Drowning in Sorrow - Chapter Two - The Rings of Power
Posted By: Phoenix89uk<phoenix89uk@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 September 2003, 4:16 PM
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Drowning in Sorrow... A Halo Fan Fiction by Phoenix89uk
Chapter 2 - The Rings of Power
The intelligence officer looked at the plans. It was a brilliant idea - but looked so... so delicate - not at all like what it would end up being like. The Flood outbreak had finally been brought under control - and the Forerunners latest weapon was under lock and key back on Terra for the time being, but the Forerunner leaders had decided that the weapon would have to be kept away from all friendly life forms until they had found a way to control it. There had been many designs - but this one was the best. The proposed installations would provide space for experimenting, a prison for the Flood, and a defence system that would prevent any outbreaks leaving the installations. The cost, however, was proving a problem - the project would cost well over a trillion units - and use up millions of man-units of time. Still, the supreme emperors had decided to go ahead with the project - and she had been placed in charge of constructing the rings. She had decided to build a test ring in the Sol system, seeing as Terra was where the Flood was being kept for the time being. That installation, installation T1, had been a great success. All that was needed now was for her to give the go ahead for the seven actual project rings - and that had been done 12 units ago.
Twenty Years Later...
The engineer looked at her project - her almost complete project. It had been a very long time in the making, but now was almost complete - only installation 04 had to be completed. She had designed the rings to be beautiful, but strong - she remembered her calculations for speed & size - they had taken up well over 65 GU's of computer space - the largest design she had ever drawn up - and she had designed the machine that had given Terra her moon, Luna. The Flood was now being moved into their prisons on the ring worlds, and all that was left to do was to complete the AI systems - which she was doing now - naming them, in fact. The Alpha ring would be under the control of 010 Guardian Angel. Installation 02 would be monitored by 121 Dark Power. Installation 03 would be manned by 232 Electric Storm, Installation 04 by 343 Guilty Spark, and the other three still had to be named. The computer gurus were particularly pleased by these AI constructs - they had been built to carry each ring's control programs within them, should they ever have to be removed from the Libraries and placed into a core, and they were all capable of surviving any blast - including the ring pulse lasers after they had hit their targets. These pulse lasers would be used for two purposes - to either assist the flood if they ever used them as a biological weapon, or as a defence against them should they break loose. The power that would be unleashed when each ring hit its target would be immense - the wormholes had been specifically placed to give the largest blast possible. All that was now left was to move everything onto the rings. Several people who had seen the plans had commented that the rings looked slightly like the rings on top of an angel's head - the heads being the planets they orbited. He liked that idea, and that was what the rings of the project had come to be known as - The Halos. The test firing was now about to be put into action - just a minor blast, which wouldn't actually effect any life in the galaxy permanently, but that was supposed to knock most life forms out momentarily. It was the Emperor himself who was reuniting the test index with the Alpha ring's core as she thought. As he placed it into the terminal, Guardian Angel announced that the detonation was five seconds away... Deep in space, she saw her dream come true. Alpha Halo sent out its beam to all the other rings, and she saw the orange cones build up in the centre of each ring. This was the year 97448BC - and it was her best year in existence. The cones of the pulse lasers each fired - and hit the strategically placed black holes, which exploded, and sent pieces of carved rock and energy beam deep into space. It went perfectly - her nausea passed after 5 milli-units - the exact predicted time. All that was left now was to complete all the rings, and create the full power indexes...