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Fan Fiction

Halo: Lost and found Part 9
Posted By: riley217<masterchief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 September 2004, 5:10 PM

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Part IX

The passage way led the two Spartan's down a long dark tunnel. Neither spoke one word to each other. The Master Chief's flashlight drained a quarter of it's battery power, before reaching the elevator shaft.
"I will go first, then you follow my lead." The Master Chief ordered. "Right." Riley replied.
The Master Chief clicked off his flashlight, Riley lit hers. John leaped forward, grabbed a hold of the cable, then wrapped one leg around. John slowly and methodically started lowering himself down. The Master Chief descended 18m when he felt the cable sway slightly. Lt. Riley grabbed onto the cable with her good arm, and was just about to wrap a leg around. When she lost her grip, then started falling rapidly gaining speed. "OH CRAP, look out below!!!!" Lt. Riley yelled. The Master Chief looked up just as the dark figure of Lt. Riley came colliding into him. The Master Chief lost his hold on the elevator cable and began to plummet like a rock.

John managed to catch Riley's hand, then with his free hand, he tried regrabbing the cable, but it was hard to see. He had to slow their descent and fast. The Master Chief tried again and again, he couldn't possibly hang on. John gave up on that idea and decided on something that might hurt. Quickly the Master Chief flung Lt. Riley above him hugging her in a bear hug like manor, then leveled out as best as he could, so that he would hopefully land backside down. John then cranked up the hydrostatic jell pressure surrounding his body (it felt a little uncomfortable), to cushion the rough landing better. They past the 50m mark, it seemed like they would fall forever. 75m, 89m, the Chief smashed the ground hard with a loud thump, head slamming painfully into the back of his helmet, while Spartan 007 collided into him then forcefully bounced off his armor, rolling to a stop five feet away. John's assault rifle clattered to the floor a moment later.

Both Spartan's shields glittered in the darkness, alarms blared just before the Master Chief's shields slowly began to recharge. Lt. Riley's recharge 15 seconds later. The Chief carefully got to his feet feeling a little dizzy and asked, "Are you alright Lieutenant?" Riley rolled over and sat up,
"Everything's just peachy! Yeah I'm fine. Are you trying to get your self killed?" Lt.Riley half yelled.
"No, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. It worked didn't?"
Lt. Riley glared at him before standing. "Fool I would have been fine on my own."
"No your armor lost too much hydrostatic jell, so it would have hurt you more."
Just as Riley was about to respond Wallace interrupted her, "Chief you said that the elevator shaft was 50m, well you were wrong it was more like 102m to be precise."
"Well I guess I was wrong." He said.

"Shouldn't we get going Chief?" Cortana asked.

The Master Chief clicked on his flashlight and scanned the shaft. Directly ahead he saw a small sharply angled tunnel. "Hey Chief come take a look at this." Riley said. John walked over to where Riley stood, she indicated to a section of rock wall. John shinned his flashlight and saw a set of marks gouged into the wall. It glowed a faint eerie green.
"They almost look like.......almost like claw marks." Lt. Riley remarked.
"They don't seem very old." Wallace said suddenly.

"I've seen something like this before a board the Covenant cruiser Aqula Fields, along a half burned out section of the brig." The Master Chief replied.

"Well I wonder what made these kind of marks, it can't be something pleasant that's for sure." Lt. Riley added. "We shouldn't linger any longer.

The Spartan's followed the passageway deep underground. John held up his hand motioning them to stop. Chief and Lieutenant came to cross roads, with 2 other paths to choose from. One going right and one going left. "Oh what choices hey Chief sir?" Riley said sarcastically. Ignoring the remark, John was just about to choose a path when the sound of squeaks and jabbering steadily headed their way. The Chief motioned for Lt. Riley to hide back the way they came. He checked which way the sound was coming from just before retreating himself. From the left hand tunnel out emerged three black special ops Grunts, it appeared 2 were arguing over something with the third trying hopelessly to calm down the other 2.

The Master Chief and Lt. Riley clicked the safeties off their weapons then were about to take a step forward, when suddenly they all heard scratching grinding noises. Everyone stop dead in their tracks, the Grunts began looking around in every direction at once, the argument now forgotten. The scratching started then stopped. A few small rocks fell from the ceiling, the larger of the three special ops Grunts walked over to where the rocks fell. John crouched lower in the black shadows, tightening his grip on his assault rifle. Scratching started once again then stopped.
The Grunt stared up at the ceiling, a few more rocks fell. The little black armored alien hopped out of the way. When all of a sudden something blasted through the ceiling landing right on his head, the Grunt screamed and panicked as what ever it was bit down. The other 2 Grunts fired their plasma pistols, totally missing. They fired again, one bolt hit their failing comrade in his leg, and the second bolt hit the thing in it's side. Which gave the Grunt a final bite then leapt off clinging to a rock unfazed by being hit by hot plasma, while snapping it's jaws and growling at the 2 remaining Grunts.
The first little alien was clearly dead, lying in a pool of his own ooze. "Die you slimy creature!" squeaked one standing Grunt, who let off a blast at the creature with his over charged plasma pistol. The 'creature' on the wall leaped just as it was about to be hit. Grunt 2 opened fire, with each shoot missing.

This new little bastard could sure move fast thought the Chief. The 'creature' zipped around each wall easily dodging all plasma bolts. It then landed on Grunt 2. "Get it off it's biting me yaaaaaa..." He yelled. "Help help get it off!!!" "Hold still, stop moving!" panted the third. No. 3 fired but instead of hitting the 'creature', it hit his buddy square in his black armored back, leaving a charred smoking hole. The 'creature' once again leapt out of the way tearing a huge chunk of Grunt along with it. "Oops didn't mean to do that." Said Grunt number three.
The 'creature' spat out the piece of meat back at the lone Covenant, then lunged for his throat. The Grunt fell with a loud crunch as his neck was broken even before he hit the ground.

Time to act, the Master Chief and Lt. Riley charged forward aiming for the strange 'creature' tearing at the Grunt's body. This time it wasn't quite fast enough to dodge 2 Spartan's assault. It screamed then landed in a heap three feet away from them.
"What is that thing?" Riley said.

The Chief bent down to examine the thing more closely. It was about house cat sized, dark green black scales red belly, lizard like at least most of it's head and body looked like a lizard. Except the rest appeared half machine, with large sharp teeth. The back legs and tail are entirely mechanical, and on it's back was a jet pack like device. "This must be how it hops around so quickly." John said. Pointing to it.

"Hey Wallace have you ever seen anything like this before?" Lt. Riley asked. "Nope Lieutenant I have never." "How about you Cortana?"
"Negative I have not." Cortana replied. "Great something new!"
"We should get moving, how about we follow were the Grunts came from?" Stated the Chief. Riley nodded gladly leaving the grotesque site behind them. END OF PART NINE

AN: sorry that it is taking me so very long to post this. I was having troubles posting. Very frustrating.
