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Fan Fiction

Aurora Squadron-Part 2
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 31 December 2003, 10:21 PM

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Editor's Note: Sorry, I've been busy and just now got around to writing the second part. Here's a link to the part 1 in case you haven't seen it/forgot it. http://halo.bungie.org/fanfic/?story=roguefox.1102030507581.html I may also decide to throw a crossover in here, so if you don't like crossovers at all, just stop reading and go find something else. Thanks.

Aurora Squadron gently touched their fighters down in Docking Bay 5 after their confrontation with a Covenant task force. Lt. Cmdr. O'Malley hopped out of his fighter and let the technicians know about a loose port side stabilizer. The techs nodded and proceeded to take care of the problem. O'Malley looked up just in time to see an power node blow, showering debris and sparks all over the hangar bay. Lieutenant McCafferty ducked and walked over to Aurora Leader. "So, commander, how bout that drink I won the other night?" O'Malley groaned. Aurora Two was the best poker player on board, and beat O'Malley in a game where the loser bought the squadron a round. "Allright, McCafferty. A bet is a bet. Gather up the boys and meet me in the pilots lounge." McCafferty grinned and snapped a salute. He then walked off to collect the members of Aurora Squadron. O'Malley shook his head and walked off towards the lounge.

The Planet Berullion, in a galaxy that is not our own.

"Captain Palleaon, are we ready to move?" Admiral Thrawn stood on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Superior. The fleet he had massed at his command was over 300 ships strong, much of which were Imperial Star Destroyers that flew the banner of the Galactic Empire. Palleaon turned. "Yes sir. The fleet is at your command." "Good." Thrawn said, and leaned back in his chair. Thrawn spotted the ISD Triumph moving off. "What's Triumph doing?" he asked. "He thinks he's got a Rebel fighter group on his scanners, sir." A lieutenant answered. "Why is he taking an entire Star Destroyer over there? Order him back to the fleet." "Yes sir." said a commander. "Triumph, you are ordered back into formation..." the commander trailed off. "What is that?" someone asked. A bright orange wormhole was opening up by Triumph. "Get him out of there!" yelled Thrawn. Even as he bellowed the order, it was too late. Triumph was sucked up in the orange wormhole, and it snapped shut.

The Auroras were enjoying their drinks, when Aurora Four, Ensign Toland, said "Sir...what is that?" O'Malley looked up to see a giant orange wormhole appear and spit out a giant, wedge shaped ship out, then snap shut. Hornet must have only been half to three-quarters as big as the new ship. O'Malley keyed the comm. "Captain Adams, I think we..." "I see it too O'Malley." Adams answered. Captain Robert Adams was a seasoned combat veteran, and he had never seen anything like this ship. "Bring us up to Combat Alert Alpha, Rogue." Rogue was the ship's AI. "Yes sir," Rogue replied. "May I remind you that our ship is horribly damaged. If that ship turns out to be hostile, it will rip us apart." "I am aware of that Rogue." Adams said. "Open a frequency." "Channel open." reported the ensign at communications.

"Where are we?" asked Captain Lee Clark. "What happened to the fleet?" Commander William Murray shook his head. "Sir, we are 500,000 light years away from the edge of our galaxy." "WHAT?!" Clark exclaimed. "Yes sir, it will take us years to get back. Until then, perhaps we should worry about what that thing is." Murray pointed out of the viewport and the strange cylinder shaped craft hanging off the bow. "Sir, we're picking up a signal...primitive, its on the radios that the infantry use when their in remote regions." said an ensign. "Put it on." Clark said. The speakers crackled and a voice came out, "This is Captain Robert Adams of the United Nations Space Command ship Hornet. Identify yourselves, you are in UNSC space." Clark cleared his throat. "Captain Adams, I am Captain Lee Clark of the Imperial Star Destroyer Triumph. We were brought here by some strange phenomenon, I assure you we do not intrude your space by choice. I will return to talking to you shortly, we must ah...repair our communications systems." Clark turned off the comm. Like most Imperial captains, he was trained to assess unknown ships combat capabilities. The lieutenant manning the scanners turned. "Sir, these ships are like nothing I've seen before. They have advanced computer systems, but everything else is...odd. They use a magentic cannon and missiles for their main weapons...the cannon uses a ferric projectile. If it hits our shields, it will damage them because ferric material interferes with our generators. They seem to have been in battle with another unknown race, superior to them as well. They use projectile weapons for sidearms too, sir." The lieutenant took a big breath after his long winded speech. Clark thought for a second. "Can their projectiles penetrate stormtrooper armor?" "Its possible sir, but it would take 5 or 6 hits to breach it." "And their armor?" "Sir, its made of a substance we once used, called Titanium-A." the lieutenant said. "It can't withstand more than one or two laser blasts." Clark nodded. "Prepare the ship for combat. Mobilize Stormtrooper divisions A-G. Get TIE Fighters scrambled to escort them. I want this ship captured so we can see who these people are." The bridge crew saluted and ran to give the necessary orders.

Captain Adams looked at the wedge-shaped craft. "Rogue, what is it?" Rogue's brow wrinkled. "Unknown, sir...wait, I'm detecting increased energy output from the ship...They're launching single-seat craft and...what appear to be boarding craft. Sir, they are going to board us." Adams growled. "Get this ship ready to engage the Star Destroyer. Get the Marines ready to repel boarders Send a signal to Earth for backup. Tell them we have new enemy."

The two ships rotated to bring their weapons to bear. The ships disengaged from Triumph. 5 Twin Ion Engine fighter squadrons and 7 division transports sped towards Hornet, which had released the remnants of Overlord and Scorpion Squadrons, as well as Aurora Squadron. O'Malley sighted one TIE Fighter and prepared to squeeze the trigger...

To Be Continued.
