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Fan Fiction

Halo: The War of Symphonius (Part One, Ghost Ship)
Posted By: Raven460<sonic_22@charter.net>
Date: 20 October 2004, 1:18 AM

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Author's Note:
      Some of you may know of Chris L, or Raven, or now, Raven460. I would like to tell you all that they are all the same person, as in, me. Chris Luchterhand is my real name, Raven is my profile name in Halo, and Raven460 is a name I decided to use from now on. I know that my first series, Halo:Armageddon, was simply sickening. The second part of it was even worse. The next series I decided to write; Halo:Black War, was no better than the first series, the sequel blew chunks as well. My most recent, Halo:War of Surgica, Was a tiny bit better, but I still didn't realize that I should use the code. I really am sorry about the first few stories, and now, I would like to start fresh. Wish me luck!

      1942 Hours, December 21, 2553 (Military Calendar)/
UNSC Destoyer, Strata II en route to Vempris IV

      The Strata II seemed to hang in space for a moment, before warping into the nothingness of "slipstream"
space. The captain, Samuel Grayson, stood before the main viewport. He scratched his un-shaven chin, and peered off into the black, empty slipspace. He turned around, as a brisk voice called his name.
      "Sir! Captain!" the voice said again, Sam stared at the young navigation tech named Ryan O'Riley. He had tousled red hair, and a long, pointy nose. Freckles dotted his twenty-year old face. "Yes?" Sam asked, watching the young man's behavior around a superior. He was new here. Greyson's old nav. tech, Gary Redwolf, had been killed in the last major battle.

      "yes?" the captain repeated. "About a dozen Covenant battleships are waiting at the coordinants where we enter normal space!" He stuttered on these last few words, adding an effect of fear to the sentence. Several people in the bridge looked around, while whispers and mutters of; "The Covenant?" or, "Waiting for us?"
      Finally, the Captain answered. "Waiting for us?" He asked, arching one eyebrow. "Why would they do that?" "There's nothing of importance here!" He said, gesturing in mid-air. "Um, well, that's what we were hoping you could tell us," said Ryan, smiling weakly, and peering around the room. "Well then!" shouted the captain, studing his peers, all of whom were sitting in front of their computers, dumbstruck. "Very well sir, you've done your duty." Sam said, sending Ryan off, back to the dim navigation room. "Everyone!" shouted Sam, making everyone jump. "Back to your stations!"
      He walked over to Sara Trilling, the weapons technition. "Warm up our MAC cannons." "and arm all Archer missile pods, we will be entering normal space soon." Samual Greyson smirked. "Let's give the welcoming commitee a night to remember.

      1957 Hours, December 21, 2553 (Military Calendar)/
Longsword Patrol Ship H-7, on routine patrol of space around prototype UNSC Devastator class supership

      The gigantic prototype Devestator class starship's hull cast a shadow over the planet Epsilon 3. It was longer than two hundred of the UNSC's biggest Destroyers, which were about four thousand meters. Add fourteen full-sized MAC cannons, five hundred Archer Missle-pods, and six, prototype SMACs. (short for Super Magnetic Accelerator Cannons) Unfortunately, these, "SMACs" required enourmous amounts of energy. About the equivelant of about twelve fusion reactors. That was something that just wasn't possible. Twelve Fusion Reactors, all going off at the same time could result in a catalistic explosion, bigger that a super-nova.

      "Time for another crap patrol." said Bobby Fees, the pilot of the Longsword Patrol Ship, which was different than a normal intercepter. It was built with heavier armor, and twin mini-nuke cannons. The rear thrusters flared, and the Longsword shot out of the Devastator's hanger. "These patrols really suck." Said Bobby, to himself, since patrol ships only need one pilot. "Maybe I'll get lucky and see some action today." He said, looking around.
      Bobby made three full circuits around the Devestator, before picking up something large on radar. "Good lord." Bobby said, as he looked up, and saw something coming straight at the Devestator. It was big, but dwarfed by the size of the super-weapon that the UNSC had built to maybe scarf down a small victory. It was a UNSC frigate. Small fires dotted its surface, which was black, and scarred, like it was shot over and over again with plasma. Bobby's stomach twisted into a knot. There hadn't been any reported attacks from the Covenant for over three months. A rarity among this war. "Damnit!" Bobby shouted, as the badly damaged ship came toward the Devestator, not slowing at all. Bobby picked up a transmission coming from the supership he was patroling. "Warning, you are coming in too fast, slow down, or change course, we will not hesitate to fire!" Bobby, and everyone on board the Devestator listened for a reply, but none came. "Repeat, you are on a collision course, we cannot move fast enough for you to miss us, slow down, or change course!" Still no reply. Bobby knew what was coming, and gunned the throttle. He sped away from the two ships about to collide, and watched. The smaller ship did not slow down, it came faster than ever, and nose-dived into the top of the Devestator, scraping off three layers of battle armor. The smaller ship swung around, and its side slammed into the giant ship, causing multiple "bangs!" to erupt, and great billowing clouds of fire and smoke erupted from the Devestator. The frigate stayed there, stuck to the side of the supership, like someone docked it there, but it seemed that no one was on board.
      "Odd," thought Bobby, rocketing back toward the massive prototype ship. There was a "ghost-ship" to explore, no one wanted to miss the fun.
