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Halo 2, Part 1:Battle for Earth
Posted By: Richard Thesiger<armegedenisnow@endoftheworld>
Date: 20 September 2003, 2:10 PM
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Well theres so many stories on this webpage i doubt this will even get read but ive been holding on to it for too long to be honest. tell me what u think i knwo it doesnt suck - Rick
Halo 2, Part 1: Battle for Earth
He drifted, gracefully, majestically and seamlessly. The Freighter behind him became small and indistinct. His body was alight with the multiple explosions that shook the planets surface. Earths surface. He looked to see how beautiful it was. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to remember earth from down there, from when he was a child. He couldn't. He opened his eyes. And steadied himself. He was still drifting, like a bird gliding towards its prey. The ship that had so well carried him and nurtured him was nothing more than a spec against an all black sky. He landed with a thud on top of an amazingly beautiful vessel. It was magnificent. It's curves it's angles, everything. The surface was perfectly glossy. It reflected the suns rays this way and that casting beautiful, multi coloured light against his armour. He crouched. He readied his weapon. He was Earth's last chance. He was Master Chief. Somewhere deep inside the ship a lonely jackal scratched his head in wonderment. He looked up at the ceiling carefully, examining every surface. He swore to himself that he heard something. A minute passed by. Still nothing. The creature turned his head and carried along the corridor. Suddenly from behind him and explosion ripped through the top of the ship, sending debris and dust everywhere. The jackal looked back in amazement, his face reflecting true fear. He was sucked back quickly out of the top of the ship, out into space. As he zoomed away from The Peace and Negotiation he noticed a something holding onto one of the communication antennas. The thing looked humanlike though it was wearing thick greenish armour and he stood much taller than a normal human. As he slipped past he made out the expression on its face, just barely through its visor. It was grinning. The Master Chief dropped down into the corridor, the suction now almost completely gone. He immediately rushed towards the door and jumped through. It closed less than a second behind him. Alarms were ringing everywhere and lights were flashing on the walls. He heard a covenant voice over the ships radio. "I think there onto us," Cortana whispered. "I know", Chief said coldly while he blasted quickly at 3 approaching grunts. A plasma shot hit his armour and he fell to the ground. "I'm getting to old for this," he chuckled to himself as he straightened up and dealt out another dose of pain. The Chief walked calmly forwards over the lifeless bodies, casually picking up a plasma pistol. "Just in case" he said to himself. The Master chief rounded the corner in a nimble trot. He walked up to 3 elites who didn't even notice him in the confusion. They where talking rapidly. Ducking into a dark corner he pulled out a grenade and lobbed it into the middle of their little conversation. One of them looked down at it curiously and picked it up, sniffing it instinctively. It exploded sending his and the other two's flesh across the corridor. 'God they stink,' Chief though as he stepped carefully over their carcasses. All that time navigating the Truth and Reconciliation on Halo had definitely come in handy as he easily found he way round this, near identical ship. He had to deal with a couple of small enemy groups on his way, but not much, which meant the majority where on the surface of the planet. "Not good" he said. He turned another corner and emptied a clip into a pack of grunts. He was beginning to like his new weapon. Then as he ran through the door he realized where he was. "The bridge! We made it!" Cortana exclaimed with much enthusiasm. "But wait, it's empty? Perhaps they're all on the surface?" Master chief aimed his weapon this way and that, spotting no obvious danger. He relaxed. "They are all on the surface. I don't see why they don't just glass the planet though I guess we should be thankful they haven't" He paused for a moment getting a full awareness of his surroundings. He felt something was watching him, checked his motion detector and found nothing. He dismissed the idea and spoke confidently to Cortana. "Let's do what we came to do" Chief walked towards the control panel. He entered a few key commands. "I'll set the ships guns to fire on the Covenant bombers. That'll take some heat off the remaining ground teams." He entered a couple more figures and checked the monitors. The master warrior stopped suddenly. He swore to himself that he heard something. He spun around 180 degrees firing his rifle into the air. In front of him bullets reflected of something. Something metallic. Armour. He fired in its general direction to no avail. The