The Alliance: Part Three
Posted By: pooman<cardfootballfan@aol.com>
Date: 10 September 2003, 8:06 PM
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Authors note: this is the first Part of The Alliance, part 3, to be co-written by Conor (a.k.a.) coviekiller and in the story, Konor. In the last chapter Mychal Beam was looked upon as somewhat of a hero. Well actually he was picked for the suicide mission secretly by the commanding officers for because he was gay. He was normal until he was 8, then when he was raped by a polar bear at the zoo, things took a turn for the worst. He was kicked out of his all male school for un-necessary touching in the showers. ENJOY THE STORY
The last of the covenant were headed towards the moon base. 13 of the covies finest vessels completely surrounded in plasma defense. The ships all were equipped with plasma blast-cannons capable of that of a nuke. The atomic generators inside the ships hull were powering the weapons and communications, and in the docks were drop ships being fueled up with their escorts.
After the emergency EVAC from the ships the moon was overcrowded with makeshift bunkers, medical tents, fighting vehicles, and strategically placed teams of shock troops and convoys. "What the hell is that!", yelled an angry Sergeant pointing at a centerfold of playboy hanging in the HELLJUMPERS bunker. "Hey Serge lighten up, at least it isn't playgirl like it is in the officers bunkers.", said Ben. "Ill have you know that is the bunker I reside in", answered the Serge matter-of-factly. "Your point?", said the sniper Konor. All of the guys started laughing as the red-faced Sergeant walked out. But what happened next shut them all up really quick. A plasma round came whistling into the bunker and the concrete ceiling caved in on top of all of them. After the crawled out of the rubble the leader of the unit , Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield, yelled for a casualties check. No one was injured besides a bruise or too. "ALL ARMED PERSONEL TO YOUR POSTS A.S.A.P., THIS IS NOT A DRILL" boomed an urgent voice over the PA's on the base, and an alarm was raised and the foot-marines mobilized onto drop ships, warthogs, scorpions, and the rest were put on standby. "Ok the covies are closing in and we will be the tip of the spear ,take down the heavy stuff like elites, hunters, any vehicles or turrets and try to save the recon and foot-marines asses, the last thing we need is a boat-load of newbies sent back to there crying mommas" said Ben in an easy tone as if this type of thing occurred on a daily basis. The team went out on foot to a strategic point of contact, or as the marines would say "the hell hole". Konor and Ben were racking up kills the second they saw the covies get off the ships. Konor sniped them as Ben used his fast hands with the AR and anyone stupid enough get come up to us was wasted with a click-click-boom from his shotgun. "Sanchez, you see that group of them over?" said Konor to demo expert Miguel Sanchez "Yeah what about the bastards" "frag them to hell!" three fragmentation pins were pulled within the next 5 seconds and bloody bodies cluttered the area. But in return a spray of needler rounds hit Sanchez and corporal Watson tried to pull them out but the both of them exploded and blood sprayed the remaining 4 of them "You guys let that be a lesson, you'd have thought a HELLJUMPER would know not to try and pull out needler rounds", Said Ben to the squad in an angry but solemn voice. The battle raged on and was looking bleak for the squad. With ammo low and 2 casualties, the HELLJUMPERS were about ready to throw in the towel. The covies were still going strong down in the river valley, until a long sword attack run came. Missiles took out turrets, groups of them and vehicles. The covie force was weakened but there were still more. The drop ships returned back to the fleet and the SERPHS stopped attacking the base. The marines were sent back to the base to help rebuild what wasn't too badly damaged. I guess you could say the marines won, but it was a lose-lose situation. The covies lose vital troops while we lose part of the base and our men. Ben was debriefed and had hid dinner with Konor as usual. No one slept easy, because what happened that day, was only the beginning of all out hell. If the marines and the fore runner work together, this might not be too bad. But there wasn't as much support as needed today.