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Fan Fiction

Battle for Sol- pt. 6
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 August 2004, 2:59 AM

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Sol System's Edge
Oort Cloud

       The Covenant fleet master saw a robed human standing before him. The human looked at the Elite with a glint of anger in his eye. "You have attacked the outposts of the Sol System repeatedly for no reason. You have stolen our technology and put it on your own vessels. You have beaten our brothers back to their homeworld, and now, we come to the aid of our brothers. Surrender, or be totally destroyed." The robed figure said.

      The Elite gulped. He knew that Ship Masters had spoke of powerful ships like these, saying they were so powerful that no fleet could stop a determined force of them. They had even gone so far as to say they were the ships of the Forerunner. Prophets and high-ranking Elites alike had discarded the notion, saying it was blasphemous and that it was a ridiculous notion to begin with. But now that he stared these Forerunner ships in the face, wondering if his fleet could fight them and the humans on Earth off.

      The human leader hailed again.

      "Your time is up, Fleet Master." the robed figure said. His ship's consoles had both human English and Forerunner symbols on the displays. His robe was silver and red, denoting a command figure. The other people on the bridge had robes with gold and silver; blue and silver; and green and silver; denoting the aspects of the ship they operated. The human glared. "We grow tired of your insolence and ignorant silence. Answer. Will you fight or lay down your arms as wise men?"

      The Elite's eyes blazed with hatred and said nothing.

      The red robed human turned around. "Admiral?" a younger red robed man asked. "Should we order the fleet to engage?" The senior human sighed. "Engage. Order the Legions to prepare for boarding actions." The junior human nodded, and began to give the necessary orders.

       The United Factions ships manuvered and turned. The dishes on the ships shot orange beams across space. These weapons were a simple laser, but ran through multiple linear accelerators and amplifiers to rectify the energy into an orange beam that could cut through Covenant shielding like it was paper. The United Factions had also developed a green beam, that grabbed a ship, and after it grabbed it, began to cut through the hull. The last main weapon in their aresenal was the proton torpedo. It was a torpedo filled with positevly charged plutonium that glowed bright blue. This torpedo would punch through pretty much anything it hit.

      The UF ships opened up on the Covenant fleet. The opening laser salvo cut the the Covenant force by one-fourth. The orange beams parted the shields of the Covenant craft and holed through them. The UF forces made sure their lasers drilled right through the fusion reactors of the ships, causing them to explode. The Proton torpedoes clamied another 1/4 of the Covenant ships, leaving the remaining half to return fire.

      The Covenant Fleet Master, being stunned beyond belief at having lost half his fleet in a matter of moments, ordered his fleet to fire back. The plasma torpedoes and pulse lasers of the Covenant hit the brilliant silver shielding of the United Factions craft.

      They all remained, unharmed.

      The cutting beams of the UF ships grappled another quarter of the Covenant craft and cut huge chunks out of them, putting those ships out of the fight. As the ships floated useless among the stars, the boxy little landing craft the UF's Legions used docked with the remaining quarter of the Covenant fleet.

      The boxy crafts met a hail of plasma fire as the landed in the bays of the Covenant ships. A Grunt warbled over the din as the Legions poured out of the ship. "They are like the Armored Ghosts we saw on Reach! Run!!!" The SPARTAN-like legionnaires shouldered their laser rifles and cut down the fleeing Covenant, who were thrown into disarray from a lack of leadership and panic at seeing so many armored humans. The Elites stood their ground, but were quickly routed in the advance of the UF Legions. The red-orange beams that the weapons of the legionnaires fired either transferred into the target, killing it from shock, or vaporized it. When the Elites began to realize their shielding could not protect them from this precise and powerful weapon, they too began to run.

      "Centurion!!" a soldier yelled. "The Fleet Master is on this ship!"

      The scarlet-armored centurion of the Thirty-Third Legion looked at the map the soldier had discovered.

      "So he is." The centurion said. "Find him, and bring him to me."

      The legionnaires charged through the ship, killing all Covenant in their way, only suffering three casualties, only one resulting in death. They burst onto the bridge, capturing the still-shocked Fleet Master.

      "Centurion, he's ours."

Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-9

      The center of Ops burst into cheers. Rogue had just confirmed that the Sol system had repelled all Covenant intrusions. Suddenly, a white, elongated ship dropped out of the Slipstream and moved with blazing speed to the station. Hood was wary of the new arrival, but was in no position to be hostile. The COM board pinged.

      Hood accepted the transmission, and nearly fell out of his chair when he saw what flashed onto the screen.
