
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 September 2004, 10:04 PM

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Dark armor shining in the sun.
I stand before my enemy.
Fear, fear I see, I smell, I taste.

My senses tingle, my skin

Defiant creatures I live to fight.
I charge, hot blue energy flies,
Striking, searing flesh.

Down the infidel drops,
Dead, a heap in mud.

Laughing I keep moving.
Running, ducking, bullets
Wiz over head.

I round a corner,
Nearly crashing into my foul

Shock, surprise I see, fear I almost taste.
I drop my arm
Lashing out, metal collides, into soft skin and bone.

Crunch, scream
Sounds I enjoy to hear.
I move on, passing my dead foe.

I look around,
Many of my brethren gone.
Anger arises, threatening to consume.

I look left, streams of red mixed
With blue, mixed with purple.
I am superior.

Green metal flashes,
My heart races.
Pride and anger take control.

Dodging around trees, rocks, and burned out vehicles.
I sneak closer, carefully.
Perching atop a cliff, I wait to strike.

Patients I do not always have.
Jumping, I ambush my prey.
Slamming into bulky armored body.

I throw us off balance.
We crash to the ground.
Snarling I roll to my feet, weapon poised.
Lightening strikes, rifle flies.

My foe is fast, very fast.
I grab around its wrists.
I try to crush, through metal, through bone.

One arm breaks free.
Glint of sliver, shimmering shield.
Pain floods my chest.

I stumble backward.
My hands hot and sticky with my own blood.
A green fist slams into my head.

My mind reels, I go down.
Why, why human infidel.
Blackness surrounds me.
Blackness takes me.

I welcome it.
