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Fan Fiction

Battle for Sol- pt. 2
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 31 July 2004, 2:22 AM

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The first story was sloppy, but it kind of set everything up. I'll try to do better on this one :).

Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-5

      Admiral Hood flew against a bulkhead after Covenant pulse lasers fried the starboard stabilizers. The stabilizers loss caused the center spinning section of the Battle Station to spin faster and threw everyone in Ops against a panel or bulkhead. "ROGUE!!!" Hood yelled. "STOP SPINNING THE CENTER SECTION! NOW!" "Yes, Admiral." The calm AI replied. The admiral slowly floated off the deck. He got against a bulkhead, and with a grunt of effort, pushed himself to his command seat and strapped in with the emergency strap. "Communications, get the Iowa on that Covenant sonuvabitch." The massive UNSC battleship rolled to have its port side facing the Covenant destroyer that shot at them. The ship slid to starboard as the 4 MAC guns fired hot white thunder across the fabric of space. The rounds impacted on the Covenant destroyer amidships all at once, breaking the shields and impaling it. Hood grinned, and then looked at the COM board. "Sir, there's a Longsword from Jupiter requesting permission to dock. They have SPARTAN-IIs onboard." Hood looked at the COM operator. "Get em to the bridge ASAP. Get the Master Chief and that other Spartan up here too." The Lieutenant Commander nodded and began to send out orders. Hood watched as UNSC ships melted and Covenant ships blew apart. The Super MACs fired another salvo. The rounds ripped through 30 Covenant ships. Suddenly, the COM board pinged. The radio crackled. "This is...*zzsst*...Greer...Covenant breached African Zone...nothing I can do...*zsssssssst*" Hood looked at his tactical display, while Rogue concentrated on firing the stations weapons to their greatest effect. He paused and looked over at Hood. "Sir, the African Zone is collapsing." Rogue changed colors and the continent of Africa came on the holo display.The UNSC ships had a hole in their formation, where three Covenant cruisers were inside. "Damn it." Hood muttered. Three UNSC cruisers jetted away from the Asian screen to try and attack them. The Covenant immediately slammed them with plasma and lasers. The cruisers retaliated with their MACs and Archers, killing one Covenant Cruiser and damaging another. The Covenant then proceeded to slag the human cruisers into titanium haze. The 4 SPARTANs and the 5 Marines floated into ops. "Admiral. Master Chief Petty Officer SPARTAN-117 and my squad reporting for duty, sir." Hood thought for a moment, then turned and said "Welcome aboard Spartans. I have a mission for you." He gestured to the massive Covenant cruiser dropping into the atmosphere over Earth. "Destroy whatever that thing puts on the ground." The Chief saluted as best he could in the zero-gee environment, then turned to see the door two Marines frantically float in. "Covenant! On Deck 5!" The Chief pushed off the deck out the door, followed closely by Sergeant Johnson, the ODSTs, and the SPARTANs. Cortana, who was inside the Chief's suit, opened a channel to the Master Chief. "The Covenant are in the weapons locker on Deck 5...Chief, they're setting anti-matter charges! They're going to use the ordinance to.." Suddenly, Battle Station Omega-5's dorsal side blew open, throwing human and Covenant alike into the vaccum. Decompression alarms sounded through all the decks. The Chief turned around. "ODSTs, get your EVA suits ready. Sergeant..." The Sergeant laughed. "Don't worry about me Chief. I'll get the Pelican on this deck. I'll meet you in Bay 5." He floated off. Fred shook his head as he watched the Sergeant go. The ODSTs and Spartans looked at the Chief. "Lets go." The squad opened the emergency airlock and floated through the bulkhead into deck 5. Cortana piped up. "Alert: your know that your weapons will no longer work." "Thanks for the update." Will muttered. "Hmph. See if I tell you anything again." The Master Chief grinned at Will's sarcasm as he floated through the eerily empty deck, looking for the corridor to Bay 5.

Sol System
Battle Station Bravo-9

       Rear Admiral Adams wiped the blood from his lip as he got up off the deck. The Covenant had gutted Decks 25 through 28 with a plasma torpedo. The UNSC was down to 30 ships, the Covenant down to 40. Adams staggered back to his command seat. "Lieutenant, status of the fleet?" The Lieutenant looked up as a Covenant frigate shattered under the impact of multiple MAC rounds. "Our fleet is in scattered retreat sir...they cannot hold against superior Covenant numbers." Adams looked at his tactical display. He saw that the MISSILECOM station was still intact. It's my last option. He thought. "Commander McKay, fire the Nova." He ordered. "Attention all UNSC forces! Retreat to Earth! I repeat! Retreat to Earth." He switched COM channels. "Attention crew of Station Bravo-9. Get to your designated emergency evacuation pods and corvettes. The Jupiter planetary area is going to light up in about 10 minutes." The UNSC fleet began to shunt power to their engines and roar off towards Earth. The Covenant moved around, destroying planetary installations and straggler ships. "Admiral, come on." A lieutenant urged. Adams left Ops and made his way to his designated corvette. As the ship roared off towards Earth, he saw Longswords, lifepods, and UNSC capital ships roared away from Jupiter. Just before the MISSILECOM station blew to hell, it launched a large missile which roared to the center of the Covenant formation. Then, all of space went white. A mini sun appeared in the center of the Covenant formation, swallowing all 40 ships. The explosion continued to grow, engulfing Io, one of Jupiter's moons. The explosion interacted with Jupiter's atmosphere. When the explosion finally cleared, Io was burning, but the Covenant ships were gone. "Send a message to Earth." Adams said. "Covenant forces at Jupiter destroyed. All UNSC installations at Jupiter destroyed. Remainder of Jupiter fleet headed to Earth." The Lieutenant working the controls nodded. Adams sat back. He couldn't relax. Not when he knew he had only won a very very small part of a massive, massive battle.
