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Fan Fiction

The Life of a Marine: part 1
Posted By: Rebel Shuttle<xenleader12@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 May 2004, 7:51 AM

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0100 Hours, September 6, 2552 (Military Callendar) /
Near hangars of Theta VII Planetary Tactical HQ

Why did Aaron always seem to end up on the wrong side of the grenade? As he turned the corridor a plasma grenade dropped from another hole in the ceiling. And as usual Aaron had to quickly back around the turn he just went through. Three seconds went by and the walls flashed bright blue from the explosion.

Peeking around while checking for any more hostilities a grunt had dropped down from above. Unfortunately, for it was cut down from the burst of three assault rifles. That was Aaron's cue, he rounded into the vaulted hallway his squad mates had secured and made his way to the large titanium-a door that dominated the end of it. Making sure to keep to the left so Private Stanford, a short man wearing a red bandana and Private Anderson, a tall guy and his UNSC Marine cap could kill their share of grunts.

"Thought we lost you again," said a partially relieved Corporal Simpson.
"You know how those damn grunts are," Aaron, who is also a Corporal, replied.

Then Aaron turned toward the door keypad and typed in the personnel access code. He had been the only one to get a copy of what they were before the Covenant attacked. Now as always, Aaron was safest going last.

The keypad chimed and the slab of titanium that separated Aaron's squad from the hangar slid open. Everyone moved through, Aaron went last. He made a quick check of the threshold for fallen items and moved through himself. When the door slammed shut, it crushed a really retarded grunt that charged at Aaron hoping to fight him hand to hand. Nodding at the satisfying results Aaron moved toward the hangar. Private Anderson was waiting for him near one of the Pelicans, designated Delta 32.

"Hurry up we don't have all day!" he called over the roar of several Pelicans that were taking off.

Aaron picked up his pace and jogged up the loading ramp of Delta 32. He picked a seat on the right between Private Kerry and Private Buchan. It felt relaxing to sit down, after running around shooting at every flood of grunts that streamed through a blast door. Anderson got in last and took a seat next to the Pelican's back entrance. Too bad he couldn't shoot anything because the bay doors took five seconds to close.

Feeling it in the stomach first, Aaron knew this Pelican was taking off. As it did Aaron heard the strain filled groaning of someone throwing up. That someone was Private "Barf Bag" Troy. The guy threw up at least once every time Aaron's squad traveled in a Pelican, and it wasn't always at takeoff.

The sound of chyme and undigested MREs hitting the floor with a wet slapping sound sometimes made Aaron feel a little sick. Over time he had gotten used to it, but he still gagged a little.

"Jesus Christ! Ask the quartermaster for an EVA suit 'next frigate we get on Barf Bag," yelled Private "Bad Boy" Wesley, the squad badass.

"SHUTUP!" Barfbag retorted.

"Alright cut the horse shit!" yelled Corporal Simpson. That was technically an order, but without the Lieutenant everyone tended to disregard military protocol.

Private Buchan and Kerry had been giggling the whole time. Private Rowe, who had been sitting across from them, noticed that as well.

"What you laughin' about little girls?" Rowe asked mockingly.

"You'd best shut the fuck up before I stick my rifle so far down your throat you'll be shittin' gunpowder for year," Private Buchan snapped back "You overgrown piece of..." Buchan was cut off when the Pelican's loudspeaker screeched on.

"Attention, we will be docking on the UNSC frigate ,Cherrybloom, ETA five minutes" the pilot announced "Oh, and if you mind, please cut the horse shit" he added, repeating Corporal Simpson's order.

Apparently knowing they were a short Pelican ride and debriefing away from getting some sleep, that got everyone to calm down. No one talked, all that was heard was the rumbledrone of the Pelican's engines resonating through the hull. Aaron leaned his head back to briefly recollect on what had happened on Theta VII. But he slowly nodded off for some well deserved and needed sleep.

[Author's Note]:
I decided to scrap my The Other Reclaimer series because I think I did horrible on that. Anyways I decided to write this, I feel I have done a better job than before and I hope you like it. Sorry about the shortness, the next part should be longer. One last thing, Private Kerry has nothing to do with John Kerry. Any political message you see in this is coincidental.
