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Fan Fiction

halo: Lost and Found pt.4
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 24 April 2004, 8:50 PM

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Part IV

The Master Chief and team Sniper Viper carefully crept up to a large sliding door a few feet away, the Chief held his hand up signaling his team to stop. The Chief walked very slowly up to the door until it opened quietly, he peered in. On each sides of the room were lined with holding cells, as well as six Jackals and as far as he could tell one Elite.
"Cortana are you sure the signal was coming from here?" the Chief whispered.

"Yes Chief I am sure."

"It could be a trick you know we could walk into an ambush."

"No the signature was unique and trust me there is only those seven you see there, my sensors are not picking up any more......right now." Cortana added.

"We will see about that." The Chief whispered more to himself than to Cortana. He moved back to the team.

"Miller and Kooc," The Chief ordered " Stay at the door and provide cover fire watch for reinforcements, the rest of you are with me, on my mark." He waited for the opportune moment to strike........."NOW!!"

The team stormed into the room, Master Chief went straight for a black Elite who ducked behind a pillar and two Jackals moved in. The Chief rolled to his left and aimed for under the Jackals shield, he was rewarded with a howl the vulture like creature let out as it collapsed to the floor in a puddle. The second scored two hits on the Chief's shoulder causing the shields to drain, but the Chief was ready, he easily dodged the next plasma bolts then lashed out with the butt of his assault rifle. Smashing it down hard on the Jackals head splashing his armor in the creatures goo. Now he was free to move towards the Elite. Who tried to melee the Chief as he came around the pillar. The Chief met the Elite's plasma rifle with his own assault rifle causing the two weapons to bounce backward. The force caused them to fly from both opponents hands. John brought his left fist up and connected it with the Elite's jaw. The Elite roared as he staggered sideways a few steps from the blow then regained his balance. "Human trash!" The Elite yelled defiantly in slightly slurred basic. The Elite then started running towards the Chief, he then lowered his right shoulder preparing to smash it into the Chief. John saw this and braced himself for the impact which came exceedingly quickly. The Elite slammed into the Master Chief with so much energy that it knocked him down and sent him sliding across the metal floor. John came to a stop at the base of a control panel. That is one strong Elite he thought a normal one would not have sent him flying. He reached for his shotgun which was not there, the Chief saw it lying on the other side of the room. The armor's shields started to recharge as the Chief got to his feet, the Elite was now standing by his M90 shotgun with one large foot resting on it.

"You want this you have to go through me first!" he chuckled.

"Fine have it your way we will do it the hard way then." John replied shaking his head.

They both charged at each other, the Chief went down low and kicked out with his right foot, which the Elite jumped over then followed up by bringing down his black elbow, but caught nothing but air as the Master Chief summer saluted backwards landing perfectly on his feet. "Careful Chief." Cortana whispered in his ear. "Don't worry aren't I always!" He replied. "Do I have to answer that?" The Elite charged again this time dodging the human's gauntlet fist that was headed straight for his head. The black warrior grabbed the human's wrists and tried to crush and twist the green armor, but this time John was faster he brought his helmeted head forward crashing it into the unexpected black Elite's forehead, causing the Elite to lose his grip on John's wrists. John quickly kicked as hard as he could into the Elite's stomach forcing him to the ground where he lay groaning and clutching his side. The Elite grabbed the Master Chief's foot and dragged him down to his level, the two struggled on the ground each trading blows back and forth.

Mike Dano just started reloading his assault rifle when an Elite holding a plasma sword stepped out in front of him. The golden Elite swung his sword high towards Dano, which Dano met with his assault rifle. The plasma sword easily sliced through the marine's weapon cutting it in two, Dano cursed. The sword was swung so closely to Dano the tip grazed his armor slicing a three meter long gash. Dano screamed and fell backwards in pain holding his chest. The gold Elite laughed at the humans misfortune. Miller turned saw Dano on the ground, he leveled his assault rifle at the Elite and yelled " Your dead buddy!" The Elite leaped high into the air towards Miller, gold barely felt the marine's bullets, he landed right in front of Miller, Kooc was horribly surprised by the Elite's aerial feats that he was stunned. All Dan Miller saw was a bright blue flash then darkness, he never felt hitting the floor. Kooc ducked under the Elite and rolled to hide behind a pillar to reload.

"Chief a little HELP here!" Kooc yelled.

The Chief slammed his elbow into the Elites winded body then broke free and ran over to his shotgun picked it up and blasted the black Elite right in the chest. "Sorry but I got to go." The Chief said then stepped over the dead body of the black Elite as all eye's turned to the gold Elite standing in the doorway laughing at his last kill.

"Duck and cover everyone!"

Master Chief barked as he primed and threw a plasma grenade at the gold Elite, which stuck to it's leg, the Elites laugh turned to a scream as he ran around in circles, then was silenced as the plasma grenade exploded splashing the walls with purple goo and chunks of flesh.

"That was for Miller!" spat Kooc then turned away sickened by the sight of the Elite.

The Chief and the rest of the team walked over to Dano who was propped up against a wall. Blood streamed out of the gash covering Dano's hands and front.

"Are you all right?" John asked.

"Yeah.....yeah, but that sure scared the shit right out of me sir." Dano replied. "I never want to experience that again in my life!"

"Get some bio-foam on that wound solider, Kooc help bandage him up." Kooc nodded and did what he was ordered to do. The Chief grabbed Miller's tags and marked him as KIA.

"Hey sir come take a look at this." Stephn said sounding astonished.

The Chief jogged over to where Stephn was standing.

"Is that another Spartan sir?" Stephn asked.

Sure enough sitting in the back of the cell was another green armored solider. The Chief's heart almost skipped a beat.

"Cortana was this where the signal was coming from?"

"......yes Chief I do believe so."

The Chief could not believe what he was seeing, was this real or was it some Covenant trap. No his mind told him but how?

"Stephn hit the controls now!" the Chief ordered.

Stephn quickly did what he was told to and hit the controls, as soon as the force field went down, John stepped into the cell he knelt down beside the Spartan he connected a link to the armor. Who ever it was they were semiconscious he checked their stats, everything seemed to be normal breathing and heart rate were normal. The rest of the team stood at the cell door staring spell bound.

"Is everything alright sir?" Kooc asked.

John hesitated a moment then said.

"Yes lets get out of here and finish our mission I don't want to stay here any more than I have to."

The Master Chief "piggy backed" the unknown Spartan, he had many questions to ask this person. John was unsure he could not get much information when he linked to the armor it's like it had some kind of "firewall" blocking him out. There is something very odd about the Spartan, The Master Chief knew every Spartan he trained with but this one is different, the armor was a lot more banged up than his own and it is a shade darker. John thought he should automatically know the person in this armor he didn't.