thing, whatever it was, was approaching and fast. He reached down to his waist and unfastened the plasma pistol. He charged it up and fired, scoring a direct hit. The camouflage fizzed out, as did the shields, just as he had suspected. It stood 12 feet high. It had a body shape similar to that of an Elite but he was obviously much stronger. Its entire body was covered in hair giving it a somewhat ape like appearance. The thing cocked its head in wonderment. Master Chief raised his rifle. He fired, sending a bullet through the brain of his advisory. "What the hell was that!" he shouted loudly. "I don't know what it was." Cortana replied, with a sense of fear. "Analysing", her metallic voice echoed throughout the chamber. " Got it. That was a Covenant Brute. A relatively new addition to the collection of races but a nasty one at that. They have the second highest social status within the entire collection only under the infamous 'prophets', whom they are sworn to protect. Good job you took him down before he ignited his plasma sword." The chief looked solemnly at his vanquished foe. Its blood began leaking over the floor and its limbs occasionally contorted. The last signs of life. The ship violently shook, causing Chief to crash to the floor. "It's the other ships. They think the crew of Peace and Negotiation have gone crazy." The sirens that had died down beforehand roared into life. The room was cast into a low yellow light and the ship was swerving from side to side, Earth's gravity steadily pulling it out of orbit. The ship was falling, not gracefully, not majestically and certainly not seamlessly. Smoke was pouring out of its engines and it began twirling down faster and faster. Earth grew larger through the viewing screen and master chief got a sense of déjà vu. It entered the atmosphere causing the super structure to rock violently. It was now travelling at tremendous speed, occasionally shaking from the odd volley one of the other ships sent its way. It came down, now only a couple of kilometres from the ground. Chief caught a glance of clouds zooming past. It landed violently and explosively, sending Master Chief flying up against the wall. It went black.
The marines were cheering. They had witnessed the large Covenant cruiser descend from the sky and plunge onto the Earths surface, crippled beyond repair. They ran towards it, civilians following cautiously behind. Every now and then one would fire his rifle into the air or in the direction of the odd Covenant trying to escape out of the wreckage. That was the third ship down in as many minutes. The lead marine, Peterson, ran up to the side of the ship. "Peace and Negotiation" he translated to all. A grunt fell out of one of the docking bay doors. He had lost a leg and was moaning softly to itself. "Negotiate this!" the soldier cried as he emptied nearly his whole clip into the belly of the beast, it's blood staining his clothes. Some of the civilians turned away in disgust. Another thing dropped down. It was large and green but it was also human like. Peterson kicked it over, assault rifle at the ready. "What the hell is that?" he said in a confused manner. Master Chief opened his eyes. A few centimetres from his visor was a rifle. He grabbed it in one smooth action flipping it around and aiming it at his enemy. "Master chief UNSC, who the Hell are you?" "Peterson, private first class, UNSC. What the hell is a Master Chief?" "A Master Chief?" a women's voice echoed from no-where causing Peterson to look about wildly. "He is the last of his kind. Bred for combat, built for war. He is the master of every weapon, pilot of every vehicle and he fears no enemy. And as he is Earths last hope at the moment would appreciate not having a gun aimed at his head!" The marine opened and closed his eyes slowly. Master chief stood up calmly and handed back the weapon. He looked at the bunch of soldiers. They reminded him of the crew of the Pillar Of Autumn. He felt a sense of longing but quickly dismissed it. The proud warrior was becoming too emotional and he knew it. It would have to stop. "Where's Earths defence based at the moment?" He said with a voice colder than ice. Peterson spoke, his voice quivering, "about 10 minutes that way" and he pointed northwards. "All right then. Follow me!" Chief Stormed ahead, loading a new magazine into his weapon and casually wiping blood off his visor. At first not one the marines moved. They all look on in fear baffled by this strange apparition who they were expected to follow so blindly. However Peterson, The lead marine, took one step forward. Then another. Then another until he began to walk. He pulled the magazine out of his gun and popped in a new one two. Turning round he screamed to his men: "What's the matter? You wanna live forever!" he slammed the bolt down on his gun and run up into line with the chief. Each marine jumped forward and all of them together caught up with their new leader, the master warrior. They were here to fight. They wouldn't have it any other way.