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Spartans meet their match
Posted By: Robert<accidental_superman@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 September 2003, 12:29 PM
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It was deathly cold outside their power armor. Daego, adjusted the temperture inside his suit. He was the rear guard of the squad, jogging through the ghost town that used to be downtown Sydney, Through the twisted metal and crubling concrete they pushed, past blood marks and spilt battery acid, they searched for the lost.
It wasnt long before their worries found them, Shimmers they called them. Deagos face curled into a sneer as he heard the slightest scratch of metal on metal at his 8 a'clock, 200 meters away inside one of the cities courtyards. He wheeled around and stepped to the side, pulling two of his four pistols out from their sheaths he aimed... no one was there.
They walked by a car that was still rocking side to side as something had just nicked it as they passed. The 5 other members of the spartan group had noiced these things, either they were putting their fate off a few minutes more or they had a plan that he hadnt been told about. They didnt...
Daego growled and stopped up ahead he could hear the wind being churned up by fast moving things. Behind him he could feel the presensce of something unnatural, thats when everyone else reacted. Almost a signal for the enemy they approached, dew collecting on their blood stained fingers, glistening under the light.
Daego turned tapped both triggers one of the robotic hovering soldiers rolled over in mid air and flew away. He was just in time to dart away from the sqaud as a robot swooped in really low over them, JK, Joise and Carl had been to slow and were legally corpses beofre they hit the ground, the things fingers had turned into steak knive blades all of a sudden.
He ran, there was going to be no last stand for him. They were out numbered. His power armor boosted his stride and speed, 50 k's 60 k's up to 70k's he leapt from tall terrain to even taller terrain, the Shimmers were catching up to him but rising slowly. For 10 minutes they followed, for ten minutes he worried. Now and then one would swerve away and dive into a building, only to join the chase with fresh blood dripping from its blades. He ran, leapt and bounded along sending a Shimmer to its death with 4 shots each. He reached what he was running for, with one last jump and roll he landed at one of the side doors of the base and carried on through to slam into Flaze and Rav, they had been waiting for him.
"What about the others?" Flaze said bitting her lips. "I dont..." Boom! the shock wave rattled him giving him major backlash and pushing him further into the corridor. He looked up to see a barrel pointed at his face. "As soon as we get out of here, your going on a suicide mission" The barrel moved away and Daego shot his leg up pushing Lomas off of him. "I was saving what was left of the sqaud!" "Yeah you..." Daego stormed off towards the hangar, everybody had packed already. "What? should i of stayed with you and done the same, i saw you all with your "Since i'm now a spartan i'm bullet proof!" We should of been crawling through the sewers still at the airport!" Everyone checked the pelican over for damage from the preveouis weeks bombardment, Daego and lomas went at it over the Sqaud Sqawk. "We wouldnt of reached here in time!" "We wouldnt of reached hear in time, with 13 more people!" They loaded up in the pelican, the retractible Surface to Air units on the roof deployed and cleared the surrounding area of banshees and Convent fighters.
The pelican groaned under the weight as it sored to the heavens, as the cargo bay door started to close Daego saw it, Lomas, saw them, The pilot saw the lot of them. 30 Shimmers were some how defying everything humans knew of anti grav units, they were chasing them.
At once Daego knew what to do, he grabbed a one man glider, a click on propellar unit for the glider armed a pistol and he was off. Not a word of goobye, not a sorry or i forgive you, just the sudden sense of weightlessness as he rushed to earth, He watched the Shimmers approach him and shoot past him "Shit" Was his only reply, at that point they turned around, Daego silently thanked the Shimmers for making his jump worth while, it wasnt like he was going to get off this rock anyway, but he also commented Note to self: do not do heroic things for a group of going to bite it really soon spartans, they came, he saw the interesting part was here.....