1. Released purpose of operation.
a. Perform a land ingress of Chinese land-space.
b. Locate locations where the suspected technology* is.
c. Get visual and documented accounts of what the location is, what technologies are present (also locate the manufacturing site if possible).
d. Egress with information.
2. Units used within operation.
a. Known units:
i. 347th Marine Force Recon Platoon.
1. Only known ground force to actually set foot ion Chinese soil.
ii. 952nd Marine Airborne Squadron.
1. Unit that inserted and extracted 347th MFR.
b. Suspected units:
i. 22nd Space Wing (USAF).
1. Unit suspected of aiding by using a military satellite (reportedly MAS-114, still unconfirmed).
ii. USS Wilson, SS-153 (USN).
1. Ship suspected of aiding in the operation through unknown means.
iii. CIA Detachment (Serial Number Unknown).
1. Aid to mission unknown.
3. Notes: * = See special report containing information regarding the technologies suspected and/or found during Gallant Strife.
Classification released August 2062 - CIA
Kren's thoughts were confirmed. The current Gallant Strife operation and the historical operation were linked. What those Marines of the 347th MFR found were probably buried deep in the database of ONI, even though it was over 500 years ago. Whatever happened on those missions were destined to stay lost in the system.
The technology they found was not worth keeping it hidden, not even from a court insight ten years later after it happened. So, the obvious conclusion was not centered around technology, but something else they found.
Who knows? For all anyone could tell, technology was actually not the reason they did this. Maybe the technology was a cover-up; it was a good one too, since nobody would ask the deeper questions. These Marines, and whoever this Lt. Tanner was, found something so secretive that it would never surface again.
Kren sat straight up. The fate of those Marines 500 years ago is still hidden today, as are the things they found. If this happened to the 347th MFR, was his platoon destined to repeat their fate? What was so important on this planet that it would merit sending this small group out? And what was so similar that it would be branded under the same name of the secret operation conducted 500 years ago?
Kren typed in a new search. His hand hovered above the enter key as he thought. This was no simple recon mission, and if his gut feeling was right, this was no simple operation.
The bulk-head creaked and the thick door swung open. Kren hit the escape key and turned around.
"Time to suit up, sir." Sergeant McCollum said.
Kren nodded. He would, along with his team, find out the rest soon.
On the surface.