
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Part I:The GHOSTs
Posted By: pj-NYkr90<phantomf4@earthlink.net>
Date: 30 March 2003, 11:25 PM

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0450 Hours, UNSC Antaries, in Llunett orbit
"Men, your mission is to find the durasteel mines in the moon's rainforest and secure the site. There are two main reasons why were sending you guys in. One; There are grid maps in the control center and they contain the coordinates to Earth as well as other strongholds and population centers. The computers contain numerous AI units that need to be disabled or reclaimed. Two; The Marines stationed there are in desperate need of evac and are now holding off an unknown number of Covenant units. We cannot have them blow the base with C-12 because that base makes about one quater of our durasteel. Just take out the maps and AI,"explained the ship's captain, Gerald Akbar, "Is that clear?" "Sir, yes sir," they replied in unision.
"Sir, what are the rules of engagement," asked the team's sniper, Byron Jenkins. "Do not fire unless fired upon,"replied the captain. "I want you guys to come back in one piece. But don't make any mistake, if they are causing any threat to you or the civillians, take them down," he said in a solemn voice. The team's heavy weapons expert, Daniel Carter raised his hand.
"Sir, what are the mission guidelines?" "Good question, I was just about to get to that. Alright, the mission clock will begin at exactly 0630 hours. You will jump-jet into the atmosphere and when the air becomes stable, at about 35,000, you'll HALO(High Altitude, Low Opening) down to the DZ, which is a clearing in the rainforest. By the time you reach the DZ, we'll have deployed your 'package' about two klicks up the river. Your next objective is to follow the river upstream to get to your 'package'. Then you'll make your way through the rainforest to the mines. Then, pick off any covies you can from a distance then go in and fight. When the main objective is achieved, you guys will activate the GPS and hold position until relieved. Now there will be some shootin' and we don't want all of you guys to be killed. Be careful and watch the man's back who is next to you. By the time you relay yor message, the Pelican's ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival) will be three minutes. Then, the next GHOST team will replace you guys and take on the next bridge of the mission. Is that clear,"yelled the captain. "Sir, yes sir," the GHOST team again replied. "Now get ready. You guys have gotten less than an hour and thirty minutes to get ready." "Aye, aye sir."
The captain turned away and looked at the mission board and map. The team leader, Sergeant Peter Wagner, walked towards the captain and asked him,"What is the suspected enemy strength?" "Its estimated to be reasonable and able to handle Sarg'nt. Can you get this job finished; because if you can't then I'll find someone else who can." "I assure you Captain, me and my GHOSTs can carry out the job adequetly but I just don't want to lead my men into an ambush. I don't wan't to see anymore of my men lost to these freakin' aliens." "Well then I can assure you that your men have enough training to evade death and capture. Lighten up and get ready." "Yes sir."
Peter's best friend, the sniper Byron, yelled over,"Come on Pete, its time." Peter ran over and the team all joined together in a circle and put their right hands in the middle of the circle.
A Ghost is swift, a Ghost is silent, he kills his prey, he achieves his goals. A Ghost is silent, a Ghost is a titan. He will fight and die to defend the human race and will never surrender.

0530, UNSC Antaries, in Llunett orbit
The GHOST team assembled their gear and were all armed. Their black armor reflected off of the high intensity lights. The armor all had shields and motion trackers. Peter and the assault expert, Alen Redman, had MA7B assault rifles with a scope and a new type of ammo. Plasma ammo. The rounds contained plasma that exploded inside the target(more like a victim). The Demolitins Expert, Johnathan Lanscing, had an MP-17B Machine Pistol as well as a SPNKr RPGL and C-12s. Daniel had an M762A and Byron had a SSML M12 Sniper Rifle. The team was ready an hour ahead of schedule.
They headed down to the cafateria and ate breakfast when an alert sounded over the intercom system. "Covenant landing pods inbound for the cruiser. All forces at defensive positions on bays A-E." The alarm began to sound and the GHOST team assembled in their designated position.
In a second, they were all ready to fight and entrenched with empty ammo crates and chemical containers. The airlock to the team's position began to heat up and then melted into a pile of steaming metal.
Covenant poured through. Two elites fell to sniper rounds. Peter and Alen were conserving ammo firing one round into each and watching as the enemy fell to them, their fleshy insides melting and burning. Then, Peter's HeadCOM set lighted up with scramble and talk. Then, he turned it to the UHF frequency and he heard the captain tell his team,"Your mission clock is being bumbed ahead. Your mission begins at 0545 hours. Get to the jump-pods and get out, we'll be alright." "Alright team, let's get to the jump-pods!" The team began to fire at the Covenant and charge through the airlocks. They came throught the gauntlet unscathed.
When they got to the jump-pods, they saw a team of Marines pinned down. "Let's get 'em," said Daniel. He fired releasing a hail of fire on the Covenant grunts firing on the Marines. Five elites came in charging with needlers and fuel-rod cannons. Two shells went past. The crytal needles flew past and richocheted off of the team's armor. "Grenade,"yelled Johnathan as he tossed a frag grenade into the hoarde. Three of them blew away and hitting the roof of the hall. The other two's shields flicked and then failed. Then, the Marines that were pinned down fired on the remaining two elites, taking them down.
The team ran up the stairs and advanced towards the jump-pods. The Marines nodded and saluted in thanks that the GHOST team had been there to save them. The team entered into the pods and strapped themselves in. The fighting onboard the Antaries had been only an prolouge for the events that were to follow. The team all checked in and then they pushed the button that launched them into space. Peter felt as the free-fall of space tookover from the ships artificial gravity. Peter hoped for his team as well as those still on the ship made it out alive and survived the Covenant onslaught.
