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Fan Fiction

the chip series chapter 1,Zanzibar.
Posted By: rock-a-holic<rock_fudge@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 September 2008, 4:59 am

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Zanzibar... home to only 10 humans studying nuclear reactions in space by using the nearby ocean. I do not know their names because I can only see from my satellite. House hold appliances powered by the giant windmill in the middle of the facility. There is a giant holograph projector so the participants don't know they're on halo.

The team is all men so there is no chance for over population on this small island. it is night and the last man is locking up the generator room fence after a long day of tests. But he does not know that tomorrow will be even more life risking then their daily tests.

My name is Dr. Halsey and even though my spartans are now monsters I am watching them and keeping a journal of what they now behave like, it is also all I have left, their is no other purpose for me... Chapter one: Zanzibar... The crew woke up not to their alarm as normal but to the sound of something crashing outside, The crew seemingly assumed it was something falling off their windmill, decided to fix it later and went back to bed. But before they could close their eyes there were seven more crashes. The team woke up, got dressed and went to see what the sounds were.

The team was so concealed from recent events that when they saw the spartans they assumed it was an alien spaceship and thought to get the emergency weapons. But soon they figured out they were human shaped. They spent a very large amount of time near the crash site discussing their theorys of what happened. until they noticed one move.

One member of the team appeared to say "welcome are you the new recruits?" The spartan replied by picking the man up by the throat and throwing him over the windmill. The man landed on his head and the crack of the man's neck was so loud the other nine members stood still in fear of the creature that was towering over them. The crew members realized their error and ran to the emergency weapons cache.

The awakened spartan followed the members to the cache. The first member to get there tried to close the door but the other members burst through and the spartan unfortunately got in as well. I will not write how the spartan brutally killed these men for I couldn't even watch. the spartan picked up a assault rifle and left the building as the single spartan was leaving the other spartans woke up. The spartans knew they could not accomplish anything with no weapons so they scattered.

I am giving names to the spartans so I can keep track. R52,C21,A68,J53,O80,Z98,U71 and M11. As R52 came out of the weapons cache the other spartans were getting their own weapons M11 ran up some steps behind him and grabbed an m90 shotgun, U71 ran to the top of a small building and picked up a sniper rifle, C21 ran up the beach and picked up a battle rifle, J53 got in to a one of Zanzibar's captured ghosts and zoomed off, Z98 sneaked behind J53 and grabbed a brute shot turned and shot four times at J53, while A68 and O80 were running U71 decided on a target he shot and and hit O80 and O80 fell, A68 found some grenades and ducked behind a boulder and threw them at U71 it ignited some nearby fusion coils and killed him.

Two brute shot grenades flew and hit the ghost that J53 was in. and he jumped out before the ghost exploded and landed behind the boulder A68 was behind, they both didn't have any weapons so they fought with martial arts, punch, block, kick, block,chop,block. As that was going on C21 and M11 were running down a bridge toward each other and were repetitively shooting at each other, C21 jumped and kicked M11 over, C21 landed, pointed his battle rifle at M11's face, and fired.

R52 walked to a nearby spartan laser heaved it onto his shoulder and looked down at the two spartans that were fighting he aimed and started to charge up his laser J53 saw the dot and jumped out of the way. In a burst of red light A68 was dead while standing up after four seconds he finally fell, the giant hole in his body staining the ground with his blood. R52 jumped down off the platform and crushed J53's windpipe, with one last cough J53 was dead.

R52 spun around to see if any more foes were trying to attack him and he saw Z98 with his brute shot, in another burst of red light Z98 was blown back against the wall and immediately fell over there was only one spartan left besides R52, he dropped his spartan laser for the thrill of the hunt. he climbed up the same steps M11 climbed earlier. He then saw C21 they looked at each other for a moment.

They fired their weapons and ran at each other, R52 grabbed the end of C21's battle rifle, pushed it, hit him in the face and threw the battle rifle over the edge of the bridge and smashed in C21's helmet. R52 then saw what he himself had become he took off his helmet held his weapon up to his own head fired...

This is where chapter one ends this has been very disturbing for me to write down these events of the destruction of my creations.

