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Fan Fiction

Halo: Lost and Found pt:7
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 June 2004, 9:37 PM

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Major Silva was partially displeased with the results of team Sniper Viper's mission. A second Spartan found another 'liability' Silva thought darkly as Lt. Riley Spartan 007 left his office, but none the less a solider capable of causing the Covenant some real damage.
Lt. Riley made a b-line straight for the shower's, which felt good after being in her MJOLNIR armor for a total week. A hot meal was waiting for her after the shower, Riley was appreciative to the marine who brought it to her, while Wallace meet the rest of Alpha base and shared select information with Wellsey. The information was just what Alpha base needed. A hot three minute shower, food, and some sleep was just what Riley was longing for. She woke up four and a half hours later feeling much better. The room she is in, now Lt. Riley got a better look at it because as soon as she came in Riley crashed on the nearest cott. This room is small with two standard cotts crammed in three feet a part, in the far corner was a foot locker no doubt belonging to the Master Chief. Riley wasn't too happy about sharing a room with him she would have preferred a room to herself, but there was no choice.
Lt. Riley got up stretched her stiff limbs, sighed, and looked down at her left arm. There covering most of the upper arm was a tattoo of a golden dragon wrapped around a fierce white tiger. In large letters the word SPARTAN 007, but faintly behind the 'N' still clearly visible enough was the roman numeral one. Looking at it almost brought tear's to Riley's eye's, it reminded her of so much, she had to put her mind on something else. Riley turned and walked toward her armor sitting at the end of the cott. The MJOLNIR armor was so much a part of her she did not know what she would do if it was destroyed. It still had a dark green shine with many black scorch marks especially on the legs and boots. This armor has been through hell and back. Riley smiled slightly and pushed a short strand of red brown hair out of her eye's. She needed was a small replacement part for the shield system, the piece was damaged in the crash on Halo. To Lt. Riley's surprise as she lifted up one of the gauntlets, there was just the piece she needed. Well switching the part was easy, checking every inch was easy, now the tricky part is putting everything back on. But Riley did it before and she could done it again. It took over fifteen minutes but every piece was back on and fitted properly.
Just as she put her helmet on then sealed the suit someone knocked at the door, "Come in" Riley said stifling a yawn. The Master Chief entered the room, Riley stood there arms crossed watching him carefully.
"Did you get enough sleep?" He asked.

"Yes and thanks for the part I really appreciated it." Riley replied. She figured he was the one who gave it to her considering they were the only two Spartans at Alpha base.

"Your welcome, I checked the stats of you're your armor and found the shields were not functioning as they should. Anyway I uh I came to find out if you want a personal tour of the base?" The Chief said. Looking at Riley with a hint of curiosity.

"Sure why not it's home for now right? Ok led on Chief."

The Master Chief took led out of the room and walked with Riley all around Alpha Base. Through many barracks, storage areas, the main command room, radio room, medical bay which is located in a cave under Alpha base, to the make shift armory and vehicle station. then a few area's that Lt. Riley already has seen, finally ending up at one of the ridges over looking a long grassy field.

"This spot here I sometimes come to think." The Chief said. "It has a nice view doesn't it? But I don't get to come here often though always busy with one thing or another."

Lt. Riley looked out across the ridge then said, "Yeah it sure is nice you can see quite a ways. Thanks for the tour it was helpful, well I'm going to get Wallace talk to you later." And with that Riley sprinted down the slop towards the command room, leaving the Chief standing there surprised. "Hey wait up!" He called after her then changed his mind.

"Cortana I don't understand her one bit!" The Chief chuckled.

"Oh I am sure you will." Cortana laughed. "Shall we head back then?"

"Right we need to prepare for the next batch of arrens curtsey of Major Silva and inform Lt. Riley of all the up coming fun!"

The Master Chief and his small team which consisted of himself and Spartan 007 received the rest of the day 'off' so to speak. With not much to do, The Chief and Lt. Riley talked a bit more as they prepared for the next day. Riley checked over her pistol and cleaned it twice. Wallace had some fun with Wellsey. All and all the day was pretty good. Mission one was to find a Covenant vehicle repair station which was hidden in a wide deep cave. The mission went off without a hitch, Spartan 007 was a big help. The Chief was very glad he had another Spartan to count on, no casualties to report.
Mission two locate and destroy a 'Big Horn' Covenant weapon. This mission was a little more difficult than the first, there were many close calls as the huge weapon was heavily guarded. Many marines came back injured, the doc was quite busy. Five marines where killed, a tough loss for Alpha base.
Mission three was by far the most boring mission the Spartan/Marine team was sent to do. The job was to escort a set of Scorpion tanks to retrieve some Covenant weapons, grenades, and anything else from an abandoned Forerunner building. Three and a half days three successful missions. With another half days rest, a good meal and hot shower, the Spartan team was ready for mission four.
Find an ancient Forerunner structure, what was so special about this building was located deep within some where the team did not know but it was their job to find a extremely old Forerunner artifact hopefully before the Covenant do. The Structure is in a snowy valley surrounded by rocks and old ruins.

The Pelican drop ship loaded with the Master Chief and Lt. Riley arrived a quarter of a mile away from the structure. Foehammer's voice crackled over the comm. "Radio in when you find the artifact and I'll come pick you up team." "Roger that Foehammer Cortana out."

"We should head this way." Cortana said. An orange Nav marker appeared in both Spartan's HUD.

"Hey I was just about to suggest that!" Squeaked Wallace.

" I guess you will have to be faster than me!" Cortana replied coolly.
"Now now you to don't start an argument." Replied Riley. "You will get your chance to help Wallace." "I hope I do." Lt. Riley smiled then said, "Well shall we get going then?"

"Aren't I supposed to say that?" The Chief asked.

"Oh don't you start with me to!"

The Master Chief and Lt. Riley moved as silently as they could down the valley. Snow still crunched loudly under foot. At the end, the valley opened up into a much larger area surrounded by high rock walls. In the middle stood a large ancient structure that is where the Spartans are supposed to enter. Surrounding the building were statues, stone blocks, archways, and many snow covered jagged broken stone chunks. With many places to hide behind. Riley activated the 2x scope on her pistol and scanned the area. Patrolling around the building were three red Elites, six Jackals, and six Grunts. All the Grunts were doing a funny little dance thing apparently to keep warm. A cold wind picked up. Well this should be fun Riley thought. "So Chief what's the plan?"

"We will sneak up as close as we can without alerting any of the Covenant, throw an grenade each to get their attention then open fire. We have the cover of night to protect us." The Chief explained.

Lt. Riley gave a thumbs up then both started to advance. The Spartans got as close as they dared, primed a fragmentation grenade each and let them fly. The Chief's landed with a soft thud near three Jackals and two Grunts. Before they even reacted the grenade exploded sending up chunks of flesh, rocks, and snow. Riley's bounced off the second step, rolled back a ways, Two Elite's jumped and rolled out of the way. But one Jackal and one Grunt were not as fast when the grenade exploded killing the two lesser Covenant. "Show off!" Riley muttered under her breath. The Chief smiled to himself, he heard the comment but did not let her know he did. The two Spartans unslung an MA5B assault rifle in one quick fluid motion and opened fire at the confused remaining Grunts and Jackals.

Sorry that I have not posted for those who read my stuff, have'nt had the time to post more. But here it is part 7. Enjoy
